Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 885: Quote

A thousand years of lightning strikes peach wood, a bunch of millennium ice silk!

All of them are rare in the world of cultivation. After the ancestors of the black robes confirmed the authenticity of the two treasures, the two items were immediately sought after by many monks present.

"What is the magical power? What is the magical power of the magical powers, how can a thousand years of lightning strike the mahogany? Is it silly on the stage? Can I change the mahogany with two spiritual powers?"

"A thousand years of lightning strikes the mahogany, if it is not used to make a treasure, it is simply a violent thing!"

"Hey, the lightning strikes the peach wood, although precious, it can be seen in a family that the millennium ice silk is more precious. If the novel + can be woven into a treasure suit, even if it is the next treasure, it will not be changed. Hey!"

“Hey, how does a bunch of ice silk woven into a treasure?”

"So the quality is only the next product. If the whole piece of treasure is completely woven with millennial ice silk, the quality is the best!"

In the various discussions, more than forty or fifty streamers were flying toward Yang Junshan, and then rotated around him like a firefly.

The soul of Yang Junshan is even stronger than that of the monk Hutai, and most of the streamer notes have been heard by his soul when he passes around him.

However, after getting the quotes from these notes, Yang Junshan's brow gradually wrinkled.

It's not that the value of these quotes is not high enough. On the contrary, most of the quotes in the notes are very sincere, but these quotes are not related to the two conditions that Yang Junshan proposed before!

Some monks simply said in the notes: "Why do the Taoist friends only stick to these two conditions? I think that the spiritual skill is only a magical power, but can also be exchanged for a thousand years of lightning strikes? If the Taoist friend promised two Treasures are exchanged together, then a family is willing to offer a complete magical magical power, how?"

Even more monks said: "The old man is willing to produce a treasure of the next in exchange for two treasures of Taoist friends. If the Taoist friends still hesitate, I can continue to discuss."

The conditions proposed in the two notes are the most favorable among all the quotations that are inconsistent with his conditions. Even the generosity makes Yang Junshan feel a little hearty. The more so, the more he makes Yang Junshan determine what he wants. The extraordinary things, especially the spiritual technique, is just a spiritual power. You can exchange a magical magical power for a thousand years of lightning. The hundreds of high-ranking real people in the field are not used for exchange, or they know this. The monks of the magical powers are not willing to take them out, or they are the spiritual masters who are present in the field to master each person to understand this magical power.

As for the yin and yang, there are a few people who have put forward the quotation, but the quality is not too high. Some even have something that is smeared with the yin and yang, and some of them are the same in the hands of Yang Junshan. Treasures slammed a pass, but in a kind of alms, they were willing to answer a positive or negative element in their hands in exchange for a treasure, and it seemed that Yang Junshan was half of the cheaper, and he naturally ignored it.

Yang Junshan responded to some more sincere quotations, while he noticed the conversation between Xu Tiancheng and Ren Fengliu in the venue.

"Xu brother is interested in these two treasures?"

First, I asked if I was whispering.

Xu Tiancheng did not hesitate to say: "The magic weapon that the millennium lightning strikes the peaches is very suitable for the wooden line and the thundering monk. It is impossible to say that it is impossible to move under the heart. Is it true that the brothers are indifferent to these two treasures? What?"

Ren Fengliu’s “嘿嘿” smiled and said: “Of course not. It’s just that the trading conditions proposed by this person on the stage are somewhat difficult, but in the following, I heard that the faction seems to be a bit of a mysterious inheritance. Xu brother wants to come. That millennium lightning strikes the mahogany is nothing to say, congratulations in advance."

Xu Tiancheng heard a slight smile and said: "The brother of Fengliu is well-informed. The news of the spiritual point is that even Xu does not know it. He never thought that the brother of the wind would know so clearly."

The affair of the rumor did not pay attention to Xu Tiancheng’s denial tone. Instead, he pretended to be surprised: “Is it difficult to be a quotation for Xu’s brother?”

At this time, a stream of light flew over to Xu Tiancheng. After Xu Tiancheng reached out and took over the soul, he gave some regrets to the music, and said: "Look at the wind brother."

Ren Fengliu was hesitant to take over the notes, but found that Xu Tian’s results really made a deal to the millennium lightning striker, and the offer was actually a complete inheritance of the magical magic.

Ren Fengliu could not help but praise: "Xu brother is a big hand."

"Unfortunately the man refused!"

Xu Tiancheng shook his head, but he saw another stream of light, but it fell into the hands of Ren Fengliu, so he smiled and asked: "So what is the quote for the wind brother?"

Ren Fengliu hesitated a little, seems to be looking at Yang Junshan's reply to his offer, and then snorted, the look of a slight dissatisfaction, but did not pass the notes to Xu Tiancheng, but said: "collected from one The first source of warm air in the spring day is Shaoyang’s suffocating suffocation, but the person does not know how to lift it. It must be yin and yang to have the right to trade ice silk!”

Any expression of dissatisfaction in the mouth of the wind, but then whispered to the stream of light notes in his hand whispered something, once again flew to the Yang Junshan.

Xu Tiancheng saw "hehe" smile, he naturally knows that the romantic flow is not completely truthful, but his mind is not in the wind can get the millennium ice silk, but how the wind flow knows that Ling Yizong has a point In the message of inheritance, it seems that after returning to the sect, it is necessary to respond to the old and undead of Zongmen. The top Zongmen forces in the doctrine of cultivation are like a sieve. What secrets are known to outsiders? Clear two Chu.

Ling Yizong really has a spiritual inheritance. Although Xu Tiancheng denied it, Yang Junshan was more certain about it, but he did not know whether Ling Yizong still had the general inheritance of Tian Xian.

However, in the whole inheritance of Tian Xianzhi, it is not difficult to obtain the inheritance of the sacred spirits of the steel and the petrification. If Ling Yizong possesses the point of inheritance, it also has the general outline of the Tianxian. Inheritance, with the huge power of Ling Yizong in the cultivation world, I am afraid that I have already obtained the complete inheritance of Tian Xian.

A streamer went back and returned. Yang Junshan knew that this was the second quotation proposed by Ren Fengliu. After Yang Junshan’s soul swept, Ren Fengliu added a few Lingshu whip in addition to a Shaoyang suffocation. The seed, saying this thing is the spirit of the Zifeng sentiment to the scene. If it can cultivate the growth, then it is not only an excellent refining spirit, but also a good spirit, in the wind. The storage of the popular source, the Shaoyang suffocating is the positive gas separated from the source of the spring breeze, and the raw whip will probably attract the negative source of the gas.

Yang Junshan sneered, and there was a whip willow growing on the west of Yangjia Mountain, and the quality of the whip willow branch from the Xiao Xianger storage magic weapon was probably better than these whip willow seeds.

Moreover, the higher the quality of this kind of spiritual planting, the longer it will be cultivated, and it does not say whether it can attract the yin and yang of Yang Junshan. It is said that a whip willow grows into a few dozen or even a hundred years. After that, can Yang Junshan wait so long?

Decisively rejecting the quotation of Ren Fengliu, Yang Junshan was planning to check other other trading requests that made him feel a little moving. He suddenly heard a cough over his head, and a loud voice that shook the ears and numb All over the venue: "Boy, the old man here has a heart-shaped lava fire, is the finest pure yang, used to change your bundle of millennium ice silk? Hey, that spiritual inheritance is not easy I got it, and it seems that your kid is actually playing the idea of ​​Tianxian, it is even harder. It’s better than this. The old man still has a 260th-ranked fire-fighting **** on the list of the magical powers. What is the value of a complete magical magical power? Is it worth more than the spiritual technique? And this yin-phosphorus fire can also be used to condense the yin of the earth, which is also a good negative source of gas, so you With that piece of mahogany, it is a two-pronged approach. It has gained a magical power that is stronger than the power of the point, and has a way to condense the negative source."

To be honest, when I heard this, Yang Junshan had already been shaken. I have to say that the trading conditions proposed by the Dazuo of the big singer are quite kind. He is not likely to practice the yin and phoenix. Taobao magical powers, but can be given to Yang Junyi to enhance his strength, but also let Yang Junyi help him to condense the origin of the yin, so that in conjunction with the lava of the earth, there is a great possibility that the two instruments Dust light is a magical practice.

What's more, the trading conditions proposed by a Taoist ancestors will naturally not deliberately deceive him into thinking of a small real person monk, but if Yang Junshan refuses now, he will be somewhat ignorant and offend a Taoist. The daring of the old ancestors, Yang Junshan thinks it is still a little worse.

However, when Yang Junshan was ready to promise, he suddenly heard the sound of "咦" over the venue. He said: "Interesting, the old man also reported a price!"

"Dongliu ancestors!"

Yang Junshan gave a slight glimpse, and he heard the voice of Dongliu’s ancestors: “It’s your kid, if you think of the resources, you said that you have the inheritance of the two instruments, the old man is almost you. It’s gone, but your kid now has the leisure to participate in the fair of the Fairy Palace. The heart of the lava and the yin of the earth are good yin and yang, but they are used to cultivate the two instruments. It’s still a little bit worse. You don’t have to deal with the martyrs that day. You can go straight to the trade and go with the fat man to find the old man.”

The voice of Dongliu’s ancestors just fell, and the roar of the big ancestor’s ancestors came from the venue: “Dongliu, what do you mean, want to cut the Hu halfway?”

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed that the whole trading venue suddenly became stuffy, as if there was a huge melting pot to bake the ground underfoot.

The voice of Dongliu’s ancestors came from a long time, saying: “Tianzhudaoyou, everyone’s fair competition, the old man can’t grab things from your hands, and it’s not broken the rules of Tiangongfang. The blame of the Taoist friends can’t be said. ?"

When Dongliu’s old voice was remembered, it was like a torrent of water filling the entire venue space. The originally sultry venue was a bit more cool and damp, and it seemed as if there was a faint edge.

"What do you say to the black lotus friends?"

The voice of Dongliu’s ancestors sounded again, this time it was said to the black ancestors who had never made a sound in the center of the venue.

The black ancestors smiled a little and said: "East current friends can be as long as they don't break the rules of the Tiangongfang."

The east runner whispered and said: "You can hear it, boy, don't go!"

Yang Junshan clearly felt that there was a hot atmosphere that had been trying to lock in him. However, he was blocked by the black ancestors behind him, and he was always close to him but could not get close to him.

He knew that this should be the black ancestor behind him who had been sheltering him from being dominated by the scorpio ancestor of the big scorpion, so he hurriedly bowed his hand to the black ancestors and thanked him. After leaving the same-minded Jiangxin real person, leave the venue outside the trading venue.

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