Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 866: Polyester (subscription)

There are two huge laws in the sky above the Emerald Lake Oasis. One of the towering peaks is towering, the clear law is straight into the sky, and under the giant sky, there is a giant tiger with a length of 100 feet. A pair of huge tiger eyes flashed the suffocating suffocation, and a tiger must be clearly visible like a steel needle.

When the purple wind sent a group of real people quietly to the Emerald Lake oasis, they looked at each other in front of the two huge laws.

"The two are too embarrassed, what kind of joke, who is it, three birthdays or three screens?" Purple style Taixi monk Yu Chi real people can not help but shout.

Another Taizhen real person shook his head: "I have seen the law of Sanshou, it is a curtain waterfall, not him!"

"Is it true that Guan Zongzong is still too advanced, but he has never been known?"

The one who is too embarrassed is a bitter smile: "No matter who is too advanced, we want to try to make Emerald Lake this time, but it is trouble!"

Yu Chizhen is not convinced: "We have four people here, although Wei Shidi has just suffered some injuries from people outside the domain, but even if Wei Shidi does not take the shot, we will add several teachers and teachers from Zongmen. Are you afraid of breaking this Emerald Lake?"

The Taizhen real person knows that this younger brother has always been acute and violent, and he is not willing to explain more with him. He just said: "Listen to Zhao’s brother, this time we are mainly Zhao brother!"

Zhao Zhenren looked at the two huge laws in the distance. I don’t know if this is the other party’s demonstration to them. It’s just that the two are too embarrassed to come to the truth. It’s hard to see that they are coming to support them, or this is Emerald Lake Oasis also hides other masters?

Zhao Zhenren turned his head and looked at Yue Zhen, who was also frowning. He asked: "Yue Shidi, you are a master of the law, can you see what is coming?"

"Shahe big battle is recovering!"

Yue Zhenren’s look is obviously not very good-looking: “The other side also has a Master who is presiding over Shahe’s big battle, and is now repairing the damaged big battle!”

A large array is presided over by the Master or hosted by others. The power of the formation can be completely different. The difference is not clear to the masters of the formation of Yue Zhenren.

However, Yue Zhenren is obviously wrong with the meaning of Zhao Zhenren. What Zhao Zhenren wants to ask is not the meaning.

Zhao Zhenren also understands the angle of Yue Zhenren as a mage to look at the problem, but he still patiently said: "Yue Shidi, I am asking you how to look at these two laws, are they true?"

Yue Zhenren gave a slight glimpse, and this became the meaning of Zhao Zhenren. He quickly looked at the two laws over the oasis. In his eyes, he shot a half-foot-long aura. Obviously he also studied a kind of binocular. The mystery of the mystery, and after a moment, "snap", it seems to have been discovered.

"How?" Seeing the expression of Yue Zhenren's doubts, Zhao Zhenren quickly asked.

Yue Zhenren has always been the giant tiger, and said: "This law seems to be..."


Yue Zhenren hesitated and shook his head. He said: "You can't say that completely. Although this giant tiger's law has a scent of guarding the whole body, I can still see that the breath of this giant tiger seems to be unstable. Either the giant tiger's law is fake, or the monk who evolved the giant tiger's law was seriously injured."

"This news is at least not bad!" The meaning of Yu Chi real people is obvious.

Wei Zhenren, who had never spoken because of injuries, suddenly said, "Why don't you ask the other person to come out and see?"

Zhao Zhenren heard a shot of his own head and annoyed: "It should be like this. It is really a fan of the authorities. If the other party is really too embarrassed to be a real person, I am afraid I already know that I am waiting. I am afraid that Yue’s brother would lie to them in an oasis. When I was reinforcementd, I knew that I was waiting for it, oh!"

After all, Zhao Zhenren suddenly said: "In the next purple wind sent Zhao Hengyuan to visit, I don't know which Taoist priest is a master, but please show up!"

Zhao Zhenren's voice does not seem to be big, but it is extremely far-reaching, and it is extremely strange that in the flat desert oasis, there is actually an echo, one after another, echoing back and forth over the oasis.

The voice of Zhao Zhenren just fell, and the defending squad outside the oasis suddenly swayed a layer of layers, and then a huge and strange face gradually formed by the sag of the array of light curtains. The vivid appearance appeared on the light curtain, and the face even blinked and seemed to be able to see them. Then, with the huge face speaking, the light curtain of the array again changed shape, and then with a low "嗡The sound of 嗡 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Was injured in the war, is currently stabilizing the body, and will not come out to meet with you, the friends of the road came to rescue the emerald lake, the three yuan for the view of the Emperor Zongzong thanked, but the damage in the oasis of this war If you are heavy, you will not stay in the oasis, but also please let the purple wind send you a friend!"

The huge face said that it slowly began to dissipate on the light curtain of the array. The layer of light curtains returned to the previous state and gradually disappeared into the invisible, only when the array was touched or beckoned. The light curtain will appear again.

However, after the huge two sides disappeared, the purple winds were all silent, but they were silent.

After a few moments, the voice of the late real person’s dry voice rang: “The soul is explicit, this is the sign that the repair has reached the peak of the embarrassing situation, and there is only one step left from the border. How can this be!”

Wei Zhenren wondered: "The people who watched the ancestral sects can actually be repaired to reach the peak of the Taiyuan situation and not known to outsiders, and it is still two at a time. Is this a bit true?"

In addition, the person who has been ignorant of the name is sighing: "The soul is not obvious, but I am too embarrassed to cultivate, but the degree of sophistication can be achieved. Maybe Zhao can Do it."

The so-called spiritual appearance is not a mirror-like spell that reflects people in a medium to talk to people, so that it can only be regarded as a magical power, not necessarily how brilliant.

The real soul is obvious by the power of the soul to induce foreign objects to form, just like the huge face just appeared on the light curtain of the array, not through the mirror magical power, but the distortion of the array light curtain with the power of the soul When speaking, it is not my own words and is transmitted through augmentation, echo, and the like. Instead, the sound of the sound is used to oscillate the light curtain to form a unique and recognizable sound.

The use of the power of the soul of Taizhen is just a trail. The real power is still used in the fighting. The power of the soul can communicate with the magic weapon at any time, and even completely replace the role of the spirit when necessary. It allows the magic weapon to play a lot of subtleties, much more powerful than relying solely on the magic weapon and the magical power itself.

This is just the soul. The legendary monk is in the advanced state. After the soul is completely condensed into the gods, the power of the gods will be superficial, and even the gods and other wonderful things can be done.

Zhao Zhenren heard the bitter smile: "I can barely make the soul clear, but the soul is not enough. Where can I be like this person?" Otherwise, this time I heard the water of the Emerald Lake may be I have no polyester spirits, and I will not take up the attack on Emerald Lake!"

Wei Shidi said: "I am waiting for a few people who are not coming for the sake of the spirit of the soul. With this thing, I will greatly accelerate the process of spiritualization, and the distance from the environment can be shortened as much as possible."

Yu Chi’s real man angered: "How about the monk who is too good at the peak? I will wait until I kill it. I will not believe that the four of us will join hands. Together with Yue Shidi, Ma Shidi and so on, I will not be able to do the other! ”


Zhao Zhenren heard the words and said: "We are here for the Emerald Lake, in order to cleanse the soul liquid, not to kill people! The three yuan or the three, or of course, can not be the opponent of all of us, but what is the result of the war? The entire Emerald Lake was smashed and smashed and re-sanded into a desert and flying sand. What good is it for us? In this case, it is better to leave this Emerald Lake to Guanzi Zong for our custody!"

Wei Zhenren also said: "Mr. Zhao said that it is not that we can't beat or dare to fight, but it is not worth fighting. One is too big, and the two are too real, enough before we occupy Emerald Lake. Everything that destroyed it was destroyed."

The late real person licked his mouth and found that he had nothing to say.

"Let's go, this time is not completely unrecognized. Who can think of Guan Yuzong secretly hiding at least one monk monk, this is not a trivial matter!"...

Over the Emerald Lake, everyone who saw the Purple Wind left, and Yang Junshan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the middle of the sky, the giant peak of the sky slowly disappeared, and in his hands, with the injection of the stop of the real yuan, the dragon tiger carving on the left hand mountain was gradually calmed down, while the right hand apricot yellow flag was on the flag. The source of radon has almost dissipated, which makes Yang Junshan feel a little distressed.

Fortunately, this large illusion is built on the basis of Shahebao, and the Shahebao itself involves the mirage of the common mirage in the desert, but it was just used by Yang Junshan. With the support of the Jade Pearl, this is the basis of the mountain spirit, which forms a mountain monarchy, making it difficult for the purple style of the masters to distinguish between true and false.

"Oh, the loss is lost. The source of these suffocates is captured in the illusion of the squatter. This time, the spectator of the ancestral hall has made great efforts. After that, I must let the Chen Junsen ask for some top quality jade beads from Guanzong. It’s good to take a few jadeites and bring them back to raise them. It’s good to see that Zhaizong’s jade against the emerald in the lake is not enough, so he’s afraid not to cut love!”

"Oh, a few emeralds, the old man can be the master to let the little friend take away five. As for the jade beads, the old man here has a few of the best jade beads, which also contains a trace of suffocating origin, I wonder if it can compensate the loss of Xiaoyou?" The voice of laughter suddenly came from behind Yang Junshan.


Yang Junshan was shocked, and Shahe Baozheng moved, but he immediately got out of his control.

When Yang Junshan turned around with fear, he was seeing a kind-hearted old man who was smiling at him. He said: "The old man Guan Tao, this Emerald Lake can guarantee nothing to bear in the small friend. The old man thanked him here!"

Guanzong Taoist ancestors Taotao Taoist!

It is no wonder that the other party can pass through his perception and enter the Emerald Lake Oasis quietly. This is the place where the people watched the ancestral sect. Even if Yang Junshan controls a small platoon, he dare not say that the entire Shahe Array is completely Control is in his hands.

Of course, if it is in the five rows of Leiguang Baozhen in Xishan Village, Yang Junshan is confident that even the ancestors can't use space to avoid his perception.

Yang Junshan quickly went forward to meet and said: "The kid is invisible, let the seniors laugh!"

Guan Tao's ancestors looked at Yang Junshan and smiled. "The last time I met the Ziyuan Taoist friend in the fairy palace, I also heard her talk about a younger generation in Yangzhou. There is a lot of speech between the words. Praise, but I didn’t think that I saw it today, but it’s not too late. It’s not only too advanced, but also the extent of this spiritual sensation is far from being accessible, and the future is expected to be advanced!”

Yang Junshan quickly said: "Because the two seniors valued it, the younger generation did not dare to be!"

In the heart, the old man actually knows the aster, but I think that there are only a total of the world's humanistic monks. It is also reasonable to know each other. Moreover, the ancestral ancestors of Ziyuan may also come from the Xizhou cultivation community. I am afraid that this position is basically the same as the old man. It is strange that these two people have nothing to do with it.

However, this Tao Tao ancestor is extraordinary. Yang Junshan does not believe that this person and the asters are generally Huagao Taoist ancestors, but he can see the depth of Yang Junshan’s cultivation and spirituality, which is what surprised Yang Junshan’s heart. However, I don’t know when this old man came. These ancestors mastered the space magical powers, and the silence between them came and went. It is really quite helpless.

Guan Tao's ancestors don't know the thoughts of Yang Junshan's heart, but he does not have any malice against Yang Junshan, and he is sincerely grateful to Yang Junshan for helping the people of Guanzong. He said: "But it seems that Xiaoyou is just now. Soon after the advancement is too late, it is another chance to realize this spiritual level. But the process of the soul is not gradual, and the future will inevitably be awkward. The younger friend will have more heart in the future."

Yang Junshan heard the words and humbly said: "Please also ask the seniors to give pointers."

Guan Tao’s ancestors smiled and said: “In fact, there is no need for the old man to give pointers. The accumulation of small friends is better than the overwhelming majority of monks. The old man’s words are just for perfection, but there is one thing in the hands of the old man. The unique Lingzhen can not only be used to speed up the process of spiritualization, but also to purify the soul after the soul, so that the soul of the monk is perfected."

Yang Junshan heard the spirit of the news, said: "Dare to ask the predecessors, I do not know why He Lingzhen has such a magic effect?"

Guan Tao's ancestors smiled slightly, and there was a jade bottle made by a thousand years of cold jade in his hand. He said: "There are three drops of polyester soul liquid. This time, it will be given to Xiaoyou, thanks to Xie Xiaoyou!"


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