Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 726: inventory

Yan Yan returned to Xishan Village with Yang Junshan. Naturally, he was warmly welcomed by the Yang family who had already received news from Yang Junxi. Han Xiumei was even more pleased with the mouth. The mother heard that the son had a favorite Taoist, but the performance was the same as those of the mortal.

Yan Yan lived in Yangjiayi for a month. Yang Junshan took her to play in most of Mengyu County. Although this Mengyu County has no strange scenery, but these two people are rare to relax. Have fun and enjoy, of course, during this period, the two have been paying attention to the incident about Yu Tianfeng from Yucheng.

"Now the attention of the entire Yuzhou cultivation community is placed on the Tianfeng and Xuanyuan Dao ancestors. I am afraid no one remembers the news that you were reminding the extraterritorial forces to prepare to destroy a sect."

From the mouth of Yang Junshan, Yan Yan learned about the passing of his Tianfeng line, and even the things of the Quwu Mountain demon have been known.

Yang Junshan’s look is full of helplessness. “In fact, even I feel that this kind of thing is too ridiculous, and I can’t tell others about the news from the Qu Wushan demon, so now only Can pass some rumors to warn the Yuzhou factions."

The two men were returning to Xishan Village from the outside. They got the news. It seems that it was because of the embarrassment between the Zhuge family and the Xuanjimen in the county.

"Have you ever noticed that Xishan has risen again!" Yan Yan said now that even if he didn't cover the fog, he would have fallen into the top of the cloud.

Yang Junshan is also amazed with a proud saying: "Yeah, I did not think that the earth and the veins on the Tianfeng peak I just took away 30%, but I did not expect to be a large soil here. Go to the ground."

"This can only explain that the original land on the Tianfeng Peak is far more than a large-scale vein. The accumulation of the heavenly centuries is really true!"

The ground is also the foundation and the foundation. The reason why Yang Junshan is looking for the five elements of the road is that, in addition to the need to save resources when the five elements of Raytheon are operating, a very important reason is that he wants to expand the scope of the village. I want the underground of Xishan Village to carry a larger vein, more veins, a wider Lingtian, and a more lush Lingzhi Park, all of which require five elements to make a basic support, just like A tall tree, how tall and luxuriant it can grow, not because of how thick its branches are, but because of how large its roots are and how deep it is.

Among the five elements, it is undoubtedly the most important for Yang's native land. As the Xishan Yang family, which is mainly based on the soil system, the existence of the soil system is far more important for Yang than the other four. The effect of the increase in the line.

In fact, after Yang’s condensed into a Linghe River, the most important reason for restricting the expansion of invisible thunderstorms became that the fragile veins around Xishan could not support the load caused by the large-scale operation, even after the success of Linghe. Yang Junxin also found through the survey that the fragile veins of Xishan even want to pull some of the spiritual veins, even if the source of the source of the spirit must be carefully calculated!

If Yang Junshan and Yang Junyi had pulled back a medium-sized water vein before, I am afraid that the one that was pulled back from Haotianfeng this time did not know where to put it!

Fortunately, following this spiritual pulse, Yang Junshan took great effort to reluctantly grab the land from the Xuanyuan ancestors and gradually integrated into the Xishan vein, and soon gave everyone a surprise, despite Yang. Junshan only extracted the Tiancheng Sancheng soil, but it was not thought that because the Tianfeng vein was too thick, only 30% of the veins condensed into a large earthen vein.

Now for the Yang family, the root system used to support the canopy of the trunk is too large, but the growth of the trunk and canopy falls behind the roots!

In the more than one month after the formation of large-scale soil veins, the peaks of Xishan suddenly rised several tens of feet, and the large-scale village of Xishan Village also expanded outwards for a while, but did not affect the operation of the large-scale village. Weineng, even with the help of large-scale veins, the invisible thunderbolt is running, and the damage caused to the Linghe itself is reduced by 30%, and everything looks so magical.

In addition, don't forget that the large-scale soil veins can condense a source of pearls that are completely condensed by the pure soil system every month. This is for the Yang clan who rests on the soil system. It is said that the extraordinary Baodan is much more precious. What is more important is that the power of Baodan is very difficult for the following monks, but the Yuanyuan Lingzhu does not have this concern.

Of course, Yang Junshan and Yang Junyi brought back from the Tianfeng Peak. Of course, a set of forty-nine pieces of refining equipment from the Qitianzong refining hall made Yang’s small refining workshop directly Upgraded to the refining hall.

Zhang Huzi, the scrap material refiner, provided a large amount of spiritual materials in Yang’s association, and watched the Ouyang Xulin refiner and dialed at his point. Although it was somewhat open, it was able to refine one or two kinds of Chinese magic goods. It is obviously a joke that he is in charge of the refining hall. The complete set of refining instruments can be refining even the magical treasures of the spirits. He is in the hands of the semi-removal master who can't refine the magical weapons. It is simply a violent thing.

In desperation, Yang's refining hall is now temporarily controlled by Yang Junxi. In Yang Junshan's view, the most important process of refining is to play with fire. How can Yang Junyi be a fire, let alone he is Yang. One of the three real people in the world, taking his position to take over the refining hall, others can't say anything.

Fortunately, at the same time as the whole set of refining equipment from the refining hall, Yang Junshan and Yang Junxi brought back many of the relics of the Tianzong and the notes of the refiner, as long as the shelves of the refining hall were put up. The only thing left is to spend time cultivating the refiner from the younger brothers of Yang.

The luxury facilities of the refining hall and the few refiners and the refining apprentices formed a strong contrast, which made the Peng Shizhen, who is now in charge of the alchemy room, very dissatisfied, unlike Zhang Huzi’s bleak management in the refining hall, Yang’s The alchemy room was run by Peng Shizhen, the younger sister of Yang Junshan.

Peng Shizhen now has the cultivation of the late Wu people. With the support of the Yang family, she is now a senior alchemy teacher, able to refine many high-level spirits. Although there is still a big gap between the distance and the master of alchemy, she The foundation of alchemy is played very solidly. If there is an opportunity to advance into the real world in the future, it may not have a chance to see the realm of alchemy masters.

More importantly, under her training and guidance, Yang not only already has several Danshi apprentices and two early Dan teachers, but also established a complete initial Dan teacher training system. According to this process, you can train your own alchemy teacher step by step.

Today's Yang family, as long as the supply of resources such as Lingcao is sufficient, the refining of the following monks in the early stage of the warrior's environment can basically be supplied in time, and Peng Shizhen's role in it can be described as a great help. Hey.

It is precisely because of the obvious achievements that Yang Junshan actually placed a complete set of refining instruments for the unconventional sects of the refining hall, which is a strong and arrogant Peng Shiqi However, regardless of the two worlds that disturbed Yang Junshan and Yan Wei, I immediately came to the door to ask for a statement.

Yan Yan smiled and looked at Yang Junshan to eat, and Yang Junshan himself was helpless. It wasn’t that he didn’t worry about the alchemy room. It’s really because he found only the place where the Tiantian Zongyuan Refinery Hall was located on the Tianfeng Peak. If you don't give a statement, this younger brother and sister will resolutely bother him and Yan Han's two-person world. In desperation, Yang Junshan has to display his killer.

"Shoudan Danfang? Or a whole set of Shoudan Danfang!"

Peng Shizhen’s exclamation even made Yan Yan’s face appear shocked. He quickly went to Peng Shizhen and the two of them looked at the Shoudan inheritance that Yang Junshan took out.

Yang Junshan proudly said: "Younger brother, don't say that Big Brother does not take care of you. This set of Shoudan Danfang's worst three-year Shoudan is a high-level alchemy teacher who can start refining. If you can refine this three-year life Dan, that is the realm of the proper master!"

No one knows the value of Shou Dan more than the alchemy teacher. Peng Shizhen seized the inheritance that Yang Junshan gave to her. He said: "Shou Dan is not only difficult to refine, but more importantly, it is still necessary for refining the life of Shoudan. treasure!"

Yang Junshan laughed and said: "You are the honey in the hands of disguised problems. It is for you. I want to come to this place to replace the natural treasures, but it can save you a lot of alchemy. Time, you can use even the royal jade royal jelly, as long as you have this ability!"

He calmed Peng Shizhen and her alchemy room, and Yang Junshan wondered if it was built. The fact that Yang had a professor for Fuxi, a younger generation, was very fond of Fu Xi, but his achievements were limited. .

In fact, the practice world has long said that "one Dan and two instruments are full of land", that is, in the cultivation of the true arts, the status of the two alchemy refiners is naturally undoubtedly the top two, but in fact, the two Skills are not something that can be mastered by a monk at random. Even if you can master it, it is not affordable for a normal monk. Therefore, although the two are the most important, there are not many people who can master.

The symbol can be different, and the technique is widely spread. Even if it is a loose spell, it will often be a one-two-handed technique. Because the introduction of the technique is relatively simple, the cost of the system itself is not high. In the cultivation of the true arts, the most popular, Yang Junshan also focused on the skills in the early years, barely considered half a system.

However, it is easy to learn and difficult to learn, and some monks are usually competent for many monks, but it is not so easy to draw a charm, and even if it is capable of making a charm, the power between the same charm is often There is a difference, the cleverness made by the clever clerk can seal the sixty-seven percent of the monks' personal powers, and the ordinary ones are only four or five, and a little one can only retain the original power of the three or four. Cheng, and Yang Junshan's standard is in this rank.

As for Yan Dazhi, who can keep the power of the treasures at 60% or more, it is even harder.


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