"There used to be a hot movie, I wonder if Mr. Xiao has seen it, "The Matrix"?"

Seeing Cheng Yuanzheng nodded, Yuan Tianba smiled suddenly and motioned for him to drink coffee.

"The magical world described in that movie is actually so similar to our game world!"

"The direction of human evolution should not be limited to a backward and inferior body. We have incomparable imagination. Our ancestors have built a magical world that can fly to the sky and call the wind and rain. That is not necessarily just a myth."

Yuan Tianba looked at him scorchingly, as if dissatisfied with his calmness.

"Mr. Xiao, I think you should resonate with me the most. It is enough to be a confidant in life, what does Mr. Xiao think?"

Cheng Yuanzheng smiled coldly, glanced over the sleeping girl in the transparent chamber, and curled his lips ironically.

"According to your statement, your Kerr broke free from the mortal womb and became immortal. Then why do you keep her cicadas stuck? Collecting specimens? This hobby is a bit heavy."

Yuan Tianba didn't think much of his provocation, and explained it with a good temper.

"Mr. Xiao misunderstood. I am not the kind of dreamer who fantasizes about climbing to the sky in one step. I have to eat a bite and I have never succeeded overnight."

He pointed to the girl, his eyes narrowed.

"I haven't introduced her formally. She is my only love, Xia Ke'er. She is like an angel who has fallen into the world, but unfortunately suffered hardship."

"Love that has not been tested is not complete. I will not violate the vow I made to her, and I will definitely go hand in hand with her through life and generations to create a perfect world for her."

"Like Nine days?" Cheng Yuanzheng interjected again, really uncomfortable with this guy's way of speaking.

Pretend to be struck by lightning, take a warning!

"You can say that."

Yuan Tianba smiled, took a sip of coffee, full of European aristocrats.

"Originally, I was almost disappointed with Mr. Xiao. I thought you were just a man," he paused, seeming to be looking for the right words. "Technology house."

"I don't have any derogatory meaning." He added hastily, his smile never faded. "After all, only people with simple minds are more suitable for scientific research and innovation."

"In my opinion, Mr. Xiao's achievements in holographic games are already in the field of scientific research, and are still the most difficult part of brain development. Together, you and I will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of human development."

At this point, Yuan Tianba's meaning was already obvious, and Cheng Yuanzheng did not pretend to be stupid with him.

"I understand what Mr. Yuan meant. I guess you invited me here. It should be related to this Miss Xia Keer?"


Yuan Tianba looked obsessively at the lifelike girl in the game warehouse, not caring about Cheng's uncomfortable expression at all.

"Your situation is exactly what I need now."

Yuan Tianba also talked about the topic, pressing the remote control, the big screen on the wall lights up, which is the game interface of Jiutian.

"Ker's consciousness is trapped in the game. She can talk to me and even get in touch with me in the game, but she can't come back."

Yuan Tianba sincerely asked for advice.

"Can you tell me how you did it, both here and in the game?"

The wall shows the game interface of ecstasy. The little fox is taking him to upgrade without hesitation. A new email is opened, which is also a bunch of seemingly meaningless garbled characters. The sender is He Mingzhu.

"Or you can tell me, whose soul is hidden in this BOSS?"

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