Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 873: intend

Qichu faction and Liuhuo Valley held several battles because of the competition in a certain place in Yueyao County. Both sides had their own wins and losses. However, in the last fight, there was an accident. The replacement of the Shihuo Valley disciple was actually Xishan Yang’s. The Xuan Zangjing real person Yang Junyi, and the other party as the Qi Chu sent a killer, Jia Zhongyi real person is actually a monk.

It can be said that the face of both sides of the fight is not glamorous, but the cultivation industry is a place where strength is valued. The Qichu faction suddenly has a monstrous monk who is vigilant, but Yang Junyi plays as a disciple of the seven Yang real person. Does it also mean that the Yang family are prepared to intervene in the dispute between Qichu and Liuhuo Valley and stand on the side of the Valley of Fire?

For a time, the movements of several Zongmen in the southwest of Yuzhou once again provoked the nerves of the entire Yuzhou cultivation community!

Yang Tiangang’s dissatisfaction with Yang Junyi is here. This is basically an obvious calculation in the Valley of the Fire. The mysterious man of Xuan Zang is still arrogant until now, how can he be the only one for the Yang family in the future?

As for the result of fighting the law, Jia Zhongyi’s real person is of course a monk, but before he was exposed to cultivation, he has always used the strength of Xuanzang to fight with Yang Jun. From this point of view, Yang Junyi has the upper hand in the end, but Yang Junyi’s identity is special. The Qichu faction also disagreed with the results of this battle, and the two sides held each other's words, and the matter could only be lost.

However, in addition to the true attitude of the Yang family in Yueyao County, the identity of the Qizhu faction also makes the Yuzhou cultivation community interested. Is Scorpio before or after joining Qichu?

There is a big saying in the middle.

However, the news came from the Qichu faction very quickly. The Qichu faction had to hold a banquet for the party, Jia Zhongyi, and even the invitations were sent to the Yuzhou factions. This made the monks who were waiting for the optimistic drama disappointed. .

Yang Junyi was stunned by Yang Tiangang. When he found Yang Junshan with his head down, he saw that Yang Junshan was perfecting the final link of the short-selling.

"Four brothers, this short-selling big array can be used right away!" Yang Junyi had nothing to say.

The arrangement of this short-selling array took Yang Junshan's long-term energy and consumed a lot of precious layout materials, and now it is finally at the end of the upcoming completion.

Yang Junshan raised his head and glanced at him. He said: "Is it ready to stay in Huyao County?"

Yang Junyi screamed, and scratched his head in distress. He said, "Four brother, I want to tell you about this. Can you change someone to go there?"

Yang Junshan did not ask: "Why?"

"I don't know how to deal with it. I am most afraid of trouble. I think that so many people have so many headaches, and when they get angry, they have to temper them."

"That's it!"

"Well, okay, huh?" Yang Junyi said with some stunned eyes: "Is it true?"

Yang Junshan raised his head, and he actually took a trace of seriousness. He said: "You really do it. It only shows that they are owed. Why, now that they are real people, they should be on the shelf, and they should not be on the table. Is the fireworks?"

Yang Junyi can't guess Yang Junshan. This is serious or a joke, but he really doesn't want to go to Huyao County. Although he is in Yanzhou in recent years, he knows a little about the things in the family. Now Huyao County is almost finished. The experience of the younger generation of Yang family, because Yang's inheritance system is very competitive, these younger generations in the Hu Yao County gangs, the intrigues of the anecdote.

Moreover, most of the younger generations who participated in the experience are Yang’s more valued talents. Among them, there are not only elite disciples, but also several core disciples. These disciples are more or less behind some people or forces within the family. Various relationships are intertwined.

In the past, Zhou Yi lived in Huyao County because his foreign surname was relatively detached. But if Yang Jun is going to go now, he is an important member of the Yang’s family’s huge internal network, and there is no such disciple. It's really hard to stick to him or his parents, which makes him want to be a bowl of water to Zhou Yizhen.

He actually smashed two squats at Yang Tiangang. One meal was due to the flow of the Valley of Fire, and the other was the errand he wanted to resign from Hu Yao County. He originally came to Yang Junshan and also had a glimmer of hope. He wanted See if I can push this errand off again. He knows that this is only the big cousin who can change his mind. However, he did not think that Yang Junshan was originally the one who led him to replace Zhou Yi’s real person.

Yang Junyi thought for a moment and said: "Four brothers, will I be too sensitive when I go there now? After all, before that..."

Yang Junshan sneered: "Now I know things are tricky? You are self-governing, no one dares to play Yang's idea!"

Yang Junyi didn't change things until he was disappointed. He was about to leave without saying goodbye, but he was stopped by Yang Junshan. He asked: "What happened to you with Jinwumen in Yanzhou, just for the sake of a product? Yang jug, was people chased out of Yanzhou all the way?"

The Yanyang pot is a treasure of the next product. Although it is precious, this magic weapon does not fall in the hands of Yang Junxi. It is reasonable to say that the cheaper monk in Yanzhou should be right. How can it end up causing the person to chase all the way? kill?

After Yang Junyi returned to Yuzhou and did not elaborate, he went straight to the Valley of Fire and prepared to smelt the sixth kind of fire. At that time, Yang Junshan saw that he was quite angry and angry, and he did not ask much.

Sure enough, Yang Junshan mentioned this matter, Yang Jun’s face once again showed a hint of shame, saying: “This is not the end of the matter, I must report this hatred!”

However, it turned out that Yang Junyi had a firm foothold in Yanzhou. Because he was relatively strong in the same class of monks, he was also famous in the surrounding areas, and he was very cool. I got to know a few friends.

Later, a predecessor of the Dongfu relics appeared. Several of them were scattered to go to the ruins to investigate. Yang Junyi and others were lucky. Although they encountered several sinister dangers in the ruins, they could be saved every time and got a few pieces. A good bequest.

However, when they returned from Dongfu, they were ambushed by the Jinwu faction outside the Dongfu. Yang Junyi and others were exhausted because they had explored the remains before. They were killed and wounded under the sudden attack. The income was also plundered by the Jinwu faction, including the biggest harvest of the ruins, a piece of the treasure chest, and Yang Junyi escaped his life with the help of a chance.

After the incident, Yang Junxi learned about the inside story, but it turned out that one of the few of them had already invested in the Jinwu faction. This time, the exploration of the relics was also a deliberate release of the news, so that they could rush into the thunder and then Outside, they did not care to ambush them and get them in the remains.

Several surviving scattered repairs were badly wounded. In the face of the Jinwu faction, these sectarian forces could only admit that they were unlucky. However, Yang Junyi was not angry. He knew that Jinwu’s people still tried to continue exploring outside the remains. Then, when a person from the Jinwu faction entered the ruins, he once again broke into the revenge of the monk who secretly hunted the Jinwu faction.

Unexpectedly, his actions were once again exposed. The Jinwu faction had already known that he was coming, and he was set aside in the ruins, and he was easily slain.

However, it turned out that two of the surviving spies in the day were actually released by Jin Wu, and in fact they had already softened their bones and relied on Jin Wupai, and informed him of the next action. Until then, Yang Junxi knew that the Honghong spirits that he had exhibited when he fled on the day had long been remembered by the Jinwu faction, releasing the two scattered repairs in order to find his traces and get the rainbow spirit. Inheritance of surgery.

Once again, I fell into the calculations of others, and I retaliated against one sect alone. But why should I tell others about my plans before I act?

Yang Junshan is really speechless to this cousin!

Yang Junxi also knew that he was too sloppy at the time and smiled. He said: "The people of Jinwu School did not kill me immediately in order to get the inheritance of the magical spirit of my hand. I think it is also a death, no matter how they can. Insulted in the hands, so he took a chance to jump into a dangerous place in the ruins, but did not think that it was difficult to die, but there was a blessing in the original lava fire, but it was a smoldering fire. After absorbing refining and chemical refining, it not only broke the ban imposed by Jinwu School on me, but also broke through the bottleneck and reached the mysterious situation. So I launched a revenge against the Jinwu faction. After killing two, I was defeated by Wu Lie. Yang noticed that Nao Lieyang refining the Yanyang pot, and it was a true biography of Jinwu. I was not his opponent when I entered Xuan Zang. I could only escape to Yuzhou by Hua Hong Ling."

"The fire is burning in the air?"

Yang Junxi explained: "This is a kind of fire source, and it is quite suitable for my heart and red lotus."

Yang Junshan nodded, and if he thought: "Is there a lot of yang in this kind of origin?"

Yang Jun is awkward, and some are not very self-channeling: "There is not much natural Tianbao, but at least it is more likely to find such a natural treasure in Yanzhou."

Yang Junshan thought for a moment and said: "There are as many as two years and three years. After Zhou Yidao friends leave the customs, I will go to Yanzhou with you!"

Yang Junyi heard the words first, then asked: "Brother, you are not going to help me revenge?"

Yang Junshan gave him a look and said: "I have a heritage of magical magical power in my hand, calling for 'two instruments and dusty blue light'. If you want to practice, you need two instruments of yin and yang. When you go to Yanzhou, it is I want to see if I can find the source of the fit."

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