Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 998: Duan Cai Lu

"Don't stop me!" Lu Shu was angry!

Just when everyone thinks that Lu Shu is a lucky man who was entered by Jianlu in advance, Lu Shu is not happy, this is not going to live with his money!

Before, he wanted to wipe out the candidates, and then make a lot of money. Apex novels update fastest

After all, in addition to the soap business, Lu Shu is now just such a business as Wangcheng Casino. Yes, Lu Shu regards this as a business.

As a result, after Jianlu announced that he had entered in advance, Wang Cheng's casino even lost his hand!

From now on, Lu Shu is the official Jianlu successor, and no casino believes that there is any lucrative potential in Lu Shu.

"We didn't stop you," Lu Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and said, "Go if you want, but I don't think you can beat others now."

Yi Qian honestly said: "Congratulations to the boss."

However, Yi Qian did not respond as much as others. If Jian Lu was willing to let Yi Qian enter Jian Lu, then he would be very happy, but what is Lu Shu's identity? In Yi Qian's view, Lu Shu's entry into Jianlu was only for planning, and it didn't make much sense.

Gu Lingfei said that when the Palace of Gods did not come out to speak, Jianlu was the rule.

This sentence itself has a precondition: Jianlu is the rule when the God Palace is not coming out.

However, in Yi Qian's opinion, who is Lu Shu? That's the God King!

Therefore, Yi Qian felt that it was not particularly gratifying for Lu Shu to enter Jianlu, but the plan was completed.

Lu Shu sighed: "What should I do now? Go directly to Jianlu to report?"

Lv Xiaoyu thought for a while: "They didn't set your reporting time, and although your handicap disappeared, but others didn't. Who said that outsiders can't eliminate Jianlu candidates?"

Lu Shu's eyes lit up: "Lu Xiaoyu, you are a wise man!"

This time it was Lu Shu himself caught in the misunderstanding of his thoughts. He felt that his business was over as soon as he heard the news, but now Lu Xiaoyu reminded him that he suddenly realized that he could still beat Other candidates, as long as they are not caught by Jianlu!

In fact, Lu Shu knows why Jianlu entered him in advance, isn't he worried that he will kill all the other candidates? However, in Jianlu's view, as long as Lu Shu is entered, Lu Shu should close.

However, they underestimated Lu Shu's attachment to money ...

"Now you can live in that house with peace of mind," said Lu Xiaoyu. "Yi Qian, you can contact the workers in Wangcheng. I have a pair of design drawings. You can let them build as I drew. , Let's go over to the house. "

Lv Xiaoyu did n’t even care about what would happen to Lu Shu when she entered Jianlu. She was only concerned about whether she could have a place to live in Wangcheng with peace of mind. Lu Shu had already entered Jianlu, and the people in Wangcheng also complained about Lu Shu. Because Lu Shu entered Jianlu and disappeared, this is Jianlu's influence.

Originally, Lu Xiaoyu was still worried that after the arrival of Lu Shu, the strange aesthetics of the people of Lu Zhou would cause many girls to admire Lu Shu ’s gods and horses. As a result, it seems that his concerns in this regard are actually too much, Lu Shula hated The ability is much higher than his face value, and has reached the point of covering up the face value ...

Now I need to be vigilant again. After all, Lu Shu became a child of Jianlu, and his identity will also play an attractive role. However, Lu Xiaoyu thought that Lu Shu was about to enter Jianlu, and no one else had a chance to see him, so he was relieved. .

Three people came to the house given to Lv Shu by Song Ji Gambling House, and it was a ruin ...

It is definitely the best for Song Ji to give gifts. The Song family must have the decent as a ninety-five wealthy man, so the plants and the like are all species cherished by Lu Zhou.

The result has now been razed to the ground by angry Wangcheng people.

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly turned to look at the street. Many Wangcheng people were hiding behind the door or behind the window and looked at this side secretly. The peddlers on the road no longer sold anything. Personally, Lu Shu felt that he was being watched like a giant panda.

Everyone is very curious. For the first time, they calmly saw "The Calm Lu Shu" ...

A group of people came from afar, it seemed that the slave of a wealthy man was carrying a pile of red boxes, and a young man in front of him was carrying the road cheerfully. The unknown person thought that this young man was going to be married ...

The young man came to Lu Shu: "I am Tule from Xizhou. Congratulations on being a disciple of Jianlu in advance! This is a gift from my Tujia. Please accept it!"

Lv Shu was stunned for a while. The giants of Lv Zhouli really could be humans, which made him feel like a champion in the ancient world. In the past, everyone was a stranger, but once they got into the imperial examination, the lords of the ownership all around No matter what you think.

And now I am in Jianlu ~ ~ This former competitor immediately came over to give a gift and have a good relationship, as if nothing had happened before.

Lu Shu looked at Tu Le and pondered for two seconds, and suddenly said: "What are your odds? It's a bit impolite not to introduce yourself," he said.

Tu Le's smile suddenly stiffened: "???

"Negative emotion value from Tu Le, +666!"

At this moment, Tu Le felt a great sense of crisis. He silently recalled his odds, and he was convinced that if his current odds were high, it would be cold on the spot!

"Yi Qian, look at his current odds?" Lu Shu turned to Yi Qian.

Yi Qian said: "The odds are a bit low, not cost-effective."

Lu Shu suddenly smiled at Tu Le: "Hello Hello, Xi Zhou Tu Le, I have admired you for a long time, what gift did I bring ..."

Tu Le looked at the happy Lu Shu and suddenly felt that he was saved by low odds.

But he couldn't understand, you have already entered Jianlu, do you want to start with other candidates? ! No such rule!

However, Tu Le thought about it carefully, and it seems that no one said that people other than the candidate can't do anything with the candidate, even if this person is the successor of Jianlu ...

"Farewell," Tu Le is now in a panicked group. Originally, he wanted to win Lu Shu. In case everyone entered Jianlu, everyone was a friend of God. Even if Tu Le didn't succeed in Jian Lu, this would be a family acquaintance. With a successor of Jianlu, Grand Master Gu Lingfei of Jianlu has raised the potential of Lv Shu to the point of being promoted to Grand Master. There are only a few Grand Masters in Luzhou, who does n’t want to make friends?

As a result, everyone's role seems to have not changed. He is still a fish in Lu Shu's eyes, Lu Shu is still a knife ...

If you know someone, look at the other party ’s odds and ask if you ’re scared?


There is a chapter later

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