Chapter 819 He is fake

  Jun Monan saw that Situ Jue had taken Lu Xingchen away, so he arranged for someone to take Xiaomi home, and then went to see the two hapless ghosts.

   "Are you crazy? Is Lu Xingchen someone you can provoke?" He saw two people, and went up and kicked them.

  Chen Linghua didn't open his mouth to speak. He thought he had done something wrong, but he didn't regret it. In the future, he must behave himself and be a qualified ancient warrior.

  Lin Sen was a little unconvinced, and said loudly when he thought of something, "You have all been deceived, he is not Lu Xingchen at all, he is the heir of the ancient martial arts family."

  Jun Monan turned around and stopped immediately as he was about to leave. He looked at Lin Sen with some doubts, and asked in a cold voice, "What did you say?"

  Chen Linghua glared at Lin Sen immediately, "Shut up, what nonsense are you talking about?"

   "Am I wrong?" Lin Sen continued to shout at Jun Mo Nan, "That Lu Xingchen knows martial arts, and he is very powerful. He is not Lu Xingchen at all, he has other names."

   "It's not this," Jun Mo Nan looked at Lin Sen nervously, "What kind of heir did you just say he was?"

  Lin Sen was taken aback by Jun Mo Nan's appearance. In fact, he didn't know what an ancient martial arts family was. After hesitating for a while, he said weakly, "He seems to be the descendant of the ancient martial arts family."

  An ancient samurai family?

  Lin Sen doesn't know, but Jun Mo Nan knows it very well. It can even be said that he is a fan of the successor of the ancient martial arts.

Among the wolf warriors special team, the most powerful one is the sharp knife team composed of ancient martial arts successors. They are one against ten in the wolf warriors. benefit.

  Jun Monan has mixed with these ancient martial arts heirs since he was a child, and has heard many stories about ancient martial arts families. Among the only eight ancient martial arts families left in China, none of them is surnamed Lu.

  What happened to Lu Xingchen? If that kid isn't Lu Xingchen, who is he?

  Jun Mo Nan took one last look at Lin Sen, then turned and left. Do you want to tell Jue about this matter? Anyway, he had to find someone to investigate Lu Xingchen.

  On the other side, Situ Jue took Lu Xingchen to the hospital, and handed him directly over to Ji Jue, "Check him carefully and see how many injuries he has suffered."

  Lu Xingchen stuck out his tongue at Chongjue, and then signaled with his eyes to send Situ Jue away.

  Jiejue naturally understood, so he tried to get Situ Juezhi away, and then said with some headaches, "Little Master, why are you so worried? If this continues, Jue Shaochou's hair will turn gray."

  Lu Xingchen was amused by him, and said helplessly, "I can't help it. In this world, you have to sacrifice to gain. Many times, you have to make some sacrifices."

  Unfortunately, Lu Xingchen always has one set of principles, and even he is often taught to be speechless, "Lu Xingchen, sometimes I really doubt whether you are a high school student or not?"

   "Huh?" Lu Xingchen chuckled, "Before you doubt me, should you doubt my elder brother first?"

   "That's right." Ji Jue suddenly laughed, and didn't say anything more, and began to carefully help Lu Xingchen deal with the bruises on his body.

  Lu Xingchen didn't speak again. What she said unintentionally just now gave her a terrible thought.

Everyone always calls Situ Jue a god-man, and thinks that he is super-intelligent, not like a nineteen-year-old high school student at all, so is there a possibility that Situ Jue is just like himself, but he is not actually the nineteen-year-old Situ What?

  (end of this chapter)

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