Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1670: The frequency of the machine is up to

Hong Meng Ziqi can actually be used to control the chaos of the source of chaos in the chaotic land!

This point, even if Yang Junshan once had the experience of following Pu Yuan Tian Zun into the chaos of Zhou Tianxing, he did not know.

At that time, Puyuan Tianzun did not talk to him about this. Secondly, because he was next to Puyuan Tianzun, how could the chaotic origin of the gas be used to worship Puyuan Tianzun and favor him?

When Yang Junshan realized this, the "flower of the earth" bloomed, and in the middle of the advanced Da Luo Xianjing, everything became logical.

At the moment when the flower of the "spirit of the earth" blooms, the vibration of the flower almost oscillates the place of chaos.

The source of chaos used to Yang Junshan is already the third time multiplying!

At this time, Yang Junshan had just condensed into a "flower of the earth", and the flower of the blooming land looked extremely illusory, like a weak veil, as if a gust of wind could blow away.

However, when the source of chaos began to permeate into the body on a large scale, Yang Junshan moved the celestial body to the extreme. After the resurgence of the chaotic origin, the source of the source of his head was expanded to a wider extent. Squat.

When Yang Junshan grew stronger with his own source of the five elements, he then returned to the central flower of the "flower of the earth", which made the flower of the earth become a little bit solid from the illusion, which is also Yang Junshan. Stabilize the process of self-cultivation.

To the point where Yang Junshan was cultivated, after the middle stage of the advanced Da Luo, it was only used to stabilize himself, and he was afraid that he would not have to retreat for more than a decade.

However, with the addition of chaotic origin, the process of Yang Junshan's steady cultivation is obviously to be greatly shortened.

However, the attention of chaotic origin has been multiplied three times in a row. Rao is the deep foundation of Yang Junshan. It is a superb method for Shanjiu's toughness, and it is difficult to completely refine these sources into the body.

If it is replaced by other monks, I am afraid that it is not necessary to watch these sources once again lost from the body, wasted.

At this time, Yang Junshan's tyrannical forging repairs once again showed a role.

After re-opening the body's absorption of chaotic origin, the chaotic origin that was infused into the body and less refining was absorbed by the body. In addition to further purifying the body and improving his forging, a large number of chaotic sources were stored. Throughout the body, his body has now become a huge source container.

I don't know how long it took, suspended in the center of the sea of ​​the source, and the flower of the place that stood in line with the flower of the sky suddenly rose. The original illusory body suddenly became completely solid, the whole body was full of brilliance, and even from time to time there was sporadic aura from the petals. Sliding down, the flower of the mysterious yellow land is like a flower in the sky.

The mid-term cultivation of Da Luo Xianjing has been completely stabilized!

However, the chaotic origin of the body from the chaotic land to Yang Junshan still has not stopped.

Yang Junshan will naturally not let go of such a rare opportunity, while still refining the source of chaos to improve the cultivation, and using the forging body that reaches the fourth level of indestruction to absorb the source of chaos, while The ban on the three pieces of fairyware was also released.

The Thunder's Spear is still tempered by the Thunder source in the "Heaven of Flowers", but the Scorpio is now on the mysterious "flower of the ground", washed by a sacred yellow gas.

Perhaps it is because the scorpio has followed Yang Junshan for a long time, and both the quality and the accumulation of the roots are far better than the spear of the Thunder. The scorpio is tumbling in the original source of Xuan Huang, and it has turned into a fat pangolin. The arrogant swallowing of the mysterious yellow gas seems to be the final preparation for a certain qualitative change.

This pangolin is really familiar to Yang Junshan, but it is the spirit of breaking through the sky.

In addition to these two pieces of fairy, as the hero of Yang Junshan, Shan Junyi is now hanging above the top of the double flower, not only from the "Flower of Heaven" and "Flower of the Earth" It is divided into a source to quench it, and it continues to absorb the suffocating gas from the sea of ​​origin.

When it comes to the promotion of the fairy tales, the mountain prince is far less than the thunder of the thunder, and the sacred sacredness is not as heavy as the scorpio.

However, as the hero of Yang Junshan's life, Shan Junyi itself has a unique condition far beyond the two pieces of fairy ware, that is, its growth is far beyond the two.

At this time, the mountain monarchy turned into a square peak on the head of Yang Junshan, and above the giant peak, the sacred tigers constantly fled and jumped, sometimes roaring, and a strange sound of tiger screams. Shocked the source of chaos around.

What Yang Junshan doesn't know is that the situation he is facing now is rare among all the star-studded supernatural powers who have ever entered the chaos.

Generally speaking, the monks who have generally been trained to reach the Da Luo Wonderland have only reached the standard bottom line of entering the chaotic land.

Of course, this does not include low-ranking immortals such as Yang Junxiu, who can stay in the chaotic land with the protection of the Star River.

The so-called bottom line actually contains the repair of the forged body that is suitable for its repair, that is, the forging of the big Luo Xianzun is also the third to be invincible.

But in general, most of the body repairs of the great Luo Xianzun are not the third most important, but only the second heavy limb re-continuation.

When these Da Luo Xian Zun enter the chaotic land, they often need to be guarded by external forces, and this usually refers to the star boat.

However, if the monk who enters the chaotic land is to achieve a harmonious environment, and the forging body is repaired to the third place, then the cultivation in the chaotic land will often lead to the multiplication effect of chaotic origin.

When the forging of the monk is better than the fourth indefinite, then the second perfusion of the source of chaos will be multiplied.

But don't forget, this time the monk's monk is in a harmonious way, the ability to swallow the source of chaos and refinement has more than doubled.

The immortals in the starry sky, in most cases, are self-cultivated to be higher than the forged body, and it is commendable to be able to cultivate the cultivation with the strength of the body.

And like Yang Junshan, the physical strength of cultivation is better than that of self-cultivation. It can hardly be said to be unique.

Therefore, when Yang Junshan fully induced the chaos to start repairing, it triggered a rare third perfusion multiplication.

Yang Junshan felt the long-lost upgrade of the arrogant ascension.

This kind of promotion has never been experienced since Yang Junshan broke the sanctification of the body.

Even when he first smashed the "Flower of Heaven" in the sea of ​​Leiyuan at the beginning of the break of Zhou Tian, ​​there is no such strong pleasure in the cultivation.

However, as his cultivation is stabilized, his own digestion of chaotic origins is gradually resisting the perfusion of chaotic origin, and the chaotic origin of a large amount of perfusion into the body begins to lose to the outside.

Yang Junshan was really unwilling to lose his chance in front of him. After a slight indulgence, he suddenly reached out and pointed his finger at the top of his head. The original Lingshan pangolin, which was originally in the "flower of the ground", rolled down from above and re-formed into the sky. In the hands of Yang Junshan.

I saw Yang Junshan's look solemn, looking at the broken sky in his hand, a slight hesitation between the looks, and Shen Shen said: "Can you remember when I entered the world before you entered the world?"

On the top of the sky, the spirit of the body appeared, and the pangolin stood up and nodded slightly toward Yang Junshan.

When Yang Junshan saw it, he said: "Can you think about it?"

The forefoot of the pangolin is arched and grateful.

"Well, today's 'Flower of the Earth' has already been made, I will send you this opportunity!"

After all, Yang Junshan suddenly reached out and took a shot on his forehead. A purple-spirited supernatural seed flew out from the top of his head and gradually fell on the flower of the earth.

This supernatural seed is not a thing, it is the fusion of the evil spirits of Hong Meng, promoted to the chaos of the gods of heaven and earth!

At the same time, there is also a glimmer of purple on the scorpion's body, echoing with the Shentong seeds that are floating in the "flowers of the earth". The two seem to be the same root.

This is exactly the scent of Yang Junshan separated from the first Hongmeng purple gas of refining and chemicalization. At that time, it broke into the sky.

Hong Meng Zi Qi is the creation of the gods, and now the two echo each other, Yang Junshan instantly separated from his own gods and minds, except for a glimpse, injected into the scorpio, and then the immortal sage is poured into the body. The broken sky slammed in his hands in an instant.

Yang Junshan suddenly loosened his hand, and the scorpion was attracted by the scent of Hongmeng. At the moment of Yang Jun’s hand, he immediately re-entered the “flower of the earth”, and the Shentong seed in the source of the sacred and sacred yellow was suddenly integrated into the body.

The immortal source of the fairy yuan was spurred, and the broken sky was like a long whale absorbing half of the water. The sea of ​​the source of Yang Junshan’s head was instantly evacuated by half. The surface of the body that was originally cast by Tian Tianshi was like a wave.

Just listening to Yang Junshan suddenly shouted at this time: "Does friends still not show up, when is it?"

The surface of the scorpio suddenly burst into a large group of purple mist, and when the fog disappeared, a man wearing a black brocade dress with a purple scarf and a face like an axe, but with a similarity to Yang Junshan Dahan, the instrument of the imperial appearance appeared on the "flower of the ground".

The big man stepped out step by step, and the man had already come to Yang Junshan to see the length of the body is half higher than Yang Junshan.

I saw that the big man bowed slightly to Yang Junshan and said: "Thank you for making this honor!"

Yang Junshan "haha" laughed and said: "Yang Haodao friends and I are one, why be so polite!"

The big man heard the words and said: "Thank you for giving me the name, Yang Lan is polite!"

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