There are obviously many people who understand, and school doctors are one of them.

"Classmate Haitang, I want to talk to you."

Su Haitang slept for a while, but actually practiced the Zi Qi Jue to the first level, temporarily suppressing the injuries on her body, and also had a little more self-protection.


Su Haitang unceremoniously sat across from him, took the spoon and drank the porridge.

The preserved egg and lean meat porridge is just right, full of flavor, and it brings an indescribable sense of satisfaction to the empty stomach.

The school doctor watched her eating gracefully and quickly, and subconsciously helped her glasses.

"Introduce myself first, my name is Chu Baihe, I am glad to meet you."

Su Haitang nodded in response and continued to concentrate on eating.

Chu Baihe coughed lightly and withdrew his hand, not realizing that his attitude towards this little girl was almost equal.

"May I ask, do you currently have an affiliate department?"

Chu Bohe was straightforward, carefully watching her every move through the lens.

"Does the group members count?"

Su Haitang barked his teeth at him, lowered his head and continued to drink porridge.

She eats very carefully. The original owner fasted for almost three days and had weak intestines and stomach, so he had to recuperate.

Chu Bohe frowned slightly, then let go.

"You don't have to be so prepared. We are not malicious. In fact, we want to give you a job opportunity. I wonder if you are interested?"

Su Haitang chewed more than 20 times before swallowing the porridge in his mouth, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and raised his head.

"So you are here to evaluate and screen us? The school discourages the students from fighting, so that it is convenient for you to evaluate?"

"Just because you didn't have any malice or interest, so you watched me being subjected to hot and cold violence by the whole school, almost killing me, starving and freezing to death?"

The sharp question didn't raise the pitch, but it was still deafening.

Chu Bohe held his glasses uncomfortably and clearly received her anger.

The leader also euphemistically criticized his negative approach this time.

Although he was happy with the hunt and wanted a suitable partner, but that was a girl after all, a minor young girl, strong strength does not mean strong psychological endurance, he did a little too much.

He carries his own pot, not to mention that this is his long-chosen future partner, Chu Baihe admits his mistake with an excellent attitude.

"Sorry, it was my fault. I should intervene and stop it sooner. All the suffering is worthwhile, and I will give you the best compensation, Department M, have you heard of it?"

Chu Bohe looked at her expectantly.

Su Haitang lowered his eyelashes coldly, put the spoon down gently, and swallowed the last mouthful of porridge.

"Do you wish I had heard of it, or didn't you? Even if I knew it, how did you know that I would be willing to join such an inhumane department?"

Su Haitang curled up the corners of his mouth mockingly, dropped the napkin to wipe his hands, and stood up.

"Thank you for the porridge. I don't cooperate with people who help me abuse me. This is my principle."

"Please wait!" Chu Bohe was startled by the girl's calm but unquestionable tone, and hurriedly described it.

"You misunderstood! I didn't mean to hurt you! You are our focus of investigation. If you are in danger, I will intervene as soon as possible! Please trust my professional ability."

Su Haitang looked back, coldly sweeping away his overconfidence and ambition, and suddenly wanted to beat him up.

"Why don't we fight a game?"

Chu Baihe hesitated: "You are not my opponent..."

Su Haitang approached suddenly, the pen in his hand came out, and the nib slammed the Laogong acupoint in his palm!

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