Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 835: 蹊跷

Because of the slowness of the green yarn account, Yang Junshan returned to Mengyu County with a group of monkeys. It was more than a month later. Fortunately, there were no other twists and turns along the way. Yang Junshan did not even stay in the wasteland town and went directly to Quwu Mountain. Only after the green yarn account was lowered.

Waiting for Yang Junshan to withdraw the green gauze account, a group of monkey demon has long been smashed, seeing the surrounding environment of the lush mountains and forests, suddenly sprinkled with joy and flies around, but this is the forest will soon be lively.

However, such a big movement quickly alerted the black crow who was responsible for monitoring the movement around the West Quwu Mountain. A hoarse but screaming voice came from afar, letting a lot of monsters jumping up and down Scared a big jump.

"Oh, it seems that the control of Xiqu Wushan is very timely!"

Yang Junshan smiled and said to Yang Junxiu next to him.

A glimpse of black shadows flashed in the mountains, and Bawu and Basin instincts who were arranging tribal monsters were aware of the dangerous coming. At the same time, they shouted warnings and gathered tribal monkeys to gather. Two true demon monkeys came in tandem. Protected the entire tribal monkey demon, but did not find where the danger lurks.

"Okay, it's your own!"

Yang Junshan first greeted Bawu and Baxin, and then turned to the shadow of a giant treetop. He said: "Small dark, come out and see you, Bawu and Basing and them in the future." The demon monkey tribe will be settled in Xiqu Wushan!"

Bawu and Baxin heard the words toward the giant treetops, but they still did not find anything there, but when the two monkeys were confused, they suddenly saw the slightest movement in the shadows there. A moment, when the two men stared at it, they saw a young man with a black shirt on his body coming out from there.

The mysterious young boy was the last time he used Yang’s second Linghe to form, and he succeeded in repairing the tribe leader of the black crow who broke through to the dilemma. After the second episode of the real demon, dark though You can't hide your body shape anytime, anywhere, like a fish, but you can use the shadows and darkness to converge your body to the extreme.

After the dark appearance, I only made a slight nod to Bawu and Basing. I even said hello, and even turned to Yang Junshan. "There is a little calmness in the West Quwu Mountain recently, especially after Yang Junxiu and the two of them left. The wolf demon from the county has played with us several times, and we have suffered a lot."

Not waiting for Yang Junshan to open, Yang Junxiu was already full of frost and asked: "The wolf demon from the south of Quwu Mountain? Hey, they dare to come, isn’t the lesson given to them last time?"

I sneaked into the corner of my mouth and seemed to want to smile but didn't succeed. I only listened to him: "The demon repair of Xiqu Wushan is only you can control. There is no one to listen to Xiong Zhuang. In fact, he is too lazy to talk. I can only talk at most. Commanding the black crows under his command, and the wolf demon who came in this time is different from the previous one. They have a division of labor and cooperation. When they are engaged in combat with us, they are quite well-documented, and they have no evidence to gain ground or damage me. For the purpose, it seems that we are taking us for a drill, and the demon repair on our side is a group of scattered sands, and the damage has been quite large recently."

Yang Junxiu was surprised to see Yang Junshan, Yang Junshan thought for a moment, said: "In addition to the wolf demon, have you found other people?"

Shaking his head in a dark state, said: "Every time the wolf demon comes to the demon wolf demon, I can only cope with Xiong Zhuang, and I have no time to consider whether there are others around!"

"So, is there a wolf demon entry into the land of Tianzong in the north of Quwu Mountain and the site of the Tanzhan School in the east?"

The black crows under the dark hands are not only active in the West Quwu Mountain. In fact, the eye line of the Black Crow demon has spread all over the entire Quwu Mountain Range and the southern part of Yu County.

Darkly nodded, said: "There are indeed traces of the wolf demon touch, but the most frequent is in the West Quwu Mountain, it seems that there are a lot of demon repairs."

At this time, an angry roar suddenly came from more than ten miles away from the south mountain forest. Yang Junshan and others heard the sounds, and they were naturally familiar with this sound.

"The bear policeman there, the wolf demon is coming again!"

"Fish, let's go to these wolves for a while!"

Yang Junxiu's voice just fell, the Baoyu children have disappeared, and the majestic tyrannical screaming more than the roaring roar of the bears suddenly burst into the forest, and Yang Junxiu's figure has passed through between the trees. Turned into a giant tiger with a stretch of three feet, accompanied by her snoring, the previously noisy mountain forest suddenly quiet, followed by the return of the king like cheering them, the screams of each other began to scream with the giant tiger Respond.

Bawu and Baxin looked at each other and said the same thing: "Let's go and see, it just happens to be a force!"

The two men picked up ten demon monkeys in the late stage of the demon enchantment and rushed in the direction of leaving Yang Junxiu.

Yang Junshan smiled and did not stop, leaving a kind of demon monkey looking for a place to camp here, and the body of Xuanguang disappeared into the forest.

Unlike the previous Xiqu Wushan demon repair and the wolf demon's big demon, this time, after the wolf demon attack, the original progressed smoothly, but after a roar of the vibrating mountain forest, the demon of the West Quwu Mountain side The monks were very angry, and the number of wolves that had entered the area were also affected. It seemed to show fear.

However, although these wolf demon groups showed fear, they did not affect them to continue to go deep into the West Quwu Mountain, but in the following battles, the wolf demon side suffered a big loss.

The secret inside of the thick clouds covered by layers above the Quwu Mountain, the three dawns stay here overlooking the West Quwu Mountain.

"Not good, the demon repair of Xiqu Wushan seems to be ready!" A slightly rushing voice came from one of the dawns.

"Slightly safe, but it is the loss of more than a dozen wolves. It is obvious that several previous temptations caused Yang's attention. They have targeted deployment this time!"

"Senior brother thinks that it is Yang's reason? I think it is just the reason of the tiger's whistle! It is rumored that this Xiqu Wushan's demon repair was handed over to Yang's demon by Yang, and several times before the drill wolf demon, that The head tiger demon never appeared, this time I am afraid it will anger the other side."

"This Yang is not afraid of this Xiqu Wushan's demon repair sitting, perhaps we can contact this Xiqu Wushan demon repair secretly, maybe there are unexpected gains!"

"What do you say about the Golden Wolf Road Friends?"

In the twilight of the whole body, there was a sound like a cone on the glass that made people sour and sour: "The howling, it seems not simple, I feel the suppression of blood."

"How is this possible, isn't it true that the tiger demon status is not simple?"

"If this is the case, this can be interesting. How can the demon of this identity be willing to surrender to the human race!"

"Cough, younger brother..."

The squeaky voice that was previously called the Golden Wolf rang again, saying: "This king is not your subordinate to the Tianling Gate, but cooperates with the Grey Wolf Dao, and each takes what you need, but secretly with this. It’s a good idea to touch the head tiger demon!”

"That's it!" The first voice that started was ringing again.


The impressive sound of the Golden Wolf monk suddenly picked up, and the other two sleek figures were also slightly swayed, followed by three unintelligible fluctuations that flowed around and finally nothing.


The sound of suspicion was interrupted before it was finished, and the voice of the Golden Wolf monk rang again: "The strength of the coming person is extraordinary, I can't detect his trace, I will retreat!"

After all, I ignored the other two people. The whole body suddenly opened a long shadow, but it quickly left the country.

"The wolf demon group below..."

"Come on, Golden Wolf friends will not go wrong, but also what the wolf demon group!"

The previous voice just sounded and was interrupted again by the companion on the side. The two dawns turned and chased in the direction of the former Golden Wolf monk.

Just after the three unidentified monks left for a moment, the clouds suddenly and violently rolled up. After a while, as the large clouds were arranged to open a passage, the light of Yang Junshan appeared here.

The spirituality spreads around, and Yang Junshan immediately looks south, muttering to himself: "The nose is quite a spirit, but it is awkward to be able to control these wolves. Is this just a means of Tianlingmen?"

Yang Junshan rubbed his chin, his eyes sparkling with a playful look, not knowing what was in his mind.

When Yang Junshan returned to Xishan Village, he saw the whole Yang’s ups and downs, and he was shocked. He quickly asked someone to ask, but it was the first generation of the Yang’s family. Got it!

This news made Yang Junshan somewhat amazed. As the only surviving monk of the Yang family, Yang Xi witnessed the rise, decline, revival of the Yang family and the unprecedented height reached today.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between Yang Xi and Yang Tiangang’s family is not good. The two sides had had many embarrassments in the old house in Qingshi Town.

However, after the family moved westward and Yang Tiangang and his sons rose, the contradictions between the two sides gradually resolved, and Yang Xi’s energy was also put into the cultivation of the younger generation of the Yang family. It can be said that most of the outstanding children of the Yang family are now Received the guidance and support of this old man.

From this point of view, the contribution of the old man to the family is unquestionable, and Yang Tiangang is also very mourning for the funeral of the old man. Yang Junshan is also embarrassed after returning to Xishan Village.

After the funeral of Yang Xi’s old man was completed, Yang Junshan learned from his brother-in-law Peng Shizhen that the twin brothers and sisters Yang Yaoyao and Yang Lan were taken away by Xia Yuan’s real person. It is said that they are going to pick up the art of Huzhou’s flying swords. ten years.

"Ten years? Isn't it just to accept a disciple as a disciple? How do you make it like a disciple?" asked Yang Junshan.

"Who knows? But Xia Yuan is a real person who promises to bring two children home to visit relatives every two or two years."

Peng Shizhen also did not understand, but her sons and daughters were able to enter the ranks of the first-class sects in the cultivation world. She was extremely gratified.

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