Chapter 817 My real name

  Lu Xingchen turned around and went to the inner room. Sure enough, she saw Xiaomi thrown in the corner. She stepped forward with some pity, took the cloth from Xiaomi's mouth, and then untied the rope on her body.

  Xiaomi was obviously terrified, hugged Lu Xingchen, and said while crying, "Boss, you really came, you scared me to death, I thought I would never see Boss again."

"Silly girl." Lu Xingchen's arms were covered with bruises. He was hugged by Xiaomi at this time, and he gasped in pain, but she didn't say much, and comforted her softly, "I told you, your boss and I It's Monkey King, how could he not come to save you?"

   "Boss, are you okay?" Xiaomi thought of something, quickly let go of Lu Xingchen, and then checked up and down.

   "It's okay." Lu Xingchen's forearms and shoulders were just badly beaten by the man in sunglasses, but Xiaomi couldn't tell why she was wearing long-sleeved clothes.

  The two of them went out together, and saw that the brothers from before had already run away to pieces, leaving only the man in sunglasses and Lin Sen leaning together pitifully.

  Lu Xingchen shook his head, and said to the man in the sunglasses with some sympathy, "You said that you are like this as an ancient warrior, isn't it sad?"

  In a different time and space, every successor of ancient martial arts is very precious, and they have all assumed the responsibility of protecting that world since childhood.

   But here, the first ancient warrior Lu Xingchen met was actually doing this kind of thing, which made her a little disappointed, and made her feel that the ancient martial power in this dimension seems to be different from that in different time and space.

The man in the sunglasses seemed to be very touched, and he sighed heavily, "Do you think I want to be like this? When I followed Master, I also had lofty ambitions, but dreams are always just dreams. Little guy."

Lu Xingchen shook his head, "Your talent is not bad. Although I don't know what you have experienced, I can be sure that if you want to do well, you are still capable. Simply put, you are the one who gave up your dreams. rather than any external force."

The man in sunglasses was a little stunned when he heard the words. He looked at Lu Xingchen without blinking. You must be a good person."

   As he spoke, his attitude became a bit serious, and he said very solemnly, "I am Chen Linghua, the 180th generation descendant of the Chen family."

  Lu Xingchen smiled, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I can't tell you my identity, I can only say that it's nice to meet you."

  Lin Sen heard the way, and looked at Lu Xingchen with some puzzlement, "What do you mean? Isn't your real name Lu Xingchen?"

  Lu Xingchen ignored him, and soon the siren sounded outside, and Lu Xingchen stood up, "Okay, I have to go, someone will take care of your affairs, goodbye."

   The last two words were spoken to Chen Linghua, and then she left with Xiaomi.

  The two of them opened the door of the warehouse, and saw Jun Monan coming with a group of policemen, and the person walking in the front was Situ Jue.

  Lu Xingchen was speechless, Jun Monan was such a big mouther, and he had to tell his elder brother about such a trivial matter. She shook her head and went up to meet her.

  Situ Jue seemed in a bad mood. The evil spirit around him could scare away any living things within five meters. Xiaomi hesitated, but still didn't follow.

  Lu Xingchen was not afraid at all, walked up to him, and said with a smile, "Such a trivial matter, why did you call me here?"

  (end of this chapter)

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