Space Doctor: The National Hero is a Girl

Chapter 886: Rotten drama script

  Chapter 886 Rotten Drama Script

  Lu Xingchen saw that the three of them were all looking over, and the expressions of Jun Monan and Xiao Panghu were a little strange, so she looked at Situ Jue with some doubts.

Situ Jue stepped down from the tatami with long legs, but the overcoat Lu Xingchen took off was naturally put into the closet next to him, and he asked with concern, "Is it cold? Why don't you let me pick you up? "

   "It's not far away, so there's no need to pick it up." Lu Xingchen also sat down on the tatami, and then handed the document bag in his hand to Jun Monan, "It contains the script of the MV. Take a look, and the filming will start in a few days."

  Jun Monan and Xiaopanghu looked at each other, and the two agreed without saying anything else, then opened the script and looked at it carefully.

  Jun Monan finished reading the script, and nodded in satisfaction, "The star Xueba and the beautiful school girl, this script is really tailor-made for us."

   "In terms of shamelessness, you are really number one in the world." Lu Xingchen complained weakly while eating.

  Little Fat Tiger smiled beside him, and then said in surprise, "Hey, there's also a script in it."

  As she spoke, she took out the script, which said the title of the play "Winter Sunshine", "Lu Xingchen, is this your new play?"

  Lu Xingchen glanced at it, and immediately replied, "No, I guess sister Xu made a mistake and put someone else's notebook in."

  Little Fat Tiger opened the script curiously, and saw the two leading characters written on it at a glance, one is Lu Xingchen and the other is Situ Jue.

  She was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Situ Jue, then carefully tugged at the corner of Jun Mo Nan's clothes.

Jun Mo Nan didn't know what was going on, so he glanced at it indifferently, but he was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing, "Lu Xingchen, do you and Jue want to act in this kind of drama? Hahaha, you really So brave."

   "What drama?" Lu Xingchen glanced at Situ Jue subconsciously, seeing that Situ Jue didn't respond, he brought over the script even more puzzled, and glanced at it.

  The more she saw the end, her face turned red uncontrollably, "Brother, what's going on?"

  Situ Jue was speechless. He guessed that "Winter Sunshine" should be that rotten drama. What happened to Xu Qing? He didn't tell Lu Xingchen, and just sneaked the script to Lu Xingchen?

  This is too bad!

  He had no choice but to pretend to be blank and asked, "What's wrong? What drama is this?"

   "Brother doesn't know?" Why does Lu Xingchen feel so untrustworthy? How dare Xu Qing arrange such a corrupt drama for Situ Jue without Situ Jue's permission?

Helpless, Situ Jue's acting skills are so good, he took the script with a completely innocent face, read it carefully, and said a little embarrassedly, "How could this be? This Xu Qing is too messy! No, I have to fight Talk to her on the phone and push this drama!"

   Act, continue to act!

  Jun Monan looked like he was watching the show. He didn't believe that this matter had nothing to do with Situ Jue. Only a fool would believe it. He turned his gaze to Lu Xingchen, wanting to see how Lu Xingchen would react.

  Lu Xingchen had a headache, and helplessly said to Situ Jue, "Brother, you don't need to act anymore, do you think anyone in this room believes it? Speaking of which, do you have time to act this kind of thing?"

  The corner of Situ Jue's mouth curled up in a triumphant arc, and he said philosophically, "Time is like water in a sponge, if you squeeze it, there will always be some."

  (end of this chapter)

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