Chapter 831 Happy Birthday

   Lu Xingchen's birthday is a very sunny day, the sky is clear and cloudless, which makes people feel very good.

  Lu Xingchen got up early in the morning, and today is also the day when the acting training class ends, so she decided to attend the closing ceremony.

  When she arrived at the film and television base, as soon as she went upstairs, she saw Han Xiyi who had disappeared for a long time. She hesitated for a moment before walking forward.

   "Hi, Lu Xingchen." Han Xiyi took the initiative to say hello, his expression looked a little tired.

  Lu Xingchen was a little puzzled, what did this guy do after disappearing for so long?

  She turned her head and smiled slightly, "Good morning, Han Xiyi, why haven't I seen you come to class for a long time?"

  Han Xiyi heard this, and her pair of purple pupils, which were originally lacklustre, suddenly lit up a little, and she said happily, "I haven't been in Huaguo these days, I have something to leave."

   "Oh." Lu Xingchen nodded clearly, she suddenly thought that Baitong is not in Huaguo, is this a bit of a coincidence?

  She entered the classroom without saying anything, but was startled when she opened the door.

   "Happy birthday, Lu Xingchen!" All the students shouted in unison, holding ribbons in their hands, and sprayed Lu Xingchen all over.

  Because it was the end of the class, almost all the students came, including Professor Li, and the whole classroom was decorated in a very festive way. There was a cake trolley in the open space in the middle, and the cakes on it were extremely delicate and beautiful.

  Lu Xingchen smiled in surprise, and asked in confusion, "How do you know that today is my birthday?"

   To be honest, she cherishes this birthday very much, and she wants to spend it with her family, so she didn't tell too many friends, and not many people should know.

   "Oh, I see." Lu Xingchen looked at the big fool in the crowd, "It was Lu Xingmou who told you, right?"

  The evil dragon quickly shook his head, "I do know, but I didn't tell you, it was Han Xiyi."

  Although he seldom told Young Master Jun to stay away from Han Xiyi, the evil dragon still thinks that this prince is very good. He even knew about Lu Xingchen's birthday and prepared a surprise.

  Everyone is just in the same training class. How can this Han Xiyi be a bad person if he can do this?

  When Lu Xingchen heard this, the smile on her face froze instantly, and she turned her head to look at Han Xiyi.

  Han Xiyi saw that Lu Xingchen was not so happy at first, and immediately said, "I'm sorry, I just want to help you celebrate your birthday, if you don't like it, I'll leave now."

  Afterwards, he said to everyone, "Today, please everyone, please have a good birthday with Lu Xingchen."

   After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

   "Han Xiyi," Lu Xingchen had no choice but to stop him, "Since you're here, let's eat the cake before leaving."

   "Really?" Han Xiyi looked at Lu Xingchen with some joy, and seeing Lu Xingchen nodded slightly, he immediately returned to the classroom and sang the birthday song with everyone.

   "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Lu Xingchen!"

  At this moment, all the open and secret fights of the past month have been forgotten, and everyone has a sincere smile on their faces.

  After the birthday song was sung, Han Xiyi said excitedly, "Lu Xingchen, quickly make a wish, and then blow out the candles!"

  Lu Xingchen was very excited when he heard Han Xiyi's voice. When she looked up, she saw that Han Xiyi's eyes were red.

what happened?

  (end of this chapter)

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