Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 920: Secret (question for monthly pass)

It is located in the southwest of Sangzhou, between the county of Lingyi, the county of Qingmuzong, and the county of Qianhuzong. It was originally the most complicated area in the whole cultivation area of ​​Sangzhou. After the extraterritorial forces came, The situation in the county has become more and more chaotic.

In a canyon jungle somewhere in the county, Yang Junqi and Yang Junqi dragged their tired bodies back into the depths of the canyon. At the same time, they returned with two bronze gongs. In this temporary habitat, Mulberry The pale face leaned against a tree, looking delicate and weak, as if without the support of this tree, she would fall to the ground at any time.

Yang Junyi did not have the slightest image of the **** sitting on the ground, leaning against the other side of the tree, and snoring the breath in his mouth evenly, saying: "The two people are temporarily blocked, just the secret of this canyon. The guardianship ban has been broken through three layers, leaving only the last two layers of fear that they will not be able to persist for a long time. At that time, they must not fight with them to kill you."

Yang Junqi sat silently on the other side, hands and palms turned over, each holding a spar to start meditating and recovering the real yuan consumed by the body, but from the perspective of her spiritual fluctuations, her repair at this time It has already reached the second most important situation in the real world. It can be seen that in the years of travel in Sangzhou, Yang Junqi has another chance.

Mulberry reached out and two small sounds came, but they saw that each of the two scorpions that had just returned with Yang Junyi and Yang Junqi had a slender transparent thread that was retracted into his hand. If he did not look carefully, he could not even notice it. .

The two silk threads retracted into the hands of the mulberry sang, and after losing the traction of the two millennial ice silks, the two squadrons did not move in the same place.

Yang Jun took a look at the two singers and praised: "Thanks to these two lines, this is much more powerful than the ordinary scorpio. If there are no such shackles, this secret squad alone. The law is banned, and we simply cannot adhere to it now."

Mulberry said with a smile: "Now it is barely maintained. I want to manipulate these two lines with my spiritual knowledge. I can’t insist on it for a long time. If the fourth brother doesn’t come again, the three of us can’t escape. The secrets, after all, the two who are stuck outside are the best among the disciples of Ling Yizong."

"Even if the fourth brother came, how can you say that, the two outside are the best among the disciples of the spiritual sects, and the embarrassing existence, the fourth brother has dealt with one of them, the other one. Who can deal with it?"

Yang Junqi, who had been closed to practice, suddenly opened his eyes and said coldly.

Sang Yuer closed his mouth, Yang Junyi said to the side: "Ten sister, what is frustrating, we should believe in the fourth brother!"

Yang Junqi turned a deaf ear to Yang Junxi’s words, but said to the sang: "Daughter, are you still planning to take advantage of us now? If the two outsiders clearly know who you are, then I suspect that they will not be directed at this time. We came, but deliberately used us to lead the fourth brother, don't forget that one of the two outsiders has a festival with the fourth brother."

Mulberry escaped Yang Junqi's gaze, Yang Junyi was persuaded in the side, and half was to maintain the road: "Ten sister, do you think too much, we have been trapped for so long, during the period, with the help of secret ban, more than one or two Second, the two have never broken our identity."

Yang Junqi was about to speak, but suddenly heard a voice coming out of the canyon. "Sang Shimei, how can I see the two brothers not knowing to come to see one side, is it that the sisters thought they were out of the spirit, I will not wait." Do you recognize you?"

Yang Junqi simply closed his mouth, and Yang Junyi did not know what to say for a while.

Mulberry smiled and said: "The teacher and sister guessed well. The two outsiders may have secretly followed after discovering my identity, but they may have noticed that I was in the same position as Junyi’s identity. I don’t know the details of Jun and the ten sister Yang’s family."

Yang Junqi did not intend to turn his face with Mulberry. He sighed and said: "I hope so, but the old thirteen hearts are all on you, and I have long noticed that this secret is probably You deliberately brought us to discover. In fact, you already know the existence of this secret, and after entering the secret, although you tried to cover it, it is still difficult to cover up your familiarity with this place."

Yang Junyi looked stunned and refused to take care of his tiredness. He tried to turn his head and look at the mulberry child next to him.

Mulberry smiled bitterly: "The ten sisters guessed well, but they were much more refined than the guy next to them, but the ten sisters also knew that it was not malicious to bring you here."

"That is because Xiaoyan has absolute trust in you!"

Yang Junqi said one sentence and then said: "If you are really malicious, you will not share it with me and thirteen treasures in this secret. I will not advance to such a dilemma so much, not even Will join hands with you to resist the two Ling Yizong monks outside."

Yang Junyi couldn't help but say: "What is the origin of this secret, why do you even hide me?"

Mulberry’s face is bitter, but still whispered: “Here, it’s a secret that my father left for me!”


Yang Jun’s face is unbelievable. His teacher, the father of Mulberry, is just an ordinary monk. As an elder of the outer door, there is not much sense of existence in the whole spirit, and this Something that has been excavated in this secret for a period of time is a legacy of a very generous great supernatural person. If the teacher Sangensheng has such a profound knowledge, how could it be just a name? The elders of the outer door.

"No, it is my biological father!" Sang whispered softly...

"Cheng Shixiong, how long will we have to break these prohibitions?"

Xu Tiancheng asked as he looked at the scene in the surrounding canyon.

A white man dressed in white and graceful monk condensed in the palm of his hand, and then printed a tree in front of him, a sound of "噼里啪啦" came, a thunder light shot back and forth, this piece The grass blew up a smash, and the original hidden ban was also abolished, and then the brother of the sergeant stood up and said, "Is it easy to break the sorrowful shackles?"

"But you and I have been here for more than a month. I think that there are not many bans in this canyon. It should be on these three or five days. The three people who are hiding in the depths of the canyon will also run. Can't fall!"

In the tone of this class, the voice of the brothers is confident, and there is a arrogance in it.

Xu Tiancheng heard the words and said: "Senior brothers can finally confirm that this remains is left by Sang Wuji?"

"There were still some doubts, but from the characteristics of the ban on the ban in the canyon that has been cracked for more than a month, it is very similar to the method described in the Zongmen about the Tianxian government. That Sang's father, Sang Gensheng, was the irons who followed Sang Wuji. When Sang Wuji died, he told Sang Gensheng that this secret message was justified. Now Sangen’s daughter really found it. When there is no doubt."

Cheng Shixiong’s explanation sounds reasonable.

Xu Tiancheng heard the words and said: "It’s really an innocent place to break through the iron shoes. I don’t have to work hard. I don’t know how many people in the original Zongmen’s ancestral halls passed down. Unfortunately, after no ignorance, no one knows the Tianzheng government. Inheriting the clues, Zongmen deliberately left a sang root to have a pulse. He had doubts, but he never thought that the sang root could bear it. Until he died, he did not seek the remains of Sang Wuji, but let her The daughter secretly rebelled the Zongmen and left the surveillance of the Zongmen. Fortunately, luck is still on our side. After so many years, I have inadvertently discovered the trace of Sangen’s daughter."

In the eyes of Cheng Shixiong, there was a hot flash of light, Shen Sheng said: "I want to be sorrowful and stunned in the past, and it is the first place in the people's territory. If you don't commit the crime of sin, you are in shame. The old ancestors died in front of themselves. Today’s Ling Yizong is afraid that he will not be the master of the house. If he really left the inheritance of the Tianzheng government in this relic, then you and me will It may not necessarily be lower than him."

Xu Tiancheng hesitated a moment and asked: "Tianyu brother, do you know that the sin of the year was sinful?"

Cheng Tianyu took a look at him and said, "I don't know. The ones who know the ancestors of Zongmen seem to be ignorant. If you are interested, you may want to ask Luo Yi."

Xu Tiancheng smiled and said: "Where can I dare? But really, brother, are we going to report the sect?"

Cheng Tianyu seems to have already understood Xu Tiancheng’s thoughts. He squinted his eyes and made a tone of laughter and asked: “What about Xu’s brother?”

Xu Tiancheng looked at Cheng Tianyu and didn't seem to notice the ridicule of Cheng Tianyu's mouth. He whispered: "If you report to Zongmen, you will definitely alarm the elders of the Tao. I don't know if I can give you some leftovers. Cold."

Cheng Tianyu’s “Ha” smiled and said: “First break the line. The so-called Tianxianfu inheritance clues are just you and I guess. Even if you want to report to Zongmen, you can’t help without it. Xu Shidi said that Not?"

Xu Tiancheng heard a lot of hands and said: "There is a lot of words that Cheng Shixiong said, or let you and I thoroughly figure out the details of this place, but then I have to look at my brother."

Cheng Tianyu also smiled and said: "It is also necessary to rely on the power of the shuttle space of the younger brothers. The two gods are not worth mentioning. Her two helpers are limited in strength, but they are banned by the ubiquitous array. Trouble, but also guard against the accomplices they may have."

Xu Tiancheng patted the chest and abdomen and said: "The brothers are relieved, a few jump clowns, you and my brothers join hands, who is afraid of the monks below the border?"


The first is more, the friends of the Tao, the last day of this month, begging for monthly ticket support!

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