Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1601: Yan Tengpeng, refining Hongmeng

"Zu, ancestors, what is that?"

Dignified Jinshen Xianzun, Lu Mei is now talking when the tongue begins to knot.

"I didn't expect it, Puyuan actually kept its life, and I must have been suppressed in Zhoutian somewhere, like I have been!"

Lv Meixian respected the whisper and then began to say: "This is a sly, but a very powerful fairyland beast in the starry sky, but it is the mount of the original Yuan Yuan!"

"Hey? Mount?" Lu Mei exclaimed.

The round island has begun to collapse at this time, and large pieces of stone have fallen off from the round island and then fallen into the endless sea.

At this time, a sneer came from the collapsed island of Round Light.

With a strong penetrating tweet, the golden-winged Dapeng double-winged fan flew in the process of cracking, flying around the rock, carrying the Yucang to fly out of the round island.

A glimpse of purple awns emerged from the back of the golden-winged Dapeng bird. Obviously, Hongmeng Ziqi has already reached the hands of the dynasty, but I don’t know what the situation is, but the deceitfulness of this person may not fall here.

"Zu Shi, do we want to stop him?" Lu Mei asked behind him.

Shen Yan’s face flashed a hint of intent, but then he suddenly said: “Forget it, Starship is not able to catch up with the Golden-winged Dapeng. Moreover, that person is Da Luo Xianzun, there is no need to take this risk. It seems that this Hongmeng Ziqi is destined to miss the old man."

Shen Yu’s voice just fell, and suddenly his face changed. He grabbed Lu Mei and squatted on the Xishan long boat.

Lu Mei was still unclear, but suddenly he heard the sound of breaking water from the sea. When he turned his head, he saw that the giant python that had fallen into the sea had once again broken through the water. The huge one was enough to swallow the boat in the west. One third of the hull's huge mouth opened, and a placid suction instantly fell around the void.

The royal sky, the golden-winged Dapeng, has already been in the void for a few miles, but when the huge suction behind it comes, let the golden-winged Dapeng fans flap, not only in the air. Going forward, even in the humming sound of the Dapeng bird, it began to sneak into the mouth of the giant scorpion like an abyss.

"Ah, no, this is impossible!"

The screams of Yu Cang's panic were uploaded from the back of the Golden-winged Dapeng, but they could not stop themselves from falling with the beasts.

"I am Da Luo Xian Zun, I am the hope of repairing a vein. I just got a sigh of relief, how could I die here..."

The screaming screaming screaming screaming of the screaming screaming screaming screams and screaming, can't stop him from slipping backwards.

A twilight rises from the back of the golden-winged Dapeng and seems to want to escape alone, but the light has just rolled up from the back of Dapeng and tumbling toward the giant mouth at a faster speed. The burden on the back is more struggling, but under the huge mouth of the giant clam, there is no use for this.

"Stupid, is your singularity even more powerful than the golden-winged Dapeng?"

Shen Yuxian, who has long since departed from the swallowing range of the giant python, turned his head to see that the sacred scorpion was unable to withstand the power of the giant scorpion, and the smog was directly separated from its body and fell into the belly of the giant python.

On the occasion of life and death, the dynasty smashed out the bone whip in the hand, and the bone whip circling around the neck of the golden-winged Dapeng bird, and then screaming, and the Dapeng bird accelerated in the humming sound and fell toward the giant scorpion. However, Yu Cangwu borrowed from the outside to break free.

The dynasty that escaped from the dead was too late to be grateful. When the sense of the hand was tight, people would have to be taken back.

When Yu Cangfu turned his head and looked around, he was seeing that the Dapeng bird that he had abandoned was blinking with fierce light. The barb-like eagle mouth slammed the bone under the neck. In the mouth.

"I will not accompany you to die!"

Yu Cangwu was furious and angered, but he did not hesitate to loosen the magic weapon in his hand. He watched the fate of the beast and even took the life magic weapon into the mouth of the giant.

At this time, the giant python that has leaped from the sea has reached its highest point. The huge mouth that was originally opened is also closed at this time, which makes the singer of Luo Luo repair a life.

However, not long ago, the sorcerer and the great supernatural powers were also sentimental. As the first Da Luo Xianzun in the history of 驭修, the 穹 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 拥有 。 。 。 。 。

In a short period of time, the death of the three great fairy tales, the swallowing, the suppression of the suppression, even the life of the magic weapon was abandoned by his life, the original Luo Lian is the taboo of the dragon, nowadays The strength may not even be worthy of a golden fairy, it is said to be the ultimate.

I skipped the unfortunate singer, and said that the giant scorpion jumped from the sea to the highest point, and then turned around with a dexterity that was not commensurate with its huge body, like a crescent moon, a huge tail fin from Xishan. The long boat was crossed by twenty or thirty feet, and the fanaticism directly caused the boat to tilt half a hull, and then traversed more than ten feet from the air.


In the process of twisting the body of the giant scorpion in the middle of the sky, the tail is smashing with a huge inertia to directly cut the viscous void around the space of the fairy squad, and lie on the barrier of the fairy squad.

The whole piece of void is shaking, followed by a space like a spider web, which begins to spread in the air, until it exceeds the limit of the space of the fairy space, and then in a turbulent space, Ling Xiao Temple The space of the fairy tales is finally broken, and dozens of ray of light are divided into three or four shares, which are in the same direction and fly in different directions.

At the same time, the huge body of the giant scorpion once again fell into the endless sea, splashing like a huge wave like a tsunami, then sneaked into the deep sea and disappeared.

"Oh, God is so, after all, you are still a good player!"

The faint color between Shen Yu and the goddess of the gods flashed past, and then Lu Mengxian respected and turned away. The space fairy squad was broken, and all the parties were rushed out. This sea area is no longer the place where Jinxian can stay. .

The two men drove Jianguang one after the other and returned to the long boat, Jianguang received, Shen Yuxian Zun will be eager to say: "Come on, later will change!"

However, after that, it was discovered that Dongliu and Jiang Xin were standing in the same place, as if they had not heard it at all.

Shen Yuxian's brow wrinkled, and Lu Mei, who is next to him, has reprimanded: "What are you two still doing?"

Dongliu Xianzun turned his head at this moment and smiled stiffly: "Zu Shi, Master, we are afraid that we can't go, the owner of this starship has come to the door."

Shen Yuxian revered, and suddenly heard the sound of the boat, Murong Ruo, who had been hiding in the core secret warehouse, actually came out, and looked at Shen Hao and Lu Mei two people sneer.

When Shen Yuxian’s heart sank and suddenly looked up, he was seeing a man standing in front of the Xishan long boat. His silent eyes looked down on the people on the boat, but invisibly brought them a great pressure.

"But Junshan Xianzun face to face? The old man flying swords sent a gift of courtesy!" Shen Yan Xian Zun looks very calm.


Yang Junshan’s voice is clean and neat.


In the moment when the space was broken, the people who were originally chasing the killings in a closed void, especially those who got the humility, chose to flee in the first time.

The Eastern Emperor first escaped, and the original chaser was pulled far behind. It took no long time to leave the Zhoutian astrology, which gradually expanded and expanded in the process of the chemical world. Lonely cold did not ruin the blood of his heart, Hong Meng purple gas in hand, after the millennium, the Sun Palace is a place where he has a place.

However, the joy of getting the glory of Hong Meng did not last long. A little gold mans appeared in the starry sky, and it was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Kirin Cape, Jiyu, actually you!"

The Eastern Emperor did not allow himself to avoid this sudden blow, but his rainbow trout was also broken, and he had to stop in the starry sky.

There was suddenly a bright-eyed lion-nose monk in the starry sky. The figure was tall and tall, and it seemed that there was no power, and the East Emperor did not fall in the air.

"Who else, tell him to come out, how can you stop me alone?"

The East Emperor was cold and cold, while his eyes were wandering around, trying to find out the other partner.

"Don't look for it, it's me!"

A familiar voice came from the direction of the East Emperor, and the appearance of Yongzheng was obviously beyond the expectations of the East Emperor.

"It has to be said that although the technique of the rainbow of the Jinwu family is famous, there is always a problem. The long rainbow of light is opened, as if they are afraid that others do not know the direction they are going."

When he was talking, the atmosphere of the whole body was somewhat unstable. Obviously, it was not easy to catch up after the East Emperor.

"It's actually you!"

The eyes of Dong Huanglong sighed in Jiyu and Yongzheng: "There is a rumor in the starry sky that the Qilin family is slightly different, and there are signs of moving closer to the dragons, but they never thought that the dragons would be generous enough to help the Qilin people cultivate a kind of sect!"

"There is no way. In fact, this originally only promised to help the Jiyu Daoyou family, but it is not necessary to train a good friend. But who told you that the Dongwang Taoyou has caught up!"

It is quite awkward between the words of Yongzheng.

The Eastern Emperor smiled coldly: "The deity admits that you are not the opponent of both of you, but you two will be sure that you will get the redness from me?"

Yongzheng smiled and said: "Don't bluff, everyone is the same as the demon king. How much do you know each other? You are summoning Donghuangzhong to help each other through a few stars. Now there is still a few points left in Xianyuan. ......"


Liu Zizhen did not expect that he would be the fisherman of this spirit demon.

He used the Yasheng handbook to open up the bluff, and after taking away a smog from the ternary hand, he was entangled by Zhu Sui.

Really want to talk about strength, Liu Zizheng is not weaker than Zhu Lian, but he is on the way to escape. His Confucian patriarch is not in any way worthy of this bird wing with its wings.

The two men fled all the way to the battle, until after coming to the depths of the starry sky, the two sides each played a real fire, and the real fire fell after a battle.

When the vines appeared from the void without warning, whether it was Liu Zizheng or Zhu Lian, the two always wondered how this big Luo Ling demon avoided the feelings of the two people on the way. , secretly traced to this.

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