Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 671 If you don’t leave, I won’t abandon you

"young married woman."

The tone that turns a thousand times is lingering and restrained, very good, this is Cheng Yuanzheng.

"you lost weight."

Cheng Yuanzheng stretched out his hand to touch her flawless face. The next second, blood flashed in his eyes, and a suction force suddenly hit her!

Su Haitang had been on guard for a long time, and he and Xiaoyu took action at the same time, driving the white mist to wrap him up in layers.

Sure enough, it still doesn’t work.

Su Haitang sighed secretly, looking at his bright and dark blood-colored eyes, which showed how hard he was struggling, Su Haitang felt so weak in his heart.

"Cheng Yuanzheng, just hold on a little longer. If you don't leave, I won't give up."

Su Haitang waved his hand, triggering a large amount of spiritual spring to pour on Cheng Yuanzheng's virtual body wrapped in white mist. It didn't matter who in his body absorbed more energy. In short, the most important thing was to be able to hold on for a while and wait for her to come back.

Xiaoyu calculated the use of every ounce of energy extremely miserably. Seeing that Su Haitang had begun to "spend money" again, she hurriedly sent the incorporeal Cheng Yuanzheng out of the space, and the white mist channel collapsed.

"I've seen you, have you finished explaining? Hurry up and pack up and get ready to go."

Xiaoyu didn't dare to delay any longer.

A woman is a mother-in-law, especially Su Haitang. Even after three years as a special soldier, she seems to be a bit decisive in killing, but as long as she faces the expedition, the soft-heartedness brought over from her previous life will resurface!

You dare to squander the spiritual spring water!

Don’t you know that this is also counted? Anything less will put them at greater risk in the future!

Su Haitang looked at the place filled with white mist with a sense of disappointment. Cheng Yuanzheng's shadow had long disappeared.

After a long time, she collected herself and managed to cheer up.

"Xiaoyu, adjust the time flow speed to the limit. I have been discharged from the army. If I don't contact my family for a long time, they will be worried."

Xiaoyu glared angrily!

"Maintaining the flow of time consumes a lot of energy! Plus traveling back and forth through time and space, are you going to risk our lives?"

Don't waste it on irrelevant people! capricious!

Su Haitang tried to stay optimistic.

"Wealth can be found in danger. You will definitely succeed here. Even if you can't find the space debris, you can at least collect treasures that replenish your energy, so there is no need to calculate the energy for the return journey."

The budget was reduced by one-third, and Xiaoyu's face improved.

"Okay, you have a good night's rest and we'll set off tomorrow."

Su Haitang had no objection.

The next morning, after having breakfast with the children and walking them to school, Su Haitang told them his decision to go to a nursing home to recuperate for a few days.

Yuan Ye sensibly patted his chest in assurance.

"Don't worry, Auntie, you must take good treatment and relax, and don't leave any psychological shadow. If you don't serve as a soldier in the future, you will definitely not be able to adapt to the life of an ordinary citizen suddenly."

"Listen to the doctor's advice. It doesn't matter if you stay longer. Don't worry about us. We will be obedient. Don't worry. We will also take care of grandma and grandpa."

The children were very concerned about Su Haitang. Every time she came back from a mission, they all carefully asked if she was injured, and tried every means to make her happy and relaxed, for fear that she would have the sequelae of being an undercover agent or something.

Su Haitang was so warmed up by the little angels at home that she couldn't bear to see how they were racking their brains to wear colorful clothes to entertain her, guarding her in shifts 24 hours a day, and were so worried that they couldn't even sleep well.

Su Haitang took the initiative to find a professional doctor to provide herself with psychological counseling and treatment.

The children respected the professionals and breathed a sigh of relief. They asked her to get more rest and make sure that she was fully recovered physically and mentally before coming back.

This has almost become a routine during the three-year special forces career.

Su Haitang originally wanted to spend more time with her children during her short vacation, but the considerate children wisely gave it up because in their hearts, her health was more important.

It's more important than getting the coveted companionship and joy from her.

She just came back this time, and the children had already urged her to go to recuperate, but she was really leaving.

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