Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 750: Treasure

Fourth, let's continue to ask for support from your friends!


This Wang Yuan still did not realize the seriousness of the matter. He was still unbelievable because of the greatness of Yang Junshan and others in Luoxia Mountain. In Xishan Village of Mengyu County, he learned that the monks in the county were evacuated. After that, Yang Tiangang took the initiative to send Yang Junping to take the people of Mengyu County.

Today's Xishan Yangshi can no longer be Yang's family a few years ago. In the same year, Yangzong was a big man. Yang was still under the name of Tiantian. Yang Tianzong could tolerate Yang's expansion of a town, but in Dayi. As well as the strength as a backing, the Yang family can easily hand over the recovered Mengyu County.

Nowadays, the strength of Xishan Yang’s heritage has been closely followed by some relatively weak Zongmen in Yuzhou. Even the Yuzhou monk has called Xishan Yang’s name as the famous Yang family. Now, since Tian Tianzong has withdrawn from Mengyu County, he Never mind coming back from Yang’s hands!

The importance of a county is naturally beyond doubt. With the county seat, Xishan Yang’s is the master of the control of Mengyu County, and then Tianzong naturally wants to get back to the county, but Yang’s family does not. Will allow, both sides can not turn their faces, they can only use some low-level monks to do so.

Similarly, Yang also wants to take this opportunity to continue to recover the town of the hills and half of the barren hills. Of course, Tianzong will not give up. After losing the city of Mengyu County, the town of the hills has become a dream. The only nail in the county, as for the barren hill town, is the necessary passage for the Tiantianzong to connect the Luoxialing large mine. Naturally, it is even more difficult to lose.

The two of them are destined to have no results, but it is still necessary to continue to pull!

Yang Junshan's layout in Luoxia Mountain, although it was still alive and dead, could eventually become the biggest winner. Qu Wushan's demon repair was severely damaged. Yang's forces first entered Hu Yao County under the leadership of Zhou Yizheng. Xiong Zhuang and the leader of the crows who stayed in Huyao County could not be an opponent of Xuanzang’s existence. They were forced by the Yang family’s forces, and the entire northern part of Huyao County was re-entered under the control of the Terran monks.

As for Zhou Yi’s real person, that is, the original Qingfeng real person, Xishan Yang’s sudden emergence of a mysterious old family will naturally attract the attention of the entire Yuzhou school, but Yang Junshan has not concealed this. I personally repaired a book and explained the reason to the real person of Lin Xuan from the Xuan Yuan School.

Because of the ruin of the smashing of the Tianfeng peak, Lin Biaohai and the Xuanyuan faction behind him can still say that he still owes Yang Junshan a human condition. The reply from Lin Biaohai’s real person is also very beautiful, such as no more connection, no worries. Yunyun, also said that the two forces are better, and finally it is to reveal this matter. As for Lin’s true feelings, Yang Junshan does not know, and does not have to know.

As a ruler of the Zongmen, if the personal grievances are above the official business, then Yang Junshan can only say that Xuanyuan Dao’s ancestors blinked, not to mention the fact that the Xuanyuan School is now a big wind, even if the battle of Lin County, Lin Biaohai The performance is acceptable, but the Xuanyuan School is still faintly hidden by the Yuzhou factions. Lin Biaohai will not be arbitrarily arrogant in this section unless he is in the water, let alone Yang Junshan...

Flowing Fire Valley is located in the west of Lin County. The layout of the entire Flow Valley is a long strip, which separates the contact between Tao Liuzong, Ziyangzong and the original Zhenwu County and Yu County.

The Zongmen station in the Valley of Fires is really a huge underground _ above the fire pulse, but it is the foundation of the raging valley ancestral gate!

After passing through Jiayu County to enter Jiajun County, you can clearly feel that the climate here is warmer than Yu County. The ground here is very hot, even in the cold winter snow, on the ground. There is also very little snow for a long time.

In the central area of ​​Liuhuo County, there is a huge gully that is hundreds of miles long. This gully is like a scar on the ground. The bottom of the gully is different in depth, but there is a hot transpiration all year round, often accompanied by sulfur. The pungent smell of fire and salt, but within a few miles around this gully, there is almost no winter, flowers bloom all year round, and various crops grow.

The station of the Valley of the Fire Valley is above the cliff bridge on both sides of the gully at the deepest point of the gully. From the freehand railing on the bridge hall, you can see it. I don’t know how many gullies are faintly reddish at the bottom of the gully, and there are hot air waves that start to sway from the bottom. If one is not ready, it will be able to cough for a long time.

"It’s amazing, it’s really enviable for your faction to find such a great place to create a foundation."

Yang Junshan stretched his head and looked at the abyss of the foot, and could not help but marvel.

Qiyang real person smiled beside him: "Yesterday listened to the wreckage teacher said that the green sable bow of Junshan Daoyou has almost become, and only the last few endings are left. If there is no accident, it will be completed today!"

Yang Junshan nodded, and looked at the abyss of the fire under his feet, but he also looked forward to it.

Before the Battle of Luoxialing, the monks of various factions saw that Yang Junshan was polite, but he was also referred to by Xiao Yangzhen. This may have the meaning of close relationship, or there may be a slight contempt, but in that one. After the war, it was the seven-yang real person who had a good relationship with him. He also called him a "Junshan real person". Although the cultivation industry had the constraints of his age, he also recognized the strength as a respect, and Yang Junshan’s large-scale magnetic Baoguang The suppression of the great demon, with the help of companions to force the enemy of three times outside the domain, its heroic warfare makes the entire Yuzhou cultivation community look at it.

There are even more rumors that after the Battle of Luoxia Ridge, several foreigners in Yuzhou had intentionally joined forces to kill Yang Junshan. However, after three years, Yang Junshan’s whereabouts have never left Xishan, even if he left. However, it has never been discovered by people, but it is extremely unreasonable.

It is necessary to know that Yang Junshan spent a year in Luoxiashan to prepare a battle for the grand squad. The five elements outside the Xishan Village cost Yang’s accumulation for several years before and after the peak. There is a thunder bomb on almost every day. Thunderstorm days can render the entire Xishan sky into a thunderbolt world. Such a large-scale array of people feels that the heart is not easy to provoke, and naturally no one dares to go into danger.

When Yang Junshan sees Yang Junshan constantly looking into the abyss of the fire, he can't help but smile: "Junshandao friends are relieved that the wreckage brother can still think of upgrading your life magic weapon, as he prepares to attack the refining master. It is not easy to know that it is impossible to find a magic weapon that enters the treasure order before the magic weapon. This can be used to directly glimpse the opportunity of the refining master. The younger brother is not willing to give up!

The sound of the seven-yang real person just fell, and the ground fire abruptly suddenly had a less noticeable flash of light. Yang Junshan’s eyes were slightly white, and it was clear that a light was rushing upwards, and the eyes were filled with expectations. .

A blazing breath swelled up, a middle-aged man with a naked upper body and full of bronze muscles seemed to burn a layer of red-red fire. He drove from the abyss to the bridge hall. The sound of the cymbals came from the wooden boards under the feet. A smog of scorched wood was ignited. There was a flash of light on the bridge floor. A layer of plaques appeared at the feet of the wreckage and blocked the body. High temperature baking.

Yang Junshan was shocked in his heart. This wrecked real person obviously has a secret technique of using the hot waves to carry out physical forging, otherwise how can a person's body carry such high temperatures.

"Fortunately, not insulted!"

In the hands of the wreckage, there is a three-foot cyan longbow in the hand. The bowstring is made of green glutinous ribs. The bow arm is made of green scorpion bones. They were all joined by Yang Junshan and Qiyang real people. The income of the queen after the demon king.

Yang Junshan stroked the bow and felt the power of this long bow. He couldn’t help but say: "The upper spirit, the good bow!"

The napkin is a little bit of a dull look, saying: "I don't want you, my style has always been rough, magic weapons and the like have always pursued attack power, not looking for exquisite appearance, detail control, etc. This longbow material is good, and the powerful old man is confident that he is the top in the top quality, but this precision may be almost in the range of one hundred and fifty feet. The distance is also long. The area where the bow is the most threatening, in this range, the longbow is not unusual even if it is shot through a genre.

"Of course, under the power of this spiritual bow, ordinary arrows are meaningless. You must use the instrumental arrows or swords of the refiner's traits to play the true power of this longbow!"

Yang Junshan nodded in words, and the common monk's slaying was also within a few tens of feet. Like Yang Junshan's fighting habits, he liked to kill in the 30-foot range. The killing distance of 150 feet was enough. Yang Junshan used to chase the escape monk.

What's more, the real person of the wreckage only said that the head of the 150-footer is slightly worse. A master of refining is a little worse. It is only intended to shoot your left nostril but accidentally hit the right nostril. This gap is gone, Yang Junshan can completely control it.

The seven-yang real person smiled bitterly. The younger brother of this family has always been so straightforward to say the advantages and disadvantages of his own magic weapon. He does not know that he is self-confident, but also purely a character problem, but in short, Yang Junshan looks like this at this time. It is extremely satisfying.

When the wrecked real person finished speaking, he immediately asked: "How can I refine your mountain monarch?"

Yang Junshan looked up and asked: "You have a certain degree of certainty, what I want is a treasure in the middle!"

Yang Junshan said that he took out the star.

The wreckage is naturally a person who knows the goods. When he sees the star's gaze, he can't live without it. He said: "70%, I only have 70% of the grasp. This is still the spirituality of your life. The treasure has been upgraded. In the case of more than half of the completion, and I have the underground fire pulse here, and you need to be pregnant with your heart and mind every half a month, it will take at least a year to refine. Success!"

"And refining this magic weapon in the earth's veins, after the success, the magic weapon may contain a considerable amount of fire, and you will need to spend a year or two to take care of your own real element!"

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