Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 840: Helium

Just as the mirage in the sky over Shagun County appeared at the end of the mirage, there was a ray of light in every area of ​​Shahshire, and a beam of light was set up between the heavens and the earth until it entered the endless scene of the endless. Among these dawns are not only monks of various Zongmen forces, but also people from all ethnic groups outside the domain.

The general mirage of this last day scene is actually the first threshold to enter the ancient ruins. If the monks can't find the flaws in this huge and complicated illusion, then these monks will lose their entry with the end of the mirage. The opportunity of the ancient Jedi.

In fact, all the ancient ruins have been opened, and all the monks who hope to enter it will be brushed off six or seven percent.

Yang Junshan has now encountered a illusion that has surprised him so much that his fine and sensitive spirit combined with the cold and cold spirits are almost inconsistent.

"It is actually a double fantasy. This is rare. It is no wonder that the illusion of a mirage is able to block most of the monks from entering the ancient land!"

When Yang Junshan entered the mirage, he broke the joint siege of Yan Yan, Yang Tiangang, Yang Junqi, Yang Junping and Yang Junqi. The scene in front of him changed and a portal appeared. Yang Junshan naturally thought that this was the entry. The passage of the ancient Jedi.

When he opened the portal, what appeared behind the portal was like the desolate, lonely, lonely, and dead atmosphere that was tilted out when the ancient land was opened. It was followed by an endless yellow-brown area. In the area, there are one or two stone platforms, mountains, and hills that are extremely weathered.

Yang Junshan embarked on this area, and walked all the way through the hustle and bustle. At the same time, he spread out to observe the surrounding environment with a wide range of spiritual knowledge. For a time, he did not find the clue of this illusion until he planned to speed up. At the moment of the exhibition, Yang Junshan, who had been sensitive to the contact of the earth, finally found the ground under his feet.

The ground here is also full of good soil, but the real ground can not have such a balanced distribution of the soil of the earth because of the influence of soil, sand, and rhizome. Even if it is a desert, the soil is uniform. The presence of sandstone, plant roots and the like may also have phenomena such as soil compaction, not to mention the occasional weathering of the land on this desolate ground.

Yang Junshan quickly became thin and became thin, and at the same time, his eyes were cold and the white eyes of the frost could barely see the existence of the pupil. He immediately found himself still in the illusion, which made His face has become very unsightly.

People who are caught in a illusion often have many perceptions that are blocked. The illusion of illusion can even make people feel that time is not passing. Of course, this is not to say that the illusion is high enough to change the flow rate of time, but to influence the senses of the monks themselves. Most of the mirages in Sha County are naturally the illusion of Gaoming, and Yang Junshan is now afraid that he has just missed the opening of the ancient ruins during the time he walked in the illusion.

Seeing that he had figured out a three-footed apricot and yellow flag from the storage ring, and then sprinkled a few arrays of utensils in different positions around the body, and then saw him shake the chess in his hand, an orange The fog began to transpire, and then the sound of "sand" was sounded out of the air, like a piece of glass that was being wiped off by dirt.

After the magical scene, in front of Yang Junshan, the scene three feet in front of the scene is like a mirror that is broken into a high mouth, and the breath that comes out of this mouth feels like the surrounding Consistent, however, Yang Junshan knows that this time will not go wrong, and then he will pass through this portal and enter the real wilderness.

But at the moment when he was going to lift his feet, Yang Junshan’s spiritual knowledge was keenly aware of a strange look. The chess in his hand was almost a subconscious sweep, and the flag was scrolling, and the invisible and colorless objects were apricots. The flag is in the flag.

Looking at the surface of the game that began to become illusory, Yang Junshan was happy in his heart, and said: "Is this just..., a sigh of relief?"

Helium is a high-grade spiritual material used for arrays. Although it is only a glimpse, it is at least much more powerful than any fog. Even the jade beads produced by Emerald Lake may not be comparable, at least the ten in the hands of Yang Junshan. A few emerald beads are far from being able to compare with this suffocating gas.

The only pity is that this suffocation is too small, and it will continue to be consumed after it is deployed until it finally disappears.

Yang Junshan even wondered if he should stay here and continue to break the illusion to collect suffocation, but this thought is only turned around in the mind and turned away. The ancient land is in front of you, and the strangeness that appears inside is this side. Compared with the real heaven and earth treasures, some suffocating things are insignificant.

"I hope I haven’t been in the illusion for a long time!"

Yang Junshan stepped into the ancient land and immediately looked around. Just a few steps away, he had already noticed at least two rays of light falling into the Jedi in the farthest place. Obviously, he gathered in the cultivation circle to look at real people. After the monks, Yang Junshan’s cultivation and strength may not be outstanding after entering the barren land, at least not in the speed of entering the ancient land.

In one place in the ruins of the ancient ruins, the two dawns descended from the same direction to the same direction. At this time, there were already six or seven people who had been cultivated from Xuanzang to Taiji.

"Sheng Shidi, Gu Shixiong, you two are coming!"

Several purple people who have arrived have greeted the two real people who arrived at almost the same time.

The Taizhen, who was called Shengshidi, took a glance at the crowd after he fell into the light. He frowned slightly and said, "How come this person?"

Before waiting for other people to answer, the old brother who came almost at the same time with him smiled and said: "Shen Shishi is not in a hurry. After all, it has only been a time since the opening of the ancient land, but perhaps other disciples are still rushing. Come, let alone the mirage of this mirage can be much stronger than the previous record!"

Sheng Shidi nodded and only listened to him again: "If you wait for another tea, if no one comes, we will act. I want to come to the same door and know that the mirage of the mirage is stronger, then Explain that the Tiandi Lingzhen, which was born in this ancient and unique land, is more precious. If it is not good, it will be the twenty-four most precious books ever recorded."



"Maybe it's really possible!" A purple-style monk who also had a terrible temperament, said: "There is a record of the fact that the ancient world has opened up the celestial world from twelve to twenty-four. It is divided into four grades, but it is only twelve or sixteen. At this time, the illusion intensity of the mirage is the weakest. The number of monks who can break into is the most, and it can reach about 40% or 50%. When the number of monks who have been eliminated reaches 70% or more, it means that at least 20 pieces of heaven and earth have been bred in the ancient and ruined land. If nearly 80% of the monks are blocked out of the illusion, then the heavens and the earth may be the most Four pieces."

A obviously younger monk looked at a fellow who had just arrived, and counted it. Some confused: "No, no, no, now we are ten real people. This is almost the same." Half of all the people who sent it?"

A Scorpio real person is quite proud of the color: "曽师侄, don't forget that we are a purple monk monk! Yuan Shixiong said that the elimination rate refers to other people, and I am a purple wind sent to Xizhou for many years, I don’t know how many times I have experienced this ancient land, but I don’t have the way to break the illusion of the squatter floor. Moreover, the sectarians who are qualified to participate in the ruins of the ancient ruins must have at least a mysterious cultivation. Now we enter There are only half of the talents in the Jedi. This is a strange thing. If it is normal, the people who entered the Jedi will not be more than sixty-seven percent. Otherwise, the heavens and the earth’s treasures will be captured by my purple wind at least four times. One of the points!"

The Xuan Zang disciple who was taught is not only not embarrassed, but also the color of excitement and pride in his face. "The original is but the disciple is shallow. This time we must also win more than six pieces of heaven and earth." Never give a shame to the Zongmen!"

The purple sects of the elders were all smiles, and they looked at the eyes of this younger generation.

At this time, the Shengshi brother said: "Almost, can't wait any longer. People who have traditionally entered the ruins of the ancient land are not bad luck. The example of directly encountering the heavens and the earth is happening. We need to act now. Brother, let's assign it!"

The old brother did not quit, and nodded. "We have a total of twelve monks divided into four groups. Among them, Sheng Shidi and Zhao Shidi, two of them protect Xiao Shiyi, first to find the place where they are passed down. Wei Shidi and Yu Chishi The two of them are together with the Chinese teacher. The remaining teachers and Sun Shidi are with me. Zheng Shidi, the three of you, are formed into a group. The three of us are in accordance with the handbooks left by the ancestors of the Zongmen. The most likely place to search for the place of heaven and earth, oh, right, there is one thing, Sheng Shidi, hand over the blood trace of your body to Zheng Shidi!"

"Brother, how are you..." Sheng Shidi’s face changed and he seemed extremely reluctant.

The ancient brothers are in the same color: "Shen Shidi, I know that you and Huang Shidi have the best feelings. Huang Shidi was injured by the Shiyuan Taoist people this time. He was so angry that he wanted to avenge him, but this time. The inheritance of the ancestor of this school is of great importance. You and Zhao Shidi are both responsible and must protect Xiao Shizhen. As for the Aster incarnation, this time is very likely to come. You don't want to participate in things, and once I wait, I will not let go of this person!"

Sheng Shidi is still arguing, but the old brother no longer gives him the opportunity to say: "That's it, everyone is good luck!"

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