Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1754: She is going to the end, step by step

When he was about to listen to what the group was saying, Yang Junshan looked at the boulder that was surrounded by the crowd in the center.

A blue smoke rises from the boulder, but no one around the person sees it. Only the person who stood in front of the boulder wearing a feather seems to be faintly aware, turning to look at the boulder behind him. At a glance, nothing was found, and there was some doubt in the application.

At the moment when Qingyan rises, Yang Junshan already knows that his trace has been noticed. Almost immediately, his face has risen with a golden fog, and his own breath has also converged, and the cultivation of Yang Lanjinxian is Exposed.

"I don't know which Taoist friend is coming in? It's polite in the kneeling!"

A **** thought came from the blue smoke and went straight into the ears of Yang Junshan, but none of the indigenous mortals around him heard it.

Yang Junshan, who concealed his identity, also responded with a thought of God. He smiled and said: "It’s the old man who rushed to disturb you!"

In front of the celestial celestial being, he smiled loudly and said: "The Taoist friends don't have to be like this. Would you like to come to this friend to be attracted by this incense?"

Yang Junshan’s gaze flashed slightly, and he made a surprise: “This is called the incense willingness. I thought it was a unique source of heaven and earth in the world of Fengtian. After all, this kind of willingness is used. People are intoxicated."

"Oh, do you say that your friends have begun to refine and use incense to be willing?"

The voice of the celestial sage in the blue smoke, but when he heard that Yang Junshan said that he was using the incense to force, the tone had an unnoticeable pause, but it was precautionary. Yang Junshan noticed.

Yang Junshan’s predecessor did not know, and his face was excited: “It’s exactly that this incense is willing to use a lot of power. In the next view, it can be used not only to improve cultivation, to honing magical powers, but also to repair magic weapons and improve quality. Like the existence of a million oil!"

"Haha, it is extremely polar, and the Taoist friend is very keen. I didn't expect that the Taoist friend actually found out the use of incense and willingness in such a short period of time, and admire it!"

This 冀璋仙尊闻言 is even more praise.

Yang Junshan flashed a trace of "satisfied" color, but immediately seemed to think of something again, and quickly said: "Hey, Daoyou just mentioned this is the incense willingness? Although it is discovered below, it is known that it does not know its Therefore, it seems that the Taoist friends have long been aware of this. Do you know that friends are willing to teach one or two?"

In the voice of Yan Xianzun, the color of restraint is revealed. "There is no suggestion to teach, but when it comes to the willingness of this incense, it is also called the willingness of faith. It is indeed a great thing between heaven and earth, but in the stars. There are few traces in it, because the power is controlled by the leaders of all parties."

"But if a Taoist friend wants to get it, it is actually simple. Just as if you are doing some magical means to these indigenous mortals, it would be natural for them to harvest their faith from them."

Yang Junshan’s voice was amazed with three points, saying: “Is this incense to be related to the landlord?”

Yan Xianzun smiled and said: "This is exactly the case. It is precisely because of this that in the next generation of natives of this rich world will try to collect the willingness to believe, but never want to meet a friend here."

Yang Junshan had some doubts and said: "Just, since this incense is so important, why do you only leave a mark of spirituality here?"

Yan Xianzun heard the bitter smile: "Does the Taoist friend think that the native aborigines of this rich world are only the mortal tribes in this area? Fengtian World is a beginner. Although there are few spiritually savvy creatures, I want to come to Daoyou now. It has also been noticed that the vastness of this rich world is far better than any one-dimensional world that has appeared in the stars, and it is necessary to collect these incense will be collected on a large scale.

Yang Junshan suddenly realized the situation and said: "It turns out that it is shallow."

Yan Xianzun laughed and said: "But the old man did not expect to meet friends here. In this case, the incense of the indigenous tribe will be given to the Taoist friend, and it will be a good relationship with the Taoist friend. edge."

Yang Junshan heard the words quickly and waved: "How can this be so, how can this be? Since the Taoist friend has already..."

Among the "small" green smoke, the voice of Zhu Xianzun’s boldness came: "It’s a good idea to meet each other, and the Taoist friends should be able to see that the old man is just a wide network, and the friends don’t need to care!"

Yang Junshan heard the words and said with gratitude: "That is to thank the friends of the road for their generosity. If there is any embarrassment, the Taoist friends may wish to come here and sit down one or two.

"Oh, do you want to stay here for a long time? The world of Fengtian is newly opened. It is precisely when the opportunity is everywhere. The friends have stayed here for a long time. Although there is a willingness to harvest, it is a pity."

Yang Junshan smiled bitterly: "Under the repairs, it is not good. Nowadays, the strong stars of the stars in the world are gathering together. If you are in the middle of the chaos, you will not be allowed to pass by a great supernatural person who has passed by. Stay here, maybe you can use this incense to break through the shackles of Darling."

Yan Xianzun heard the words "haha" and said: "If this is the case, then the old man would like to wish the Taoist success!"

After all, the smoky smoke suddenly exploded, and a large number of incense fires were willing to spread out from it. At the same time, the voice of the celestial sage was heard: "The old man went, and some of the incense fires collected during these days are willing to work." As a gift to a friend."

"Thank you!" Yang Junshan arched the archway.

After all, Yang Junshan’s sleeves glimpsed, and the pervasive incense will be counted in his sleeves.

From the beginning to the end, the dialogue between Yang Junshan and the Yan Xianzun was carried out without any notice.

Not far from him, the leader of the fruit tribe is still shouting, not knowing what to say to the heads of several other tribes.

The sacred imprint of the celestial celestial being attached to the boulder, after the self-disintegration, did not dissipate a layer of ray that had been attached to the boulder, but was still incense under the worship of the fruit tribe. Willing to add.

The only indigenous person who stood in front of the boulder, wearing a feather, seemed to be aware of the disappearance of the sacred seal of the celestial sage. His eyes looked at him with trepidation, but he was destined not to discover.

At this time, Yang Junshan's knowledge of the gods has been spread out in an instant, throughout the corner of the entire fruit tribe until it is confirmed that the celestial deity is really leaving.

"How does the deity view this person?" Yang Lan’s voice rang in the mind of Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan’s mouth sneered a little and said: “It’s just a disaster.”

Yang Lan wondered: "How can I see this person? This person seems to be extremely frank, and the explanation for the willingness of the incense is also exhaustive."

Yang Junshan shook his head and said: "Don't you notice that this person's speech has always guided us to the use of incense?"

"The deity means..."

Yang Junshan said: "The use of these incense will definitely have certain restrictions that we don't know. It is a disaster to use it."

Yang Lan heard a shock and said: "The deity, that..."

After the words were not finished, Yang Lan patted his head and smiled: "Forget it, these incense will only be used by me, and I will not be able to reach the deity."

Yang Junshan shook his head and said: "You don't have to say this. If I didn't expect it, if I can turn the incense into my own use and harmless, the key should be on the purple and purple."

“Hong Meng Zi Qi?” Yang Lan thoughtfully.

Yang Junshan nodded: "Yes, it is Hongmeng Ziqi, and this Yan Xianzun is obviously inducing me to start refining the incense before the appearance of Hongmeng purple gas."

Yang Lan was shocked and said: "Is it true that this person has already got the glory of the world of Fengtian?"

Yang Junshan smiled and shook his head. "That is not necessarily the case. He himself said it. He just left a mark of the soul and spread the net. Moreover, the collected incense will only be stored and not used. ""

Yang said: "So he is precautionary? It is obvious that this person is at least confident that he can win the red and purple."

Yang Junshan said: "Yes, so you can be sure of two points. Once you have this person, you must have a very early light. Secondly, this person will be strong in strength. The big Luo Yifeng of Sanhua Juding is undoubted. It is."

Having said that, Yang Junshan made a slight meal, and then went on to say: "I have already understood why this person has done this."

Some of Yang Lan’s thoughts could not keep up with Yang Junshan’s thinking. Some confused: “What is the reason?”

Yang Junshan said: "Why is there a little bit of people knowing about the incense and willingness? It is because the world of the past world is only one day, there is only one person in the world, and there is only one person in the world. The winner, Hong Meng Zi, the position of the landlord and the incense will be all owned by one person. Therefore, before this, other people do not care about the incense, but there is no need to arrange in advance, only to decide the final victory. You can eat everything."

"However, the world of Fengtian is different from the world of the previous planes. According to the great supernatural powers such as Puyuan Tianzun, this Fengtian world is the world's last and the largest seat in the world, and the glory of the world is born. More than one."

"That is to say, this rich world may not have the position of a landlord, or there are many landlords. In the past, the winner will not reproduce everything. Even if he wins the red, he will In order to face competition with other people who have won the glory, the prior layout is necessary."

Yang Weidao: "In that case, why did this person use the spirit of the incense that is used to collect the incense to disperse, and the incense that will be collected will be sent to me, and it is hard to be this person who just wants to be with me." Waiting for a good relationship?"

Yang Junshan sneered: "Where is it so simple? To put it bluntly, this is just a mark of his soul, even if you can erase it at hand, he is not as generous as you want to send you, and he himself said, He is only just spreading the net. There are definitely more places to collect incense in this way, and there may be some imprints left in these incense, and I will look back at the door."

Yang Yan heard a cold voice and said: "So, the other side is going to treat me as a pig. When I collect enough incense to force, he will find the door to plunder!"

Yang Junshan nodded with a smile.

Yang Lan frowned and said: "So the deity can find the mark he left behind from the incense willingness left by this person and get rid of it?"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "Why do you want to get rid of it?"

Not waiting for Yang Shuo’s opening, Yang Junshan did not have a deep smile: “In fact, I hope that he will be able to find the door when he arrives.”

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