Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 892: Mutual calculation

Where a deep space is located, the Ziyun scorpion in the hands of the people of Shioyuan swayed out of the sky and purple, resisting the two major Qingyun dynasties.

The two sides are faint and dark, and the space is constantly turbulent during the process of breaking and bridging. Fortunately, here is a deep space of extremely high places. Let the three Taoist monks fight the law and do not have to worry about the ground being affected.

"Hey, my mother-in-law, you and I have already played against each other several times. They know each other but who is the best. You have brought the deity and the tigers to the Taoist friends this time. Can I not see your purpose?"

The Aoyuan Dao did not immediately pick up the words, but after sweeping out a few purple qis and forced the two extraterrestrial ancestors to make a fuss, this slowed down: "Oh, what do you think the novel deity has?"

Luo Xian Mo Zun opened his mouth with a magical gas, and merged several entangled purple gas assimilation, sneer: "It is nothing more than a few sent ghosts into the demon domain to pray for the deity!"

The laughter of the demon king is deafening: "I don't know that I have already been in the devil's domain. I have sent people into the demon domain. It is just a casual injury! Hahahaha..."

"The enchanting death!"

A burst of rushing came, the sky was full of energy, and a pair of giant fists broke through the air, straight to the back of the demon king.

“When did the Taoist friend learn to sneak behind?”

A loud voice sounded, and there was also aerodynamic swing. Two big hands stretched out from the middle, and the two giant fists were caught in the hands, and then their respective vitality collapsed.

"Hollow Luohan, I want to come to you already, and you and I don't have to hide."

"Infinite Buddha, Xuanyuan Daoyou please!"

Two more voices have been heard, Xuanyuan ancestors and the release of the hollow Luo Han successively appeared.

The seven ancestors had a fierce battle in the deep space, and in the demon domain, the situation of Yang Junshan became worse and worse.

Yang Junshan and other four people were ambushed outside the field, and Yang Junshan was jointly pursued by a Taiji Mo Xiu and two extraterrestrial Tianzhu.

If it is outside the demon domain, Yang Junshan is naturally not afraid of these three repairs. However, in this demon domain, Yang Junshan’s soul is suppressed, and the magical atmosphere around him is killing the true element of Yang Junshan. In this case, this kind of environment can give them a 12-point strength. Under the circumstance, Yang Junshan did not dare to stop and fight with three foreign monks.

What's more, at this time, I don't know how many extra-domain repairs are around. Once Yang Junshan stops and fights with three foreign monks, I am afraid that I will be surrounded by other extraterrestrial monks, and I will not want to go away. Therefore, he can only walk side by side and dare not stop.

That is a magical snake in the hands of a demon, it is really strange, Yang Junshan wants to sacrifice the mountain monarch several times, this magic snake is suppressed in one fell swoop, but this magic snake is too dexterous in the Taixi magic repair, making Yang Junshan It is extremely difficult to lock down when the soul is suppressed.

It is precisely because of the entanglement of this magic snake whip, Yang Junshan can not get rid of the entanglement of the Taixu magic repair, even because this venomous poison in the devil's mouth is restrained by the guardian gods, making him wander in the magical domain. It is farther and farther away from the magic domain.

"Human boy, you can't run, let's take it with you!"

The magic repaired too grotesquely, and the magic snake in his hand made a "squeaky" sound. Suddenly changed the way before the entanglement, and actually flew out, flying around Yang Junshan in the air, but it was going to He is trapped here.

At the same time, the other two foreign monks and monks also tried their best to leave Yang Junshan here.

Yang Junshan knows that the situation is different, I am afraid that the other party has come to help, and then he will sacrifice the mountain monarch.

A black mans broke into the air, and the cold voice went straight through the soul of Yang Junshan: "Hey, Yang Junshan, we met again!"

"Ouyang Palin!"

Yang Junshan exclaimed, the magic of the envy swept over, this Ouyang Palin is actually too embarrassing magic repair!

"Broken his body, suffocating blood, and sucking his blood!"

Ouyang Peirin repairs the martyrdom with the devil's snake in his hand, which sounds more like an order!

"Just rely on you, rest!"

Yang Junshan reached out and pointed at the sky. The mountain prince slid and turned, and turned into a stalwart, but did not smash to any opponent, but directed at Yang Junshan’s own head!

"This person is crazy!"

The Taiji Moxiu repaired and retired, and the other two extraterrestrial monks also hurriedly pushed away.

Ouyang Pei Lin’s look is incomprehensible, but he also dare not face the mountains and sacred gods, but he has to withdraw from the scope covered by the mountains.

"No, this person has to escape!"

Ouyang Pelin suddenly remembered something and shouted.

However, it is already late, even if it is not too late, no one dares to run under the mountain to stop Yang Junshan from running away!

The earth moving mountain is accompanied by a loud noise. The magic field is filled with magic fog, and the dust rising from the sky is more chaotic about this area.

A gust of wind blew, the dust of the sky was emptied, and only a square pit with a few feet deep was left in the place, but the original mountain prince and Yang Junshan in the crater had disappeared.

"Hey, I’m going to see you, Yang Junshan can make a few miles in the demon domain!"

Ouyang Palin bit his teeth and smiled coldly: "Let's go down and ask the scorpions of the men to look for the traces of Yang Junshan. This is the magic domain. No matter the underground ground has been dyed by the magic, he is not far from the ground!"

Ouyang Pei Lin said yes, he did not climb out in the underground and was forced to climb out. The magic has indeed been immersed in the underground. Yang Junshan has to spend several times the cost of the past. But what really made him have to climb out was because the power of the underground soil was almost exhausted suddenly, and the land around him seemed to fall into the control of others in an instant.

Yes, it is control. The earth is actually controlled to some extent. This is much more powerful than the steel. Yang Junshan feels that if he is still underground, he may even be killed!

Just as Yang Junshan had just climbed out, he perceives that the force of the underground soil has rapidly converge toward a certain place, and even faintly let Yang Junshan feel the feeling of a vein generation, followed by a non-human voice. The roughness came, and then he felt that the whole world was followed, and three loud noises came from the ground, just like a giant was squatting back. Then his face changed wildly and he saw that the distant space was Distorted, and it is rapidly extending towards him.

Yang Junshan turned around, but the speed of the space after the extension of the space can be much faster than his shrinking, and soon spread to the space around him.

When Yang Junshan’s face changed, he thought that he might not escape the bad luck this time, but suddenly found that these space folds seemed to be blocked by an inexplicable force in front of him, and then he actually circumvented him and continued to move far. The broadcast was scattered.

Yang Junshan’s heart is more suspicious at the same time. Just the extension of the space distortion has already reached him. How could he suddenly bypass him?

Yang Junshan’s soul knows to sink into Dantian and pangolin for the first time: “Is it you?”

The pangolin rattle usually shakes his head and says: "Not me, I don't have the ability to suppress the space on my own. If the stupid tiger can become a Taoist in the future, maybe this is possible!"

The "stupid tiger" that pangolin said refers to the spirit of Shan Junyi. If Shan Junjun can advance to the Tao, he may also have the ability to suppress the space independently, which means that it is also not a mountain monk.

What is the reason for him to avoid being crushed by the force of space? Yang Junshan can not believe that he will have such good luck, and the folds in the surrounding space will happen to avoid him by his side!

Is it another ancestors secretly shot?

When Yang Junshan was puzzled, he suddenly thought of a possibility. Just as the giant bang and the spatial fluctuations came, it was clear that the ancestors of the Tao were working in the distance.

In fact, at this time, the Tao ancestors in the demon domain should have been led by the people of Shiyuan Daozu and so on. How could they reappear in the depths of the demon domain?

Moreover, judging from the situation just felt, it is clear that there is a level of existence in the fight, then does it mean that the Terran side also has additional Taoist ancestors sneak into the magic domain?

Yang Junshan suddenly took a shot of his forehead, but how can he forget the incarnation of the ancestral ancestors!

Then a terrible thought suddenly emerged again. The three Taoists asked the monks of the Yuzhou School to sneak into the demon domain. It seems that the public must figure out what happened in the demon domain, but actually it is another aster ancestor. The incarnation of the Taoist dynasty is clearly the same as the chess pieces that attract the attention of the monks outside the demon domain.

It is also the loss of the ancestors of the Aster ancestors rushed here, otherwise if other monks of the sect of the sacred sneak into this place, it is really dead!

In the deep space, the ancestors of the asters suddenly changed their faces, and the mouth of the plains spurted a small mouthful of blood.

Luo idled the devil to see the sudden arrogant laugh: "Do you think that I don't know if you have an incarnation? Although we still don't know if your incarnation has advanced, but in order to prevent it The first one, the deity specially invited a friend to come, even if your avatar is not cheap, maybe your avatar will be destroyed by the Moling friends, and you will save yourself from the thunder. And to prepare, just wait for death!"

The face of the Asterie Dao suddenly became extremely ugly, almost gnashing his teeth: "Well, a good magical repair outside the domain, a good devil, I never thought that this time I was actually counted by people outside your domain, but I want to break it. You can't do it when you lose your way!"

The people of Yang Ziyuan will sacrifice their hands in Ziyun, and the face will suddenly become a giant curtain. Numerous fogs will emerge from the giant screen. However, this time it is not all purple, and there is a golden red in the middle. The brilliance of the brilliance, brushed toward the Luo idle demon statue and the tiger tiger demon king.

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