Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1783: 冀璋出手,中品仙器

Yang Junshan is indeed making his own magical magic!

In fact, this kind of idea has been around for a long time. This time, Yang Junshan’s sudden display of this supernatural power is not a whim, but after several deductions, he has already gained some confidence.

Of course, it’s just a part!

In fact, Yang Junshan’s brand-new original magical powers are far from being satisfactory. At best, they are only preliminary integration.

That is to say, the power that has just been displayed by Yang Junshan, which combines the "French Heaven and Earth" with the source of space, is at best a part of the power of perfect magical power in his vision.

However, only the initial fusion of Shentong has already possessed such tyrannical power. If the complete supernatural powers are completed by Yang Junshan, what kind of terrible power will there be?

“Perhaps the potential can reach the open space?” Yang Junshan said.

In fact, he understands that this is indeed not impossible.

Because it is only the supernatural power of this initial fusion, its power is no longer under the ordinary magical powers.

Nowadays, it is only a combination of the magical power of the Taoist gods and the space magical powers that the hands of the space control the space. In fact, there is still much room for discussion between the two magical powers.

In the final analysis, the roots of these two supernatural powers are derived from the sturdy body of Yang Junshan.

The former is also a matter of course. The power of Fatian Tiandi is directly dependent on the repair of Yang Junshan's forging body. The higher the forging is, the stronger the strength of the Fa-rectification can be.

Especially in the latter case, the fusion of the space source and its physical body is not limited to the perfection of the integration of hands, arms and even the arms, and still has great room for improvement.

In this way, with the progress of the two supernatural powers and the improvement of the degree of mutual integration, the general outline of the sects that can be combined will continue to be summarized and further improved.

Even if this is not enough, I am afraid that Yang Junshan has already noticed the use of Shentong in actual combat. The power of the newly created supernatural power is strong, but it is too difficult to control. It is entirely based on its tyrannical body. Suppress and then force the magical powers.

In other words, his new power is not suitable for others.

At least so far, it can only be used by him. If he is replaced by others, he is very likely to lose control and even risk the reaction.

After all, not everyone can be as good as he is, with the "blood reborn" forging to control these magical powers.

And even if he is himself, he can use the tyrannical forging to control this magical power to perform once, twice, or three times, but it can't be done this time. Otherwise, even if Yang Junshan's body is as strong as the magic weapon, I am afraid I can't eat it. .

The magical magical powers need to continue to improve, so it is imperative to introduce the third **** universal to balance the forging body repair with the space source. Only in this way can the magical power be reduced to the monks during the exhibition. Self-defense.

Of course, if this kind of supernatural power used to alleviate the conflict between the "French heaven and the earth" and the space source, it can further promote the integration and sublimation between the three, so that the potential of Yang Junshan's own magical power can continue to improve. Nature is no better.

It is only the choice of this third supernatural power that Yang Junshan needs to continue the long-term screening and trial.

The creation of a new sacred magical power can obviously not be accomplished overnight. I am afraid that it will take a lot of time and effort from Yang Junshan.


In the heart of Yang Junshan, while still summing up and improving the new creation of the idea, the feathers and other people outside the space barrier barrier are greatly depressed.

Heavy bones and the emperor joined forces to attack Yang Junshan again. Yang Junshan's original magical powers not only broke the encirclement of the fusion of the virtual fire and the sun flame, but even opened the barriers of several heavy spaces.

At this time, Yang Junshan can leave the thirteenth empty void barrier at any time, from the encirclement of the flame burning, and even pull the distance between each other to a length that makes the desperate behind them.

However, Yang Junshan did not know why he did not escape from the flames in the first place.

Yu Bingxianzun and others do not know that he was completely immersed in the summarization and deduction of the new creation of the magical magical powers at this time. He only thought that he was in the aftermath of defeating the opponent’s interception means, or did not think that At this time, Xian has the means to interfere with the performance.


At this time, Yan Xianzun was a bright gaze.

Because in his view, Yang Junshan did not get out of the thirteenth emptiness barrier at the first time. In addition to the two possibilities mentioned earlier, there is still a third situation.

That is, Yang Junshan may have exhausted at this time!

In the expression of some misunderstandings, Zhu Xianzun suddenly sacrificed his jade, and went to Yang Junshan, who was in the depths of the barrier.

At the moment when Jade Ruyi was shining, the expressions of the original sinful sorrows have been shocked!


Yang Junshan is really exhausted at this time!

After several times, the 13-fold void barrier was blocked. During the period, it was necessary to deal with the blockage from the queens behind him. Yang Junshan could not afford the steel bars and the celestial elements.

In the case that the airborne birds and the sun's true fire are no longer a threat, Yang Junshan naturally does not need to get out of the thirteenth heavy barrier as soon as possible.

Of course, Yang Junshan does not think that the queens behind him will continue to do things that seem meaningless to him after repeated attempts to intercept.

But what everyone doesn't know is that Yang Junshan has a more important reason for staying here, that is, here he is the safest...

However, Yang Junshan is still a little miscalculated!

When he was squatting out of danger and recovering the singularity of the body, and talking with Yang Lan, who was sitting in the inferior five elements of the land, a green jade wished to wear a void barrier to match the speed of the airborne bird. Came to the back of Yang Junshan!

Yu Xianzun’s jade is not a space magic weapon, but it has the speed of comparing space magic, because at this moment, this magic weapon has finally completely released its sharp breath – a Chinese fairy!

Before, Xian Xianzun had been covering the edge of this magic weapon. He only showed the power of the next fairy in front of everyone. No one ever thought that he would always take it in his hands. The magic weapon that he played in the eyes of the public would be one. The piece converges on the sharpness of the middle of the fairy!

For a moment, Rao is Yang Junshan’s life and death several times, and he feels numb in the scalp!

This is a big trouble!

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