Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 688 An expected chance encounter

With the Zombie Emperor escorting him, Su Haitang landed the plane in the zombie area as if he were in a deserted area.

Although there is hierarchical suppression, the high-level zombies that have not yet eliminated their ferocious nature are willing to succumb to the siege of low-level zombies that are suppressed and trembling, so they howl and scream and go into battle in person.

Then, it naturally becomes a snack for the little fox.

The little fox instinctively coveted and feared the Zombie Emperor, but because of the movie star's careful feeding, the newly-minted foodie little fox quickly switched sides and became the Zombie Emperor's number one fan.

Su Haitang is optimistic about the success.

They have no clue about the little fox's promotion path now, but now they have some clues, so naturally they shouldn't let it go.

"Women are just superficial and like these flashy stones."

Actor Xiao said as if he was chanting, "The role he plays today is probably a famous foreign opera character. He can enter the performance state anytime and anywhere without any sense of disobedience. It can be said that he is a good actor."

"If you have such a stone, you can give it to me."

Su Haitang glanced at him with a half-smile, and was once again glad that she had made the right decision not to appear in a TV drama.

She is also wearing a vest and playing role-playing. Her dignified special forces makeup investigation is really different from the professional performance of the actor and actress.

There is an essential difference between ordinary life and artistic processing. No matter how good your acting skills are, it is still acting. It is easy to impress people, but it is also full of flaws.

Xiao Naihe easily sensed her contempt and touched his nose again to doubt his own charm.

"I'm not interested in these flashy things. You might as well go on and rob the bank."

Su Haitang heard his sarcasm and kindly explained.

"I pick up two things that please my eyes, and it's enough to turn them into gold and give them away."

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed slightly, and he understood something. He didn't break the casserole and asked the truth, but asked about the ruby ​​from the beginning.

"You really can't sense that stone? It's not an ordinary stone."

Su Haitang took out the crystal-clear ruby ​​and threw it to him, as if throwing away an ordinary pebble.

"Here you go."

Xiao Naihe's eyes were filled with sparkles, and he was speechless for a long time while holding the ruddy ruby.

He knew it! This woman has a secret!

Turning stone into gold, this skill is simply incredible!

If he had this treasure...

Forget it, he is enough to attract hatred now, so he should keep a low profile and shoot first.

Xiao Naihe took a careful look at the dark sky and handed back the obviously extraordinary ruby.

"I'll keep it with you first, and then give it to me after you're sure I'm safe."

Xiao Naihe said, and anxiously urged her to sign a contract quickly and take him away from this dangerous world.

Being struck by lightning is really not a good experience.

Su Haitang looked at him dumbfounded. He who can bend and stretch is truly a man!

"Don't worry, I won't go back on my promise."

Su Haitang repeated again, following Xiaoyu's guidance to get the treasure nearby.

"Again, you are perfunctory with me. You can't get rid of me anyway. Here, I am the emperor!"

Xiao Naihe gritted his teeth and threatened, resigned to his fate as a thug, rushed into the building with the little fox, and gave Su Haitang the treasure he wanted with both hands.

"You're lucky."

Xiaoyu suddenly spoke with a strange look on her face, and then passed the surrounding scenes to Su Haitang.

Su Haitang's face froze, and without saying a word, he rushed to the room in the next building with all his strength and beat up three strong men who were bullying a young woman.


The woman curled up and cried out weakly for help. That pitiful face was exactly what Su Haitang looked like!

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