Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1829: Arrange and control the domain

Outside the world of Fengtian, there is no interior of a certain star in the sky.

After Guangzhi Tianzun unconsciously discovered this gap in the plane inside the Fengtian world, it opened up into a temporary cave house and has been stationed ever since.

As the last piece of the final piece of the innocent starry sky, the birth of Fengtian World attracted the attention of all the great supernaturals in the entire innocent starry sky.

So at this time in the surrounding stars of the starry sky where Fengtian World is located, I don’t know how many powerful forces are searching for the flaws of Fengtian World, and letting go of any possible gap to the inside of Fengtian World. .

Therefore, even if Guanglie Tianzun himself, after fortunately finding this gap in the plane, he has never dared to speak out, but secretly opened up an underground cave house in the place where the gap of the plane is located. The mice generally hide here, and even the two children of the real world are served around, for fear of being discovered.

It is a pity that Guanglie Tianzun himself is a spear-manufacturer. There is no big force to rely on. Even if he found the gap in this plane, he finally only got a helper from the early days of Jigong.

However, Guanglie Tianzun did not hesitate to split the origin of his own path into the world of Fengtian, but it was unrelentingly destroyed by Yang Junshan.

"Right, Angan dares to bully me!"

The raging Guanglie Tianzun was full of momentum, and the two Taoist children sitting behind him were immediately overturned, and his face was swollen, and the temporary cave house suddenly became a mess.


Guanglie Tianzun converges on his own momentum. However, his heart is still angry and difficult. The gap between the plane leading to the world of Fengtian is very likely to be related to whether the third corpse can be smashed.

However, this hope was annihilated with Ji Gong, and his joint source was destroyed and eventually shattered. I don’t know how many years to wait until I have such a chance.

Guanglie Tianzun thinks that the more he is angry and difficult, he can think of the strength that Yang Junshan showed at that time, especially when the three corpses of the three great Luo Wonderland appeared, the shock brought by him, Guanglie Tianzun could not help. Drumming in the heart, revealing fear.

Guanglie Tianzun understands that even if his heart is unwilling, he can only find his way back from Yang Junshan by his own power.

"Don't go where you two, stay here and clean up, the old man will go back!"

Guanglie Tianzun got up and told the two Taoist children behind him that they immediately disappeared into the Dongfu.

"What happened to Master?"

The Tsing Yi boy quickly climbed up from the ground and wiped the blood from the nose.

"What else can you eat?"

Another green boy coughed twice when he sat up, vomiting a small mouthful of blood from his mouth, and his look looked a lot more comfortable, but his face looked very pale.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense!"

Tsing Yi’s boy, who was busy with the words, made a snoring action, and then said: “Or let the Dongfu clean up first, lest the master return to eat his old man’s head.”


The green boy sighed a little, and barely stood up from the ground. When he looked over the colorful light from the front of Dongfu, he saw a trace of blood squirming from the light.

When the green boy quickly blinked and looked at it, what was the blood on the colorful light?

It must have been that I have just been stunned and stunned!

The green boy quickly licked his head, but he never saw a **** man sticking to the hair behind his head. At the moment of his skull, this **** mang has already penetrated his hair. At the office.


Although Yang Junshan annihilated the origin of Guanglie Tianzun's projection in the world of Fengtian, the gap between the planes still exists.

Moreover, the Guanglie Tianzun really wants to leak the gap between the planes in the space of the stars, and it is absolutely possible to attract a number of foreigners to join the road.

If this is the case, then for Yang Junshan, it is indeed a potential danger that cannot be ignored, even more than the threat posed by Guanglie Tianzun.

Yang Junshan did not think about how to deal with this plane gap. It was just a few options listed in the mind. After Yang Lan took a piece of Tianshi, there was only one best option to choose from. It is.

From Yang Lan’s hand, he took over the Tianshi stone. Yang Junshan’s sleeves slammed toward the lake under his feet. The water in the lake suddenly drained toward the surroundings, and a corridor leading to the bottom of the lake appeared above the lake.

Yang Junshan walked into the corridor with the help of Tianshi, and soon came to the bottom of the lake.

Among the rocks, a colorful gap filled with space origin appears in front of the eyes, and it seems that the narrow one is not too long.

However, this small space gap, once improperly handled, may lead to the embarrassment of other supernatural powers outside the domain, thus threatening Yang Junshan's control over the four regions of the earthquake.

Just as Yang Junshan was preparing to use Tianshi as a medium to display the sacred spirits and to repair the gaps in the plane, Yang Junshan’s mind suddenly flashed, and a slightly bold thought suddenly came out.

In the Yang Junshan body, the immortality surged, and only a drop of blood was forced out from the fingertips.

"What is this for the deity?"

Yang Lan, who was behind Yang Junshan, asked some doubts.

Yang Junshan plunged a drop of blood from his fingertips into the gap between the colorful Guanghua. He smiled and said: "It’s a whim, just take advantage of this opportunity to go outside and have a look!"

Yang Lan thought for a moment and said: "The deity is now repaired to the realm of 'blood reborn', even if it is just a drop of blood, it has a great power, but the opposite is the place where Guanglie Tianzun sits, the action of the deity may not be Can avoid his perception."

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "It’s good to just look at it. The other party has just lost the source of the road. When it is damaged, can you avoid the other party’s perception?”

Yang Wei heard the words just shaking his head, apparently not optimistic about the temptation of the deity.


Yang Junshan whispered, his face was slightly revealing.

"Why, is the deity discovered by the other party so quickly?"

Followed by Yang Lan, who came in, smirked and asked, the smile looked quite sullen.

Yang Junshan shook his head and smiled: "That is not! It is my intention. I thought that a drop of blood avatar could pass through the gap of the plane, but I never wanted to be exhausted by the power of the space in the middle."

Said, Yang Junshan's fingertips squeezed out a second drop of blood, and once again broke into the gap of the colorful plane, Yang Junshan added a hint of qi escort, and at the same time seemed to inject into the gap with the mind and soul. Escort this blood to avoid tearing the space along the way.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Junshan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "It is!"

“Is it actually? Didn’t Guanglie Tianzun find out?”

Yang Lan asked some mistakes and seemed to be unbelievable.

Yang Junshan replied with a smile: "The luck is good, and Guanglie Tianzun seems to have left."

If Yang Lan thinks: "The gap between the planes is directly inside the world of Fengtian. The Guanglie Tianzun will not give up easily. Is it because it is because of the big loss in the hands of the deity, knowing that it is not our opponent, then calling friends Looking for helpers?"

Yang Huadao, who just walked in, said: "It must be like this, the deity must be guarded!"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "Take him? And first seal the gap in this plane."

After all, I saw Yang Junshan to make up the magical power of Tian Tian, ​​and draw a source of power from the Tian Tianshi in his hand, and then turned into a colorful and colorful light, which flowed into the gap between the planes in front of him.

I don't know how long it took, and as the power of the source was continuously drawn, the original slap-sized tianshi stone had already shrunk by two-thirds, and until this time, the original source of the colorful source was continuously poured. Suddenly overflowing, the original flashing colorful Haoguang also suddenly disappeared.

Yang Junshan immediately interrupted the power of the source from the Tianshi Stone, and then successively stacked dozens of seals on the plane gap that was being bridged until the entire gap disappeared completely in the bottom of the lake.

"This is ok?" Yang Lan asked.

"The gap between the planes has been completed, and there is no problem in a short time. However, if the opposite side of the road is really a multiplayer, it is not impossible to force the plane gap along the original trajectory. It is only the time they may spend. To be longer, the price paid must be greater!"

Yang Junshan thought for a moment and said: "I have to lay a line here. In addition to protecting the sea of ​​the lake, it is no longer discovered by others. It is also necessary to ensure that those outside will forcibly open the plane. The sea of ​​origin will not be affected."

Yang Wei heard a smile and threw a storage bag. He said: "With these things, these are some of the things that have been sifted out from the things scattered by the Jigong."

Yang Wei heard the storage bag first, and the gods swept away. He smiled and said: "This seems to be too rich, and the Da Luo Xian Zun, but it has collected a lot of low-level materials, at first glance If you are used to the hardships, suddenly come to these resourceful worlds, almost all of them are scraping."

After Yang Junshan succeeded in smashing three corpses, the three corpses had their own personality temperament, and Yang Lan’s changes seemed to be particularly large, and the most significant point was that there was a lot of words.

Yang Junshan escaped from the storage bag from Yang Lan’s hand, and selected dozens of various spiritual materials from it. Then he found more than ten kinds of other three people. This began to be arranged at the bottom of the lake. The sea is protected.

Yang Junshan spent a lot of time before and after the array. When the law was about to be completed, Yang Lan said: "Is this man who needs me to sit here?"

Yang Junshan thought for a moment and said: "For a while, I will wait for a while, and I will be able to cross the threshold of the Great Luo Wonderland. I will leave him here. Since I came here, I naturally cannot let him always enjoy it. I still have to bear something."

Yang Wei smirked and said: "The deity said that it is a grandiose, sitting in the sea of ​​origin, it is better to bear this responsibility to bear, how?"

Yang Junshan pointed to Yang Lan and smiled and said: "How can you become such a poisonous tongue, and be careful that the deity has lost your eyes."

Yang Wei heard the words and laughed and said nothing. The reason why he was the first in the three incarnations of Yang Junshan was the first reason. The main reason was that he had turned into a blind eye on his eyes.

Without the heavenly penalty beads, his life-threatening gods are still chaotic, but the foundation of this magical power has to be reduced from the opening of the heavens to the creation of the realm, and the strength will be damaged.

Yang Junshan, as the deity of the three corpses, knows the details of the corpses of the three corpses, and only one sentence pokes the door of Yang Lan.

Yang Lan said at this time: "The gap between the planes here has been blocked by the deity, but once someone tries to reopen the channel, it is the combination of many people, the danger is even bigger! Or I stayed here to stay here. The most secure."

Yang Junshan shook his head with a smile and said: "There are other things that need to be assisted by the Taoist friends. The friends here don't have to worry about it. The deity has his own claim. Moreover..."

When Yang Junshan said that the momentum of the whole body suddenly changed, the three incarnations followed by the three incarnations also clearly perceive the changes that appeared in them.

"This is... the blessing of the will of the heavens and the earth?"

Yang Hua, who had had such experiences, had some surprised openings.

Yang Junshan smiled: "The gap in the plane is blocked, thus avoiding further damage. The sea of ​​origin is reprotected. The entire domain avoids invasion from outside the domain. As one of the landlords of this world, I will naturally be recognized by the will of the heavens and the earth and further rewards."

Yang Lan is somewhat awkward. He said: "The deity was originally the master of the earthquake palace. Now the domain is preserved because of my efforts. Naturally, under the protection of the deity, it can be said that the domain is now completely in the control of the deity. No wonder the deity does not worry that the gap will be reopened, because once there is a change, the deity will be aware of it in the first place!"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "Let's go, the four fields of the earthquake palace, and the other three domains waiting for me to regain control, I hope to be smooth!"


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