Chapter 826 I am my sister

  Lu Xingchen stood at the door without speaking, Lu Xingmou was also shocked, and the two stood so far away from each other.

  Evil Dragon looked at Lu Xingchen, then at Lu Xingmou, neither of them was wearing a mask at this time, he said with some certainty, "Let me just say, they really look alike."

  Lu Xingchen came back to his senses, and said to the evil dragon, "You go back to the room first, or go out, I will have a few words with Lu Xingmou alone, by the way, don't let Jue Shao and Jun Shao know that I am here."

   "Oh." The evil dragon also saw the situation, and quickly disappeared very obediently.

   "You... who are you?" As soon as Lu Xingmou opened his mouth, his voice trembled a little.

  Lu Xingchen approached Lu Xingmu step by step, and then chuckled, "Silly boy, who do you think I am?"

   Lu Xingmou couldn't turn his head around, "I have a sister, but you are a boy."

  Lu Xingchen smiled even more happily, and sat down on the sofa next to Lu Xingmou, "Who said I'm a boy? I'm your sister, Lu Xingchen."

  Lu Xingmou was completely dumbfounded. Looking at Lu Xingchen, his eye circles gradually turned red, and he said excitedly, "You...Are you serious? You...Are you really my sister?"

  Lu Xingchen nodded, "Of course it is true, otherwise why do you think we are so similar?"

  Lu Xingmou grabbed Lu Xingchen's hand, and asked with concern, "Sister, how have you been all these years? Why did you dress yourself up as a boy? Have you...have you met your mother?"

  Lu Xingchen knew that the mother Lu Xingmou mentioned should actually be Jiang Rong, not Jiang Yan.

  She shook Lu Xingmou's hand back vigorously, and nodded, "I'm doing well, pretending to be a boy is just for fun. As for you miss mom?"

   Lu Xingmu was silent for a while, as if trying to remember, and said after a while, "I don't remember what my mother looks like for a long time. It's been too long, I haven't seen her for a long time."

   "Then do you want to see her?" Lu Xingchen continued to ask.

   Lu Xingmou nodded, "Can I see her? Is she okay? Does she remember me?"

"Of course." Lu Xingchen reached out to help Lu Xingmou wipe away tears, this brother is more innocent and kind than she imagined, she seriously assured, "It will be our birthday in two days, I will take you to see your mother OK?"

   "Birthday?" Lu Xingmu smiled wryly, "If my sister doesn't mention it, I'll forget it. It turns out that my birthday is here again. I haven't had my birthday for a long time."

   "Stupid child," Lu Xingchen patted Lu Xingmou's head, "Every year from now on, many people will celebrate your birthday together. You will be very happy if you have parents, mothers, and brothers."

   ", brother?" Lu Xingmu was obviously a little dazed, "Did mom have many children?"

  Lu Xingchen was amused, "No, Mom is remarried and married a man who loves her very much. Don't worry, their family is very good, and they will definitely treat you very well."

  Lu Xingmu nodded happily, "It seems that you and your mother are living a very good life, that's fine, otherwise you two girls will be very worrying."

  Lu Xingchen gently hugged Lu Xingmou in his arms, this silly child, whether it is Jiang Rong or Lu Xingchen, which one is not stronger than Lu Xingmou? But this silly kid is still worried about the two of them?

  Jiang Rong is sorry for Lu Xingmou, she will pay back Lu Xingchen.

   "I'll give you an address. At eight o'clock on the night of your birthday, you come to me and you will meet your mother."

  (end of this chapter)

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