Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1582: Seven purple, the purpose of the tribe

Xin Yuanxian’s explanation is very detailed and very image. Yang Junshan has already understood the role of Hongmengqi.

Yang Junshan thought for a moment and said: "The core of the competition for this fairy palace is that this is a singularity? Just don't know how much this singularity is? If you think that the number is very small, you don't have to attract so much. The magical person is only mastered by the master."

Xinyuan Xianzun nodded and said: "The Taoist friends said that the Zhouyuan world's original will will be able to breed a total of seven."


Yang Junshan was shocked first, followed by the heart, but his face was more and more calm, saying: "That means that at least seven people can be created?"

When this sentence is said, even Yang Junshan feels incredible. Is it true that the immortal is a Chinese cabbage?

"Under the ideal state, it is not a mistake to say that Junshan Daoyou is like this!"

Xinyuan Xianzhao smiled and said: "In fact, the key will also break the damage, but it can also be used for other purposes. The seven-day scent of the world in Zhoutian is absolutely impossible to create a seven-way monk, not to mention the situation. The original Hongmeng purple in this world has already been earned by the deity, so in fact, there are only six left in Hongmeng."

"It turned out to be like this!"

Although Yang Junshan has already made it clear that this possibility is extremely low, but after listening to the explanation of the heart of the Yuan Xianzun, the heart is still inevitable to appear a trace of loss.

However, Yang Junshan was not a person who gave up easily. Soon he thought of other aspects and quickly asked: "So in the big world of stars, is the origin of every seat world will be cherished? ?"

"Yes, but the number is never the same!"

This time, the opening is the Tao Yuanxian: "According to the deity, in the big star world, the small plane world will be able to breed the most beautiful three-dimensional, but the medium-sized plane world has only five, Zhou Tian The world is a large plane world, it is seven."

"However, since the world of the first seat in the world of stars and stars, the world of the world of stars and stars has joined the world of the world. There are already twenty-six worlds in the world. The number of Hongmeng purple is more than one hundred, but the world of each seat is removed. The landlord will inevitably get a singularity and be able to take charge of the world's origins. The rest of the smog is not destroyed in the battle, it is used for other purposes, and it is actually used by the monks and used to attack the road. Even less than a third!"

Having said that, Daoyuan Xianzun did not know what he suddenly thought of. "Well," he added, "It is even possible that even a quarter will not be there."

Yang Junshan’s thoughts turned and said with a smile: “Is it true that Yang’s coming here is to help the landlord to rob the Hong Mongolian purple gas? This is indeed an extremely dangerous task, but in the stars and the sky, Luo Xianzun, I am afraid that they will fight for each other in a hungry and purple atmosphere. What's more, there is no such thing as a great supernatural power with the landlord. Once this is the case, I can say that I have no competition for Hong Meng. chance."

"A person can only refine and rejuvenate a singularity, and the existence of a harmonious environment, including the landlord, is almost always the existence of refining and redness. Therefore, Hongmengqi is useless to them! ”

Tao Yuanxian explained: "Of course, this means that the existence of those ways will not be robbed, or it will help others to snatch."

Yang Junshan smiled bitterly: "From the way of the great supernatural powers, the people are robbed of Hong Meng Zi, the opportunity is awkward!"

"No, it should be said that Yang Daoyou has a great chance of getting a purple scent!"

Xinyuan Xianzun said: "The key to the problem is not whether it can be obtained, but how to get rid of the dangers that come with it after the ignorance of the ignorance!"

Yang Junshan’s look rose and said: “How?”

Waiting for the heart to be immortal, Tianyuan Xianzun has been impatiently saying: "What else can you have? Hongmeng Ziqi is born by Zhou Tian will, naturally favoring Zhou Tian native monks, once the Lord’s deity declares the Lizu, as In the world of Zhou Tian, ​​except for the strongest person outside the deity of the landlord, even if you don’t fight for it, there is a great possibility that there will be a big smog that will go straight to you!”

Yang Junshan was full of stunned faces, but he did not expect that there was such a reason.

Daoyuan Xianzun saw the appearance of Yang Junshan and smiled: "Tianyuan Daoyou said that it is not empty. Junshan Daoyou is indeed one of the best choices for Hongmengqi after the Zhoutian Lizu. This is why the old man made a special trip to the area." One of the fundamental reasons for the friend's help is not because of the strength of the Taoist friend."

Yang Junshan gave a sigh of relief, pressing down the surprise, excitement, and a slight alertness, Shen Shen said: "So what is the essence of the founding family?"

Daoyuan Xianzun and Xinyuan Xianzun looked at each other and finally explained to the heart Yuanxianzun: "When Zhoutianhua is finally completed, the six Daohong and Ziqi, which represent the world's will, will appear. Because of the decay and falling into silence, but this does not mean that the will of the source will die out. At this time, the deity of the Lord will declare the affairs of the tribe, then the six dazzling purple will naturally choose the Lord among the ethnic groups..."

Yang Junshan couldn't help but interrupt: "Do you choose the Lord?"

Xinyuan Xianzun nodded: "Yes, it is the choice of the Lord. Of course, before Hongmeng Ziqi finally casts to the chosen person, there is also the risk of being robbed. Therefore, it is not meant that Hongmeng Ziqi chooses the Lord himself. You can wait and wait, not to mean that you are not in danger when you choose Hongmengqi, on the contrary, this time your danger is the biggest!"

There is more warning in the words of the mind.

"Before, it was said that Hongmeng Ziqi was born from the origin of the origin. Before Zhoutianhuajie, even if the Lord’s deity had only a singularity, he could take charge of the whole plane world on behalf of the heavens and the earth, and now after the Zhoutianhuajie, the world If the will is broken and it is silent, and you want to gather it, you need to control more of the glory, so that you can get the favor of the world. This is the so-called air transport clock."

Yang Junshan nodded. He had previously speculated about the so-called worldly will, the arrogance of the air, but the interpretation of the heart of the fairy is obviously more thorough.

"So, six dazzling purple, we need to master at least a few?" Yang Junshan asked.

Undoubtedly, the importance of Hong Meng Ziqi is self-evident. If you can control all the hands in the hands of Zhou Tianxing, it is undoubtedly the best, but whether it is the landlord or the three avatars, or Yang Junshan, they know that it is not possible.

"That still asks?"

Tian Yuanxian’s disdainful tone came, saying: “Of course, at least three more!”

Daoyuan Xianzun glanced at him. When he looked at Yang Junshan, he followed the words of Tianyuan Xianzun. He said: "With the one in the hands of the deities, we must control at least four lanes in order to ensure Zhou Tianli. The family is foolproof."

“Is nothing wrong?” Yang Junshan heard something from it.

Tianyuan Xianzun sneered and said: "I said that this kid is smart and savvy, and he does not make things clear. He certainly will not easily agree."

Daoyuan Xianzun shook his head and said: "This is also unspeakable. It is mainly to prevent those outside the domain from getting a blissful temper, and choose to join forces to force the quiet will to activate the counter-attack. If we control the evil spirits If you don't have the advantage, then it is very likely that you will exhaust the will of the already depleted in the anti-phasic, and the Lizu will naturally fail."

Xinyuan Xianzun also said at this time: "Of course, the luckiest situation is that I can succeed in the success of the two people only when I control the two smog, but the dancing on this blade is too dangerous. Therefore, I am still trying to control the four roads in the seven-way glory and the most insured."

The explanation of the three incarnations seems to have been fulfilled here, but Yang Junshan can't believe that things are just that simple.

Or the explanations of the three people sounded to be based on the facts of the Lizu. They are all considering the overall situation of the cultivation of the true civilization in Zhoutian. Even if it is the competition of Hongmengqi, it seems that it is only beneficial to Yang Junshan. However, the Puyuan landlord himself has no demand for Hongmeng Ziqi.

So Yang Junshan smiled and said: "Since the method of the Lizu has already been said, what is the specific purpose of the Lizu?"

Seeing that Yuan Xianzun wants to speak, Yang Junshan preemptively said: "Of course, Yang has already known about the continuation of Zhou Tian's local cultivation of true civilization. He has also understood the contribution of the Lord Tian Zun to the rise of Zhou Tian civilization. There is no need for rumors, and what Yang wants to know now is other purposes, like the 'key' that Tianyuan Xianzun said, the heart of the fairy gods who said, 'beyond the limits of the longevity,' and so on. ”

Tianyuan Xianzun’s screaming, screaming in the mouth, is obviously not a good word.

Xinyuan Xianzun took a deep look at Yang Junshan and said: "Every seat face world is also an entrance to the chaos outside the starry sky. The world will be born in this entrance, Hongmeng Purple gas is the key to open this entrance to the stars, and the chaotic entrance to the world of the world is in the fairy palace!"

Yang Junshan was slightly awkward and said: "That is to say, people who have the ambition of Hongmeng have the qualification to enter the chaotic land through the entrance?"

Tao Yuanxian nodded and said: "Yes, but the premise is that your cultivation must reach the level of harmony, so that you can not be annihilated by the chaos in the chaotic land."

Xinyuan Xianzun also said: "The chaotic land can not be easily entered, but the chaotic entrance of the plane world is also an excellent place to practice for the existence of the road, where you can learn from the thin chaos. Therefore, the chaotic entrance must be in our hands, but the position of the chaotic entrance is not fixed. However, if we want to keep the chaotic entrance in our hands, we must occupy a dominant position in the competition of Hongmengqi, and the Lizu Success is the premise that Hong Meng Zi is always in our hands."

Everything has been made clear, a perfect routine cycle, whether it is from the overall situation of the local self-cultivation civilization on Sunday, or the personal pursuit of the road, is included in it, Yang Junshan has no reason to refuse the competition of Hongmeng. .

At this time, Tianyuan Xianzun suddenly added a layer of chips to this: "Hey, can't get into the land of chaos, how can you achieve the Supreme Supreme?"

Nantianmen is already looking forward to it, and what Yang Junshan perceives at this time is the unbridled strong temperament that exists in the void, and each of them is almost no longer underneath.

Yang Junshan suddenly realized that in addition to all of this, he was still a target used by the landlord Tianzun to share pressure, a softer persimmon.

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