Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1798: (continued)

In the chaos, Yang Junshan spread his palms. The Xuanguang, which was hovering in the palm of his hand, did not bring him any guidance on Hongmengqi. Instead, he was like a headless fly.

A little disappointing Yang Junshan is about to take back the Xuanguang of the early Taishui and continue to try his luck in chaos, but suddenly feels a slight sway in the chaos, as if someone put a stone into the water, the ripples of the ripples arrived. Not far from yourself.

Has anyone entered the land of chaos?

Yang Junshan first thought of this possibility. After all, Yang Junshan is self-confident for his own strength, but he has never been arrogant. He does not believe that among the great supernaturals who entered this world, no one has a way to enter. The land of chaos.

Perhaps the repair of these people in the forging body is far from the realm of "blood reborn", but they may not have other means of entering the land of chaos, especially those monks who are born in the power of the stars, even if they can not For example, Yang Junshan has been swimming in chaos for a long time, but at least a short time to enter and exit the chaos can still be done.

However, when Yang Junshan was still thinking about how to deal with other monks entering the chaos, the direction of the original chaos suddenly surged into a violent undercurrent, spreading toward chaos.

Yang Junshan was shocked. However, the chaos was too restrictive to the perception of God, and he consumed a lot of communication with the unknown. He felt that the diffuse undercurrent flowing from the same direction was also in his position. When it came, it was too late to avoid it.

In the chaos, Yang Junshan's body continued to retreat under the impact of chaotic undercurrent, but he still managed to maintain control of his body shape until the impact of this undercurrent was exhausted.

Although there are submerged streams in the chaos before, even these chaotic undercurrents are derived from the seemingly chaotic sacred roads, but after all, the means of these great supernaturals can not directly act on the chaos of the Fengtian world. Knowing how many layers have been weakened, the impact is far from being comparable to the potential.

Yang Junshan is very dignified. He has realized that the movement just should not be the place where people enter chaos.

Although Yang Junshan will not be overconfident, but he will never be arrogant. No one can dare to create such a big movement after entering the chaotic land. This is tantamount to suicide.

But if there is no other person entering the land of chaos, then things will probably be very serious.

Yang Junshan had a bad prediction in his heart at this time, and he realized that he was entering a place of chaos at this time. I am afraid it is not a good thing.

Yang Junshan, who wants to understand this point, has not only gone to the vicinity of the chaotic entrance to see it after the impact of the chaotic undercurrent. Instead, he went to the depths of the chaotic land.

The facts also prove that Yang Junshan’s choice is not wrong. Just after he left the place, two chaotic shocks that were more violent than before have erupted, triggering a larger impact of subsurface currents, deeper into the chaos. Spread away.

Although Yang Junshan has been as far away as possible at this time, the turbulent flow from behind is still flying his whole person, rolling in the turbulent chaos of the original airflow, such as the same leaf floating.

What is more terrible, however, is not the impact of chaotic turbulence, but the consumption of Yang Junshan itself in this process.

Originally in the chaotic land, the source of chaos is relatively calm. With its own comprehensive strength, Yang Junshan will not be eroded by the source of chaos, but also refining it to accumulate its own heritage.

However, under the impact of the chaotic currents like the turbulent waves, he still dares to absorb the source of refining chaos, and can only protect himself from the chaotic chaos of tyranny.

However, Yang Junshan soon discovered that the chaotic turbulence that erupted from the entrance to the chaos did not stop, but became more frequent.

At this time, Yang Junshan has been able to determine that this should be someone who puts a magical sacred spell outside the chaotic entrance to the chaotic land, deliberately causing turbulent impact in the chaotic land.

Yang Junshan can even be sure that these practices are definitely directed at himself, but he is somewhat puzzled by the motives of people outside of chaos who are often swaying into the chaotic land.

Even if some people have guessed that they are fourth in the advanced stage, they can walk freely in chaos, but such a large-scale release of the magical sorcerer above the realm of creation is only to deal with oneself, is there some big problems?

But if it is not just to deal with oneself, then those outside the chaotic entrance are so reluctant to put the magical magic into the land of chaos, what will it be?

Yang Junshan understands that after entering the chaotic land, the hands and feet that were previously made in the twisted void will be triggered. Those who were previously blocked by the twisted void will definitely be with the feathers, scorpions, heavy bones, etc. Conflict broke out.

But now it seems that the conflict between the two sides should have subsided. Perhaps one party has been expelled, perhaps the two sides have cooperated for the time being, but it is more likely that Yang Junshan should be the latter.

Because through the previous wits, he is very clear that 冀璋, heavy bones, Liu Zizheng and others are among the best of the Dalu monks, and will not give up this opportunity so easily.

So what is the chance?

Of course it is Hong Meng Ziqi!

Only Hong Meng Ziqi will let all the great supernatural powers temporarily calm down the choice of the situation, and only the Hongmeng purple, will let these people continue and willingly, they can completely be used as the bottom of the pressure box in the creation of the realm The great supernatural powers on it are placed in the land of chaos.

In other words, the turbulence caused by chaos can accelerate the gestation of Hongmengqi, or is it born?

This made Yang Junshan think of the suspicious turbulence of the former Suido sages who were suspected of chaos, trying to accelerate the connection of the abundance of the Fengtian world.

Is there any potential connection between the two?

Despite this, Yang Junshan has not forgotten to determine one thing, that is, since the turmoil that triggered the source of chaos may accelerate the gestation of the smog or the present, then the beginning of this time will definitely have some movement.

At this time, Yang Junshan was deep enough in the chaotic land. Although it was still affected by chaotic turbulence, it was able to control the figure better.

I saw that he reached out to everything in the source of chaos. There was space in the palm of his hand. Under the support of his own fairy, he temporarily isolated a small space in chaos, and then a purple light appeared in it.

However, in the moment of seeing the beginning of Xuantuang, Yang Junshan’s eyes suddenly condensed, and Huo Ran looked up to the depths of Chaos pointed by the early Xuanguang. There was a hint of purple and awning in the vague source.

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