Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1589: Trinity, Bluestone Square

"Quickly open the Guanghan Palace and they are coming in!"

Tian Yuanxian has not yet arrived, and the voice has already passed.

Yang Junshan is still curious about who is seeing the truth of Nantianmen. The two people around the road and the heart are connected to the pastoral mood. The look becomes dignified instantly, even if the heart is not in the first time. Summon the Guanghan Palace, but with the Tao Yuanxian respected to look like a ready to go.

Is it difficult to do this with the chasing after the battle?

Yang Junshan’s heart was awkward, but he did not dare to be scornful in his hand. The broken scorpion had already been held in his hands.

At this time, Yang Junshan suddenly widened his eyes, but after seeing Tian Yuanxian, the magic fog instantly covered the sky.

At this time, Tianyuan Xianzun had already come to Yang Junshan and others, and only had time to say: "It is the demon of the Mozu, the demon, the black devil!"

At this time, the magical fog of the sky has already approached the front, a huge face completely constructed by the magic fog suddenly appeared, and in the skyrocketing, the magic fire in the mouth of the magic face is already brewing.

"It is now, hands-on!"

Xinyuan Xianzun suddenly screamed.

The ternary avatars shot together, first a bright red **** flame to contain the magic fog that rushed in front of the face, followed by a fist shadow from the flame, directly hit the magic face mouth blasted, in the broken The void stirred the moment of the broken magic, and a touch of swordsman slammed into the mouth of the face with the sword of the sky.

The magic fire brewed in the mouth of the face suddenly lost control, and the dark flame revolved. When the swordsman was burned, the lower half of the huge face was burned into nothingness.

At the moment when the face disappeared, it still made an unexpected expression. Although its face was completely destroyed below, there was a clear idea that was passed to the minds of four people like Yang Junshan: "chaos……"

Yang Junshan looked at the chaotic scene in front of him with a stunned look. He never thought that different sacred magical powers could achieve such a degree of integration.

Yang Junshan saw it very clearly at the moment of the ternary shot. This is not just a tacit cooperation. It can be done at the same time. The three sacred sacs form a partial fusion at the same time. This is a powerful combination. .

This kind of fusion is similar to the combination of derivative supernatural powers, and the high-order supernatural power that achieves qualitative change in quality, but it is far from the qualitative change of the supernatural power combination, but it is undoubtedly greatly improved in the power of supernatural power.

In Yang Junshan's view, the ternary's way of opposing the enemy is more similar to a kind of Taoist arsenal, but this kind of squadron will also merge different sacred magical powers.

Undoubtedly, this method has to be said to be an inspiration for Yang Junshan, the singer of the road, perhaps he can design a broader and more powerful Taoist formation in this way. come out.

But now it is obviously not the time to think about it, and the ideas sent out in the face of the face are even more interesting to Yang Junshan.

"Chaos...", what does it mean, would it mean chaos?

Just after the ternary joint attack, although defeated the magic face, Yang Junshan can be sure that the combination is definitely not a chaotic sacred magical power, at least not a complete chaotic fairy.

Because the three kinds of magical magical powers performed by the three are still three kinds of magical magical powers, there has not been any change in essence.

Is it true that if the three kinds of celestial techniques are completely integrated, a real chaotic sensation will be formed, and the ternary has just been used to create the prototype of Chaos?

From the ternary joint attack to the magic face was destroyed by the magic fire, half of the process, the process is only a short moment, but the thoughts in Yang Junshan's mind do not know how many times have flashed.

"Don't be in a daze, this is not the real black ancestor!"

The voice of Xinyuan Xianzun sounded in the ears of Yang Junshan.

When Yang Junshan turned his head and looked at it, he was seeing the heart of the celestial celestial being worshipped the Guanghan Palace, and Daoyuan and Tianyuan were slowly calming their breath.

Apparently, it was not so easy to play the singularity of the sacred saga, but it was not so easy to play it. However, the power did not have to be said. The three avatars actually resisted the sacred Tianzun, at least temporarily curbed the opponent's offensive.

At this time, Tianyuan sacrificed a magic weapon shaped like a archway. It was the "South Gate" that Yang Junshan saw before!

When the fairy "South Tianmen" fell, the original void that was turned into a chaos by the ternary and the black scorpion Tianzi was suddenly suppressed. At the same time, the portal formed by Nantianmen also contained the penetration of the scattered magic fog.

After doing all this, Tianyuan Xianzun could not help but urge: "Hurry up, what we are doing, the black scorpion is in my eyes, and I will catch up soon."

Yang Junshan raised his eye and glanced at the half of the magical mist in the magic fog behind Nantianmen. His hands smashed out a complicated seal, and there was a "Heavenly" that was completely condensed by thunder. The flower "bloom", with his heart moving, a purple thunder fell to the sky, the void was completely torn, and a large piece of magic fog annihilated in the thunderstorm, and the half of the face disappeared.

Tianyuan Xianzun has some hairpins and blinks his eyes. This is somewhat uncertain: "Open, open the gods and thunders? Is the purple dragonfly leaving this magical power to you?"

Tao Yuanxian respected and smiled. It seems that this is not an accident. He said: "This black scorpion can't see it!"

"Okay, talk nonsense, let's go in!" Xinyuan Xianzun said this time.

The "South Tianmen" of the fairy suppresses the emptiness of the emptiness that has completely fallen into disorder. Yang Junshan, after opening the **** of thunder and smashing the black scorpion, is even more convincing.

When the gate of the Guanghan Palace was opened, Yang Junshan did not go in first, but turned back and looked at Nantianmen again.

The opposite of the black scorpion magic fog has been dissipated, and those who followed the magic fog, the big Luojing monks once again followed.

At this time, "Nantianmen" was taken back. Tianyuan Xianzun entered the Guanghan Palace after the Daoyuan. Yang Junshan nodded to the last heart, and he also bowed and followed.

The void shuttle is no longer strange to Yang Junshan. At this time, I remembered the original Shiyuan’s experience of going to Lingxiao Temple for the first time. Instead, I felt that I had some feelings.

In the twisted and dangerous shuttle process, Yang Junshan even faintly heard a giant python, as if the great supernaturals perceive their existence and tried to interfere, but they were eventually stopped, apparently eating a dark loss.

Under the current circumstances, the ability to interfere with the existence of the ternary and Yang Junshan emptiness shuttle is naturally a person who is shouldered by Pu Yuantian, and the person who blocks it is naturally not others.

The space portal appeared silently in front of a bright light. Yang Junshan stepped out of the bluestone square. The traces left by the original town fairy monument were still vivid.

Followed by the ground is a violent shaking. The first step of Yang Junshan to the Qingshi Square, Daoyuan and Tianyuan are not moving, and they look up and look at each other.

Yang Junshan will naturally not be disturbed by the shaking of the ground under his feet. His gaze is also looking at the eyes of the two, but he is seeing a huge axe that looks very familiar like a mountain. Retracted from the deep layered space array.

"Witches are punishable!"

Yang Junshan couldn't help but blurt out.

The Wuzu’s tribute to Tianzun, when the shield took him to the vacant sea, the impression left to Yang Junshan was too deep.

"Oh, Junshan Xiaoyou actually knows the punishment day?"

The voice of Xinyuan Xianzun came from behind Yang Junshan.

When Yang Junshan turned and looked at it, he was seeing that Yuan Xianzun retracted the Guanghan Palace from the open void passage.

However, in the Guanghan Palace, it was re-constructed as a small thing falling in his palm. The space in front of the Yuan Yuanxian was suddenly sunk in like a fist, causing space shocks and even even Xinyuan Xianzun could not stand still and couldn’t help but step back.

Obviously, this sudden blow should come from the black scorpion who had been chasing them behind them, and only the existence of the sacred sacred sect, can trace the traces left by the emptiness to find their approximate position. Where.

Fortunately, the entire Qingshi Square was completely covered by a large array of fairy tales. Yang Junshan saw the empty space that had gradually calmed down. Even if there was a strong attack in the joint environment, it could not break the guardianship of Xianzhen.

Of course, the bigger reason for this is that it is also the reason why the town is here.

Yang Junshan touched his nose, and some said awkwardly: "A very unpleasant experience."

The heart of the fairy is respectful, how long does Yang Junshan advance to the Da Luo fairyland?

Prior to this, Yang Junshan was only a dispensable small role in the eyes of the great supernatural powers, and Tian Tianzun might not bother to remember him.

The four returned to Lingxiao Temple, and it can be said that there is no danger in the moment.

Yang Junshan still has to wait and see the fairy tales that hang over the Bluestone Square, but see that Tianyuan Xianzun has come to him, looking at his gaze with a trace of quirky color, saying: "The **** you used to play Is it really a god?"

Not waiting for Yang Junshan to answer, the next Taoist Xianzun has already said: "Junshan Xiaoyou used to be a **** when he was sanctified in the flesh, but at that time he mastered it at his own expense. a fur."

Daoyuan Xianzun smiled apologetically to Yang Junshan and said: "Now the Junshan little friend has advanced into the big Luo, and the flower of the sky is a rare source of the ray. This open **** thunder can be said in his hands. It is a multiplier of power. It is no wonder that even the black mist of the black scorpion can be hurt."

Seeing that Yuan Xianxian gave him an answer, Yang Junshan did not speak again.

However, Tianyuan Xianzun is obviously not satisfied. He continues to ask: "So, can Junshan Xiaoyou know the eye of heaven?"

Yang Junshan glanced at him and did not answer it directly. Instead, he smiled and said: "Why, is the world of Zhou Tian still need the eyes of heaven?"

Tianyuan Xianzun took a deep look at Yang Junshan and said: "You really know the eye of the punishment! At the beginning, those losers were really unwilling, and they did not know how many retreats left for themselves. If they were strong, they would be strong. Repressing the whole world, I am afraid that I will not be able to wait for the success of the world, and the whole world will be riddled with the whole world."

At this time, Yang Junshan suddenly said: "You are almost jealous of the eyes of heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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