Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1796: Delivery, the final crisis

"...Yang Junshan has already had a glimpse of the realm of 'blood reborn' and has already entered the land of chaos first!"

In addition to chaos, after the immortality of the Chinese immortal device, Zhai Xianzun revealed an explosive news to many great supernaturals who were excited.

Sure enough, as soon as the news was released, it instantly “healed” the anger of all the great supernaturals and successfully transferred their attention to Yang Junshan’s body.

“‘Blood reborn?’ Just kidding!”

"Well, even those top-notch sacred gods do not necessarily cultivate the forged body to cultivate the fourth most important thing?"

"Well, that Puyuan Tianzun may have reached this level!"

"Hey, isn't Yang Junshan a corpse of three corpses of Pu Yuan Tian Zun?"

"Oh, this is to fight for life, so ridiculous words can also be spoken, when I wait for a fool?"

Seeing his own words will not be accepted by all the people, and Xian Xianzun quickly said loudly: "You are a friend of the Tao, this is not something that one sees. Moreover, the friends of the Tao are in the face, and the life and death of a certain person will be between you." How dare you dare to lie to you?"

Not waiting for Xianzun to show his eyes and eyes, the heavy bones of Xianzun have already echoed loudly: "The Taoist friends said that it is good. Somebody is a disciple of my barbarian priests. I am willing to swear by the honor of the barbarian. That Yang Junshan really realized the understanding. It’s the mystery of 'blood reborn'!"

After all, this heavy bone fairy is still afraid of others' unbelief, and continues: "In fact, the old man has mastered some of the mystery of the 'debridement of the limbs' in the forging. However, at that time, the chaotic entrance was heavily blocked by the void barrier. It is because of the alienation of space and the inability to go deep into it. Then Yang Junshan can walk freely without any magic weapon or magical power, even without the erosion of the chaotic origin of the spill. This does not explain his forging. Repair it?"

"In the next Confucianism, Liu Zizheng," Liu Zizheng has also quickly removed the top of the top of the green platform, the loud voice: "Liu can also prove that the Taoist friends and the heavy bones friends are not empty."

Compared with the unremarkable reputation in the starry sky, but the strength is arrogant to the embarrassing Yan Xianzun, the commitments made by the two major forces of the strong bones Xianzun and Liu Zizhen are obviously more convincing.

However, at this time, suddenly a voice came in again: "Cough, the fact, in fact, that Yang Junshan has already refining the space and refining itself into the body, coughing, and this realm has even surpassed the initial glimpse. The realm of blood reborn, waiting for this person to be able to integrate the source of space into the whole body, then the distance from the incarnation of the fourth realm that symbolizes the invincible situation is only the next step."

When the voice just fell, the empty space of the original nowhere was distorted. A young, pale and bloodless monk showed his body shape, but this person did not seem to be in a good state. The appearance of the body.

"Who are you?"

In the moment when this person appeared, some people in the crowds asked loudly.

The young monk smiled and said: "In the next feather, it is the person who had previously arranged in the twisted void and intercepted you."

Yu Bingxian’s words are exported, and all the immortals are Qiqiyi. Even Yan, Zhonggu and Liuzi are not expecting that Yan Bingxian will not only dare to show up at this time, but even block themselves. The matter was exposed, and at the same time, in the horror, but also by default, falling in the eyes of other immortals is obviously the default.

"Good boy, you still dare to show up!"

When even the great supernatural powers screamed, at the same time, a giant mouth suddenly opened next to the empty space where Yu Bingxian was located, and swallowed his head.

As the saying goes, "there is still a murderous parent who blocks the human race." Yu Bingxianzun’s previous blockade of the void has indeed caused many monks to compete for the hope of Hongmeng Ziqi.

At this time, the Lord was suddenly appearing. Many of the temperamental great supernatural powers had already been unable to stop, but other people just watched and even enjoyed it.

Unexpectedly, the huge mouth swallowed, but it was just swept over its figure. The body of Yubing Xianzun looked just shook, not affected by it.


Immediately there was a great supernatural person exclaimed.

Phantom is not a great means. What is remarkable is that there is a phantom in front of the area, but it does not allow the great supernaturals who are present to find clues.

"Idiot, will the deity still stay and kill?"

The illusion left by Yu Bingxian is really vivid, and everyone will sneer into it with an opening.

"How many times did the Fantasy come out with a great supernatural power like you?"

Master Da Luo asked loudly, but the tone sounded quite a bit solemn.

The fantasy family can only be regarded as a small race that is not too eye-catching in the starry sky. There are only a few yuan gods on the facade. It is said that there is not even a golden fairy. If this is suddenly a big Luo Xianzun, Exciting, but it is also inevitable.

Do not look at the dozens of great supernaturals who are gathered here at the moment. The weakest is also a golden fairy with five abilities. Da Luo Xian Zun is everywhere.

In fact, in the vast world of vast and innocent stars, the appearance of a great Luo Xianzun is enough to change the situation around several stars, stars, and even the entire astral world.

Unexpectedly, the phantom of Yu Bingxian’s phantom is a big laugh: “Which fantasies, even the shadows of the deity created by the space source can’t be seen?”

Of all the great supernaturals present, it is impossible for everyone to be deceived by this phantom, but only those who can see the details are not to say it.

Liu Zizheng turned his eyes and smiled and said: "You may not know that this feather ice friend is a great priest. It is said to be the inheritance of Heluo Star Palace. He had previously fought with Yang Junshan several times. If you are familiar with Yang Junshan, you still need to count this feather ice friend."

Yu Bingxian smiled and looked at Liu Zizheng as if he had already seen his thoughts in general, but he smiled in his mouth: "Yes, the deity is good at the void, and is more sensitive to the space source, then Yang Junshan space Originally derived from the body, it is true that the forging body has been cultivated to the realm of 'blood reborn'. Otherwise, how can the deity's void formation be broken?"

"That Yang Junshan is also a big singer. He broke your formation and only shows that his rumor is far above you!" The monk immediately ridiculed.

The face of Yubing Xianzun’s shadow flashed, and the loud voice: “How about that? Isn’t it not being blocked by the deity after twisting the void?”

Although it is only a phantom shadow left by Yu Bingxian, but Yu Bingxian does not seem to worry about all the great powers in the room.

When Yan Xianzun saw it, he interrupted the dispute between Yu Bingxian and everyone. He asked: "Is there any way to deal with Yang Junshan?"

Yu Bingxian has repeatedly provoked the killing of Yang Junshan, although he does not know why his motives, but Yan Xianzun believes that Yu Bing will not appear for no reason.

Sure enough, the words of Xian Xianzun immediately attracted the attention of Yu Bingxianzun, saying: "It's very simple, put your most proud and powerful magical power into the chaotic entrance!" ”

What is this?

Is it not afraid of causing chaotic entry changes, making the source of chaos leaked from the chaotic land?

However, this time, the shadow of Yubing Xianzun faced the doubts of the celestial beings but did not look back. Instead, he made a metaphor for his patience. He said: "Yang Junshan is a forged person with a **** rebirth." Physical training is no doubt, it is like he has learned to suffocate and swim in a calm pond, but if I wait for the calm water to stir up and fill it with undercurrents and whirlpools, can he still hold on? If I waited and continued, the surging water surface turned into a huge wave, what should I do?"

"Of course, you don't want to come out to offer ugliness when you don't have the magical powers above the realm." Yu Bingxian admired and still did not forget to ridicule: "Low-order fairy magic will annihilate and melt in the chaotic land, even a blisters Can't splash."

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