Chapter 882 is too explosive

  When Situ Jue saw this news, his eyes darkened a little, and he asked nervously, "You... want to see me?"

Lu Xingchen thought for a while and then replied, "I don't know, anyway, if the eldest brother is not around suddenly, I always feel uncomfortable. So, elder brother, give me a month, and after a month, I will definitely give you an accurate reply. "

One month, Lu Xingchen felt that enough was enough, she should be able to understand her own heart, if she really liked Situ Jue, after a month, she would confess that she was a girl, so being with Situ Jue like this, Good for everyone.

   "Okay." Situ Jue's mood also improved a bit. He felt that his chances of winning were not small. It turned out that he was not the only one who missed him. "Then you go to bed early and try your best at the audition tomorrow!"

  Lu Xingchen smiled, "How does Big Brother know that I have an audition tomorrow?"

   "Well, liking someone is not just talking about it. Even if the elder brother can't be with you all the time, he will always pay attention to everything about you."

  Lu Xingchen smiled and shook his head, "Brother's love talk skills have improved, it seems that he has done a lot of homework."

   "It's not words of love, but words from the heart." Situ Jue replied with a smile on his lips, and finally added, "You have to trust me, baby!"

   "Speechless!" Lu Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief. If Situ Jue's problem in this area is not resolved, she doubts that she will not be able to handle tomorrow's audition.

  The two chatted sweetly for a while before finally saying goodnight to each other.

  Situ Jue put down the phone, with a smile on his face, and looked at Li Tezhu puzzledly, "Is there something wrong?"

   "Ah?" Li Tezhu's face was confused, he was called here, what's the situation now? The power of love is really great, it can make people change faces faster than turning a book, and it can also make people lose their memory temporarily.

  Situ Jue was obviously in a good mood. He got up and picked up his coat, and said puzzledly, "What time is it, let everyone get off work quickly. If you have any get off work, you can do it tomorrow. It's so cold, so hurry up and go back!"

   Touching, really touching!

  Li Tezhu felt that if he wanted to choose the top ten touching people this year, he would definitely vote for the few in love.

  The two entered the elevator back and forth. Seeing that Situ Jue was in an unprecedentedly happy mood, Li Tezhu boldly asked, "Jue Shao, are you in love?"

   "In love?" Situ Jue was really in a good mood, and his subordinates were not angry when they inquired about privacy, "Not yet, but it should be soon."

   Li Tezhu was secretly stunned. This means that the other party hasn't agreed yet, so he is rarely so happy? If the other party agrees, they will rarely go to heaven happily.

  He was really curious as to which family's young lady had this charm, so he boldly asked, "Very few, can you tell me who the young lady is?"

   "Girl?" Situ Jue raised his eyebrows, and said lightly, "Who told you it must be a girl?"

  What's the situation?

   Li Tezhu was dumbfounded for a moment, so he just said that the girls who used to pursue Jue Shao stepped on the stairs of Baidijing Group, and Situ Jue didn't see any reaction, so Jue Shao didn't like girls.

   This is too exciting!

Situ Jue looked at Li Tezhu's frightened look, and added, "When he agrees, you will know that those girls are not even as good as one of his fingers. "

   Li Tezhu reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth. He clearly realized that he was rarely really fascinated by the other party. The first person he thought of was Lu Xingchen.

  But thinking about it again, I think it's impossible. Although they are not related by blood, the two are also brothers. The Situ family will not agree, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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