Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 877: Tiangong (continued)

The Dan furnace product of this spiritual order is excellent, but the Dan furnace has been used within a month, but then some blood remains in the bottom of the Dan furnace. Although it has been cleaned, it is still being used by Yang Junshan. Let him raise a not too good idea in the first time. The reason for this Dan furnace is not so good. ※ A reading book w_ww.

Thinking of this, Yang Junshan put down the Dan furnace in his hand, and his eyes were placed on the middle of the spirit of the middle of the furnace.

Compared with the good-looking spirits of the lower-class furnace, there is a trace of the knife and axe on the body of the spirit-level furnace. It is obvious that the body of this Dan furnace has been hit by more than one magic weapon. In the middle, but within the Dan furnace, it was not damaged, but the three feet supporting the body were broken.

Yang Junshan touched his hand on the section that lost his foot. It is almost certain that this foot should be forcibly cut off by the high-order magic weapon.

The scratches on the Dan furnace are just the same. The spirits of the Dan furnace refining are all deep inside the furnace wall. As long as the Dan furnace is not completely broken, the quality of the Dan furnace itself will not be affected. At most, the wall may become weaker, but these are not irreparable. As for the impact of the foot part on alchemy, it is minimal, but it is less than a foot. This furnace is incomplete.

In the face of helplessness, Yang Junshan looked at the highest quality of the Shangpin Shangdan furnace. This Dan furnace may be because of the best quality. On the surface, the Dan furnace body is extremely intact.

However, after the observation of the two Dan furnaces, Yang Junshan can't believe that the only order of the spirit is that it is intact.

After the black monk put out the Dan furnace, he did not block Yang Junshan’s view. This made Yang Junshan somewhat satisfied. It didn’t look like he was doing business. This also made Yang Junshan At the same time, the style of Jiatian Workshop has a certain understanding, but also has a certain speculation on the background of this Tiangongfang.

Yang Junshan simply reached out and took this big Dan furnace with a half-human height. In this Dan furnace, it is only half a person high, but the weight is actually not a few thousand kilograms, but he is a hand The bottom of the Dan furnace was held up. To see ■ book. <1

The black monk looked at Yang Junshan but did not speak. His whole body was covered in black, and he could not see how his face looked.

However, when Yang Junshan touched the palm of his hand to the Dan furnace, he finally got the problem. If the two Dan furnaces had their own flaws, but they did not have much influence on the alchemy itself, then the surface was intact. The spirit class Shangpintan furnace is a thoroughly pitted goods.

I have said that the spirit of the middle class of the Dandan furnace, although there are several scratches on the outside of the furnace wall, but it did not cause damage to the spirit of the Dan furnace itself, but the surface of this top grade Dan furnace seems to be intact, but in fact the furnace The inner lines of the body are broken and broken.

Without the support of the spirit, when the monk is driving the magic weapon, the spiritual power can not be effectively waved. The power of the magic weapon can be described as ten steps. The superior spirit of the Dan furnace can still be used for alchemy, but the quality is the most. It is comparable to the Shangdan Shangdan furnace.

If the only thing in the spirit class is that it is only traumatic, then this top-grade Dan furnace is a complete internal injury, and it is the kind of internal injury that is almost injurious.

Yang Junshan Shen Shen said: "Only these three Dan furnaces, is there any other Dan furnaces to choose from?"

The black monk did not move, but the voice was still cold: "You can wait!"

"How long does it take?"

"do not know!"

“Can you ask for the price?”

"Not counter-offer!"

"So what is the value of this kind of spirit?"

"Fifty tiles!"

"What, fifty bricks?"

Yang Junshan whispered exclaimed, it is not because the Dan furnace is too expensive, but it is too cheap, and a spiritual step under the product is normally at least 80 bricks, which is still willing to accept crystal In the case of bricks, the more ways in which Dan furnaces are traded are often barter. I want to read a book. ◇1◇k

This is the best preserved in the three Dan furnaces, but the inside of the Dan furnace has been splashed with blood, which is unacceptable for some cleansing alchemists, and Yang Junshan was originally because of people. Blood and doubt that this Dan furnace is not the right way, but after reviewing the three Dan furnaces, Yang Junshan can almost certainly determine that each of them is a stolen thing. This day, the workshop is probably a special one for sales. Channels, it's no wonder that people here don't dare to show people in the true face, and the picking boy also reminds him that he has to "choose something that should not be chosen." The original reason is here.

It is precisely because of this that these Dan furnaces can be sold at such a low price, and can be directly purchased with crystal bricks, and there is no need to consider whether it will lose money.

If you leaked the news because you bought the stolen goods from here, the person who lost the thing came to the door, and the enemy’s knot was too embarrassing.

Fortunately, I left my mind before entering the Heavenly Workshop, and I changed my face a little bit, so I wouldn’t leak my identity.

However, this day, the workshop dared to openly establish a stronghold for the sale of stolen goods in the Imperial Palace. I am afraid that many monks who enter and leave the Imperial Palace know this place, but they are not afraid to attract hatred. They don’t want to know the background behind this workshop. It is so amazing that these scorpio, the monks and the monks behind them are not willing to provoke.

I want to understand the reason for this. Yang Junshan is more cautious in his heart, but since he came here, Yang Junshan did not intend to return empty-handed. He continued to ask: "So what is this Chinese spirit?

As for the spiritual order, the Yang Danshan of the Pindan furnace has no interest in asking the price.

"Eight pieces of crystal bricks!" The answer of the black monk is still as simple as ever.


Eighty of the crystal bricks are usually not necessarily bought by a magical middleware. Here, you can buy a Dan furnace that is slightly damaged but has little effect on alchemy. Yang Junshan naturally has nothing to hesitate. What's more, with his current worth, 80 pieces of crystal bricks are still not in the heart. As for this Dan furnace, the road is not right. Yang Junshan thinks that the real people can't cover a Chinese spirit, let alone which one. The forces will easily take out their own Dan furnace and show them.

Yang Junshan handed over the wooden box containing the crystal bricks to the black monk, and then said: "How do you say three fires?"

The black monk made a business feeling that seemed to be a little better, and he said a little more, saying: "One hundred years of fire, one hundred crystal bricks, one hundred and fifty years of fire, one hundred and twenty crystal bricks, three hundred years of heat Five hundred crystal bricks."

The quality of Danhuo is much more than that of the Dan furnace. Compared to the Dan furnace, a good Danhuo fire sometimes has a great improvement for Danshi's alchemy, and even the Dan furnace itself.

The quality of Danhuo's quality generally depends on the heat of pregnancy. Generally, the longer the time of pregnancy, the higher the quality, but this is not absolute. Some alchemists can only refine the spirits in their hands. Although the Dan fire has been raised for two hundred years, it may not be possible to refine the Baoji medicinal medicine at a time; some of the sects of the alchemy division are mainly based on the fire, and the refining medicinal herbs are also fired. The main line of medicinal herbs, if the Dan fire suddenly went to a Zongmen, the main source of the water line, to refine the medicinal herbs in the water, the result is naturally a tragedy.

Therefore, the selection of Danhuo is often more stringent than the Dan furnace, and the eyes of the monks are more critical.

Looking at these three Danhuo Yang Junshan, there are some big heads. The doorway of this one, of course, he heard that Peng Shizhen and Kong Danshi and others have said it. It’s one thing, let him pick it up another time. In fact, how can he know which of the three Dan fires is more suitable for refining the medicinal herbs needed by the Yang family.

Just when Yang Junshan looked at the three fireflies in front of him, the voice of the black monk suddenly came from the ear: "The expensive is the best!"

When the black monk came in from him, he was a pair of people who didn’t want to buy or buy, and even the counter-offer was put to an end. At this time, he saw that his entanglement actually reminded him, but this made Yang Junshan feel great. Unexpectedly, I even suspected that this guy was deliberately asking him to buy the most expensive.

Yang Junshan looked up and looked at the black monk, but he saw that the black monk was still a look of disregard. If it wasn’t just the real voice in his ear, he even wondered if he had got it wrong.

A hundred years of Dan fire hundred crystal bricks, that is only one hundred and twenty years of crystal bricks in 150 years, can be raised to five hundred crystal bricks in the heat of three hundred years, is this the reason here?

Yang Junshan bit his teeth, and finally chose to believe the black monk's reminder. Although the five hundred crystal bricks made him feel some pain, but he did not dare to afford it, he simply held a gambling mind and said: "That It’s been a fire for the three hundred years."

Another box of crystal bricks was taken out, and the black monk waved and removed all the things other than the fireflies that carried the three hundred years of the fire. Then he took out a gray cloth bag and opened it, the firefly. Then I entered the bag.

The black monk threw the bag over and said: "Slow, the bag will send you!"

Yang Junshan can see that although the quality of this bag is not high, it is an item that can store certain objects. After picking up the bag, he arched the hand and said "thank you". He knows some of this day. The characteristics of the square, not much rumors, turned and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, when he left the workshop, the voice of the black monk actually passed again: "Don't forget to look at the road map in the evening!"

Yang Junshan’s heart moved and turned around immediately, but he was seeing that the broken wooden door of Tiangongfang was “squatting” and re-masked everything inside.

Yang Junshan reached out and touched the crumpled cloth in his arms. The dark passage is what the guideline that was bought from the picking boy with a thousand coins, and the black monk is Because now he has a road map with his own way to remind himself when he chooses Danfire?

Then what is the secret behind this road map, is it related to this day workshop?

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