Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1635: Yuan Tian Tian Zun, Qi Yun

Under the Heluo Star Palace, there is a real suppression of a god!

Rao is Yang Junshan heard early, but at this time he heard the Sun Star master confirmed it, and it is inevitable that it will be stunned.

Seeing that the Sun Star Lord does not seem to be rumored, Yang Junshan quickly asked him: "I want to hear it!"

The Sun Star’s main look is calm, saying: “The people who are being suppressed are actually not others. It’s the realm of the wilderness of the world.”

Yang Junshan was shocked by the whole person. After a while, this was awakened, but it was incredible: "How come, that is..."

Speaking of this, Yang Junshan seems to realize what he suddenly, and his look is silent.

The Sun Star Lord did not realize that Yang Junshan’s words were general, but there was a reminiscence in the look of the gods. “When the land of the wilderness is successful, the Yuan Tian Tian Zun himself is not a big fairyland. I’m waiting for the original. Under his call, the inhabitants fought to resist the invasion of the extraterritorial forces. However, in reality, they did all the cannon fodders to gain time for him. After extracting nearly 70% of the origin of the world, he was betrayed the whole. The absurd self-cultivation civilization escaped alone, and I waited for the aborigines to end up surviving because of the deadly battle, leaving only three or two large and small cats. Now, perhaps the oldest is the last aboriginal people in the wild world. It is."

"The ruined civilization has been destroyed almost overnight, even if it is the entire abandoned starry world, and because it has been taken away from the sacred origins in the process of the chemical world, except for the Heluo Star Palace, it is ridiculous, even if there are more If the aborigines survived, I am afraid that there will be no place to stand. They can only become a wandering in the stars."

Yang Junshan couldn't help but say: "What happened then?"


The main character of the Sun Star recalled: "The Heluo Star Palace was later established by a group of like-minded squadrons because of the special star distribution. Because of the talent in the martial arts, it was taken into the Star Palace. Thereby avoiding the fate of wandering in the stars."

"After nearly 10,000 years, the aging has almost witnessed the growth of the Heluo Star Palace, and the old man himself has grown from an ordinary actor to a lieutenant in the three stars, and at about this time, in the sky. The Yuan Abandoned Lord who has been hiding for a long time finally uses the fortified world of heaven and earth, which has been forcibly extracted, to cross the border of the heavens and the earth, to become a tribute to the heavens, and return to the land of the wilderness to prepare for the recapture of chaos. The entrance."

At that time, the roots of Heluo Xinggong had already become famous. It was already famous in the starry sky. Although Zhou Tianxing’s big battle had never reached the achievements of today, at that time, it had already integrated the two instruments, the three talents, the four elephants and the seven stars. .

More crucially, the chaotic entrance of the Abandoned Stars is in the center of the Heluo Star Palace, just below the river and the two roads of Luoshu.

At this time, Yang Junshan already understood that a conflict has been inevitable.

At the time, Yuanzao Tianzun had just advanced into a harmonious environment. It was the time when the spirit of the times was high. Naturally, the Heluo Star Palace would not be put in the eyes. After the two sides had no fruit to negotiate, Yuanyuan Tianzun immediately took action to attack the Heluo Star Palace.

Because the results of this war have already been known, when the Sun Star Lord said it, Yang Junshan could not help but admire: "At that time, Zhou Tianxing’s big battles merged with the four veins, and it was able to seal the suppression and reconciliation. Now it is already The integration of the six veins, even if it is not too long, it is the integration of the seven veins. When it is time to say no to the gods, perhaps even the Chaos Supreme will return to the river in front of the river.

Unexpectedly, the Sun Star’s main voice is shaking his head and sighing: “It’s not the case. In fact, it was the most serious crisis that Heluo Star Palace has ever experienced. The entire Star Wars has been on the verge of Yuan Yutian’s impact. The collapse, of course, is not unscathed, and he obviously did not expect that he would be so tough against him."

Yang Junshan couldn't help but ask: "Where is the turning point?"

"At the time, the entire Heluo Star Palace and the Yuantian Tianzun could be described as both loses!"

The Sun Star Lord seems to once again see the horror of the broken star of the year, and then said: "But the return of the Yuantiantianzun and the destruction of the river Luoxing Palace, the last essence of the abandoned starry world, is awakened to sleep. Dissipated the wild will of the wilderness."

"The origin will?"

Yang Junshan couldn't help but swear: "Is the will of heaven and earth before the world of the wilderness has been unresolved?"

The Sun Star nodded and said: "It can also be called the original air transport. In most cases, it is considered to be a vain thing, but the old one knows that the original will is really there."

Yang Junshan nodded and said: "Yes, the original behavior of Yuanshen Tianzun is tantamount to betrayal of the will of the heavens and the earth in the wild world. Even if he was a ruined heavenly king, he was once remembered by the heavens and the earth, and he was afraid to be left behind. The wilderness will be disgusted!"

The Sun Star Lord then recalled: "When it is, the old lord remembers very clearly, and the Heluo Star Palace has changed dramatically. The Yuantian Tianzun suddenly became an insulator that can be supplemented with vitality. The aura of the void is full of vitality. The chaotic aura is far away, and the Yuantian Tianzun who can't get the slightest supplement can only fight again. However, the Zhoutian Star Fighting, which is also on the verge of collapse, suddenly adds the essence of the world to the ultimate, even everything. The broken remnants can play a part in the support of abundant resources. Under the circumstance, the situation of both sides has turned, and Yuanzun Tianzun was finally suppressed by the Zhoutian Stars and sealed at the entrance of Chaos. The place where the land of chaos meets the space of the starry sky."

Yang Junshan suddenly thought of something at this time, and asked: "Then "one dollar road"..."

“Yang Daoyou was very keen, and he realized that the old man had infused the ‘one-yuan turbulence’ into the inspiration of the Zhoutian Stars!”

The Sun Star first praised one sentence, and then went on to say: "The main role of the 'One Yuan Road' in the Star Wars is to regularly extract the source from the Yuanshen Tianzun in the seal, both to reinforce the seal and also In order to keep the strength of Yuanzao Tianzun to a minimum."

Yang Junshan said: "So, every three hundred years, Heluo is in the world. In fact, the real purpose is simply to extract the source from Yuanzun Tianzun."

"It can be said completely!"

The Sun Star Lord looked up at Yang Junshan and said: "Yang Daoyou has a sinister ambience, and he must have seen the chaotic entrance of Zhou Tianxing. I want to understand it. Even if it is a chaotic entrance, it is not an ordinary fairy who wants to come. Can come."

Yang Junshan nodded: "It's good. The diffuse energy outside the chaotic entrance is filtered and diluted by the void at the entrance. Although it only becomes very spiritual, it also means that this kind of vitality is extremely aggressive, if it is not physical and repairing. For those who have reached a certain level of realm, they simply do not dare to absorb refining, even if they are forcibly coming to the entrance, they cannot stay for a long time."

"But the chaotic entrance under the Heluo Star Palace is able to make the monks who have been cultivated above the golden fairyland enter, and can stay for a long time to retreat." Sun Star main road.

“Why?” Yang Junshan asked for advice, and then thought again: “Because of Zhou Tianxing’s big battle?”

"You can't say that!"

The Sun Star Master smiled and said: "But the old saying that the more accurate statement is because the banned nicks in the void between the Star Palace and the chaotic land have played a role in filtering the source of chaos."

"When the energy in the chaotic land oozes from the entrance to the chaos, it has already been diluted, and then filtered by Yuan Yutian, and the aggression of these chaotic auras is greatly weakened. This is the gold. The body is able to enter the chaotic entrance to practice, of course, Yuan Yu Tian Zun is surrounded by Zhou Tianxing Dazheng, where your statement is not wrong."

The two talked in the starry sky outside the place of Chaos entrance, but let Yang Junshan know a lot about the secret of Heluo Star Palace, and also made him have a clear understanding of the heritage of Heluo Star Palace. .

"It is rare to have the opportunity to talk to people about the past events. I am a long-lived generation. However, these memories of thousands of years ago are a little bit fading with the loss of years, and it may not take long. The old age will also choose self-death in the loneliness of the years."

The Sun Star sighed and said that Yang Junshan seemed to want to say something. He smiled and waved his hand and said: "Yang Daoyou is still a place of chaotic entry as soon as possible. It is not a single one to maintain the opening of this space. Easy."

Yang Junshan nodded and turned to enter the chaotic entrance, but at this time he was slightly stagnation. "There is still a problem underneath. You said that when Yuanyuan Tianzun invaded the Heluo Star Palace, you were just a lieutenant. The star owner of the star, then what happened to the two stars at the time, the sun and the sun?"

The Sun Star Lord sighed a little and sighed: "At that time, the war with the Yuan Tian Tian Zun, the old Tai Yin Star Lord fell on the spot, the old Sun Star was seriously injured, and the time when the wilderness will be counter-attacked, and the old and the dead hands together sealed the town Yuanyuan Tianzun I also chose self-destruction because of serious injuries."

Speaking of this, the Sun Star Lord couldn't help but continue: "It was the time when the Heluo Star Palace was built, the real crisis of survival, the Taiyin Star Lord fell, the Sun Star Lord has been seriously injured and unable to govern, the old It was at that time that the Lord of the Stars crossed the Taiyin Star Master and directly took over the position of the Sun Star Master."

"Fortunately, this war has also really played the name of Heluo Star Palace. After all, it is a joint road Tianzun was suppressed. In the case that the forces of the various parties did not figure out what happened, they all sneaked into the rat and naturally did not dare to come and provoke This also gave the Heluo Star Palace a breathing space to cultivate the vitality and thus survived this crisis."

At this time, Yang Junshan has stepped into the space where the chaotic entrance is located. He only listened to his head and said: "Is there a star owner who thought that you were originally an aboriginal origin of the wild world? Perhaps the wilderness will be ignoring you when the anti-family is ruined!"

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