Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1775: (continued)

The Emperor of the Jurassic is extremely important to Zhong Rong.

It is not only because Zhong Rong has the unique ability to fight in the ghosts, but also because he has also achieved the height of the same level of ghost repair in the cultivation of the ghosts.

At the time of Zhou Tianhua, the Emperor Luo was hidden in the chaotic entrance of Zhou Tian, ​​and even avoided the exploration of Pu Yuan Tian Zun, and finally got a Hongmeng purple gas to become the only one of the ghosts.

In the eyes of the Emperor Luo, the sound of the stagnation of Zhong Rong in the advanced Da Luo Wonderland is no less than the time when the Emperor of the Jurassic lurked in the day.

In the same way, this is where Zhong Rong dared to lurk in the world of Fengtian and compete with the great powers of the stars.

However, all of this source of self-confidence has now become a slap in the face of Yang Junshan’s volley.

So when Zhong Hao came out of the air, the whole person was embarrassed, not being stunned by Yang Junshan’s slap, but the thing that has always been based on his heart was stepped under his feet. .

With Yang Junshan's current cultivation and strength, nature is far less than the Puyuan Tianzun on the eve of Zhoutianhua.

However, because of the integration of the source of the space in the body, Yang Junshan has made his gods and minds have an extremely sensitive variation, or sublimation.

This sublimation made Yang Junshan completely restrained Zhong Rong, and even the hidden ghosts of the entire ghost family, so that the source of confidence in Zhong Rong’s heart completely collapsed.

At this time, Zhong Rong was completely a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of Yang Junshan. Unfortunately, there was not only Emperor and Zhong Rong in this piece of void.

After a sudden shock brought by the sudden appearance of Yang Junshan, the two strongest monks of the Luo and the bones were the first to react.

Yu Xianzun’s jade Ruyi’s two light curtains were guarded in front of the seriously wounded emperor and the lost soul.

The heavy bone fairy respects directly to a bone hammer and hits the back of Yang Junshan.

In the face of the two attacks on the repairs that are completely comparable to their own, Luo Junxian, Yang Junshan has no time to win the pursuit, can only choose to temporarily retreat to avoid.

Almost at the same time, Liu Zizheng and Yu Bing have also reacted. The two men tried to intercept the retreat of Yang Junshan.

However, Yang Junshan, in the eyes of the public, directly tore the turbulent void and jumped in, and then in the eyes of all kinds of horror and shock, from the void of hundreds of feet, the unmistakable appearance, easy Jumped out of the crowd.

For a time, the two sides actually went to each other as if they had a heart.

Yang Junshan is separated from the eight Da Luo monks by a few hundred feet of the void.

Anyone in Yang Junshan can't be the opponent of the eight Da Luo monks in any case. Even in the case of the incarnation of the body and several pieces of magic weapon are not around, with the current strength of Yang Junshan, I want to resist the opposite strength. The strong shackles and heavy bones are extremely reluctant.

The space magical power of Yang Junshan is too ridiculous. Even in the case of several big Luo Xianzun joining forces to stir the void, it is still able to flee the void without any injury, which makes everyone stunned.

Then there was a strange situation in which the one person and the eight people confronted each other in front of him, but they could take the initiative. It seems that Yang Junshan himself.

Yang Junshan’s gaze passed over the face of every Dalu monk opposite. At least four of the eight were familiar faces, and one of them recognized his identity when he was fighting.

Only the strong man who is very strong, and the other two monks in the middle of the Da Luo, are strangers in the eyes of Yang Junshan, and the two monks in the middle of the Da Luo are also the only ones who have never shot Yang Junshan. people.

Of course, the bigger possibility is that the two middle-ranking monks in the middle of the Da Luo have not had time to react in the process of confrontation.

Therefore, in the current embarrassing situation, the two masters of the great Luo took a look at each other, each giving a laughter that eased the atmosphere as much as possible. One of the old people who looked quite a little girl was the first to say: "You, Should I wait for each other to talk about it?"

The other monk, Luo Luo, raised the dust in his hand and smiled: "Since Yang Daoyou got out of trouble in the twisted void, why not join me, use this twisted void to block the people behind him? I want Yang Daoyou to understand, If you are eager to avoid me, but you are not allowed, but you are not the same as me, why should you lose it because of this!"

Yang Junshan seems to be listening to the words of the two people. In fact, all the attention has already been attracted to the past by a space entrance that is constantly spurting the source of chaos.

Chaos entrance, there is a chaotic entrance!

It's just different from the chaotic entrance that Yang Junshan once saw. This chaotic entrance looks very narrow. It seems to be just the kind of shape. His knowledge can easily perceive that the void around the entrance is very unstable. There is the possibility of a collapse of the void.

And this place looks like a chaotic entrance that is not much bigger than the fist. Although it seems to be close at hand, in fact, because of the space folding, I really want to approach this entrance. Rao is Yang Junshan’s approach to space. I am afraid that it is extremely difficult.

It is no wonder that these people have already found the chaotic entrance in advance, but they still waste here, even transforming this distorted void into an interception position, preventing the latecomers from entering this void.

Seeing that Yang Junshan’s remarks about the two people are unrecognizable, the old man of Hefa Tongyan is quite patient, still not eager to laugh: “Why should the family not solve the problem, why should the friend of the road be worried about this small matter? It is imperative to do it first. People get red and purple, otherwise, once I wait for conflicts, it will spread to this distorted void, giving the latecomers a chance to be defeated.

"Jiuzhi Xianzun said it is!"

The monk who was holding the dust, quickly agreed.

"The light dust road friend has won the prize!"

Jiuzhi Xianzun also responded with a smile.

The two sang together and sounded like a double spring.

Yang Junshan’s gaze looked at a few people in front of him and suddenly smiled and said: “Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhong, the crow of three legs, and this should be a friend of the Tao. Yang knew it earlier, nine branches and bright dust. The two friends have already known, I don’t know what the remaining two should call?"

Yang Junshan’s voice just fell, holding the jade wishful celestial sacred eyes flashing, looking at Yang Junshan smiled and asked: “Yang Daoyou actually knows 冀? Just before 冀I did not know when I saw Yang Daoyou?”

Yang Junshan smiled at Zhao Xianzun, but he did not answer in the mouth, but looked at the other two.

"A barbarian has a strong bone, hey, Zhou Tian Yang Junshan, it is a great reputation!"

The voice of the heavy bones is like a heavy scorpion, which shocks the ears of the human body.

Yang Junshan’s gaze fell on Yu Bingxian’s body, but the smile between the looks was a bit of a joke.

Under the gaze of Yang Junshan, Yu Bingxian Zun did not know why but did not dodge a bit, seemingly avoiding his gaze.

Jiuzhi Xianzun saw the round field on the side: "Oh, this is the feather ice fairy, the feather ice friend and the Heluo Star Palace have a lot of origin, but also a singer."

"Yuanyuan?" Yang Junshan smiled unclearly: "This source can be gone, but I don't know if Yang should call you a feather ice friend, or the lower star of Heluo Star Palace?"

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