Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 610 Want to be a hero? fulfill you

Su Haitang lay down without hesitation, held his breath and tilted his head to avoid the muddy water splashing in the puddle, and then started practicing in a standard posture!

Not only was she like this, but all the candidate recruits, who had been eliminated until only fifty-four were left, also immediately got down and started doing push-ups.

Su Haitang had the Purple Qi Art to protect his eyes, so he naturally found a relatively shallow puddle and took advantage of it.

The two Jin Yanming and Hua Dongfeng who were right next to her were not very lucky. The two miserable brothers were squeezed next to each other in the same deep puddle. When they pushed down, their whole faces would sink into the muddy water!

There are not many people who receive the same treatment as these two.

But what worried Su Haitang the most was Jiang Wei, who had injured his hands and feet, and Wang Danni, who was obviously on her period.

With the physical condition of these two people at the moment, they can't complete these two hundred push-ups no matter how hard they try!

Are you going to be eliminated like this? It was rare that she admired both of them.

Su Haitang looked for Jiang Wei and Wang Danni with her eyes, and sure enough, she found the devil instructor standing in front of the two of them, watching the two struggling with gritted teeth and supporting them, silently as if waiting for them to fall, the instructor was about to announce that they People are eliminated.



"Jiang Wei is injured, and Wang Danni is in a special situation today. I request to complete the rest of the training for them both."

Su Haitang reported loudly and calmly looked at Lei Li with a fierce look on his face.

"No, I can do it."

Jiang Wei and Wang Danni obviously did not expect this, and hurriedly raised their heads to refuse.

Wang Danni's face was frighteningly pale, with tears in her eyes. She gritted her teeth stubbornly and persisted, diving into the muddy water to wash away the tears that came from her eyes.

The turbid puddle under Jiang Wei's body was already tinged with blood. If Su Haitang hadn't had extraordinary eyesight, he might have ignored it.

His arms were shaking, and he was holding on with one hand and one foot in a difficult position, gritting his teeth and persisting.

"Stop being brave. It's honorable to be injured on a battlefield or on a mission. Even if you die, I won't stop you. But this is just daily training. There is no need to work so hard that you will become disabled and leave the root of the disease."

Su Haitang spoke calmly.

"Jiang Wei, if your wound becomes infected, it will affect the sensitivity of your hands and feet in the future if it is not properly healed. Are you willing to take such a risk just to have a chance now?"

"Wang Danni, you are a soldier, but you are also a woman. Cold air entering the body during special periods will cause palace cold. If it is serious, it will be difficult to have children in the future."

"You two are very good, and there is no shame in your poor health. I will take care of you today, and next time when I am inconvenient, you can also help me."

Su Haitang talked eloquently and exposed Wang Danni's privacy very frankly, causing her pale face to turn red.

The most embarrassing thing was that Wang Danni had suffered from colic in her lower abdomen all day and night. At this moment, a wave of heat surged down her abdomen, which made her almost ashamed!

The rain had subsided, and an uneasy silence filled the air.

"Want to be a hero? Okay, I'll make it happen for you."

He grinned thunderously, his white teeth flashing coldly in the car lights.

"Jiang Wei Wang Danni comes out!"

Jiang Wei stood upright unwillingly, while Wang Danni blushed and lowered her head, not looking at anyone.

"You guys are supervising. Su Haitang will do push-ups for two hours. If he stops, he will double it!"

"team leader!"

"Do you have any objections? Su Haitang, tell me."

Lei Li smiled fiercely, and he didn't have any good intentions no matter how he looked at it.

"Captain, I'll add another hour for them to go back and rest. They need to be treated for their injuries and kept warm."

Su Haitang continued to raise the price.

Lei Li looked at the two men standing there with ferocious expressions, and nodded with his white teeth bared.

"Okay. Well, I originally wanted to keep these two. They look quite brave, and I quite like them."

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