Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Unorganized and undisciplined

At this time, Liu Yizhao returned to the Wu Weijun team. Lv Shu looked at Liu Yizhao and felt that this product now seems to be very happy every day. It is a kind of self-satisfied joy in the world, which comes from the heart.

Su Shu suddenly felt that Zhang Weiyu said something. Now Liu Yizhao's mental outlook is much cleaner than when he first saw the other party.

At that time, Liu Yizhao was like a layer of haze, and the whole person was gray, but now it seems that the dust on his body has been washed away.

Liu Yizhao fell next to Lu Shu: "Master, I checked that there is nothing unusual. The black feather army in several other directions is also rushing to Wansheyuan, which is completely blocked, it seems that the space channel is really necessary. opened."

Lu Shu nodded: "Advance at full speed!"

I went to Wansheyuan to lurk there. At this time, Lu Shu felt a sense of crisis in his heart. It seems that there must be a fatal entanglement between Lu Zhou and the earth. Lu Xiaoyu learned from the memory fragments that the black feather army was opposite the space channel The world is called ancestral land, which seems to be a saying spread from Duanmu Huangqi.

"Ancestral land," Lu Shu thought deeply about the ancestral land. He thought that the old **** might be Lu Zhou from the earth, and he felt that the relationship between Lu Zhou and the earth might not be that simple.

When they arrived at Wanshenyuan, the whole Wanshenyuan had become a continuous barracks, and even looking down from a height, they could not see the end at a glance.

Lu Shu once dealt with major organizations while the tiger was back, but the major organizations at that time still looked like ghosts, and the current Black Feather Army is an elite army.

If Tianluodi was facing a black feather army at that time, even a bronze torrent would not work.

Fortunately, Lu Shuyin had the Wuwei Army by mistake. At this time, Lu Shu felt that he had come to Luzhou to develop the Wuwei Army. It seemed that he was destined to take the Wuwei Army to help the Tianluodi network to survive.

Sometimes things like fate are really unclear.

Lu Shu slowly led the Wuwei Army to the front of the barracks: "Black Feather Army Tiger Leopard Camp came to meet!"

At this time, the team of five thousand people merged into the entire Black Feather Army, and there was no big change, because there are too many Black Feather Army.

The black feather army master who was responsible for accepting Lu Shu and their tiger and leopard camp looked at Lu Shu and others and began to check the seals of the tiger runes. After these were all ok, they checked the seals of the five commanders and ten Yuhou under the command, and then ordered them Camping nearby.

Lu Shu gave Lu Xiaoyu a wink: no one saw it, even if it broke into the enemy, no one found it!

Lv Xiaoyu sneered and seemed disdainful. Lv Shu once said that he believes that all things must be the best in the end. If it is not getting better, it means that it is not the end.

Lu Xiaoyu firmly believes that all of Lu Shu's plans will eventually collapse. If it has not collapsed, it means that it has not reached the end.

What is different here from is that has a unified force to arrange logistics, while the Black Feather Army manages itself. The money, food, soldiers, and camp accounts are all in charge of themselves.

However, this is a very popular project of the Wuwei Army. It is common for them to fight and camp in the way.

Standing in front of the camp area assigned to them, Lu Shu looked at the entire Black Feather Army. He found that all the Black Feather Army had begun to prepare for war. Every Black Feather soldier had weapons and no one laughed. .

This is a terrible army, and everyone is willing to work hard for their own ambitions.

Even if he did n’t consider Grand Master ’s affairs first, Lu Shu had to find a way to drag these black feather troops here. If they let them swarm into the earth, even the global practitioners could not stop it.

How to keep it? Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu discussed for a long time and there is no better way, it seems that they can only fight with the Wuwei Army!

At this moment, the barracks had just been laid, and Lu Shu suddenly saw the main book of the Black Feather Army slowly walking with a team of Black Feather Army soldiers.

Lu Shu was stunned for a while. Why did he bring so many people over here? Why did he feel a bit overwhelmed? Did he find his identity problem?

He greeted him: "What's the matter with the lord?"

Liu Yizhao and others slowly came to Lu Shu's side, but everyone was calm and did not take the initiative.

The main book said calmly: "Come and ask you something."

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly found that there were other black feather troops slowly encircling the Wuwei Army's camp. Lu Shu couldn't figure out, where did he show his feet? !

Lv Shu pressed his doubts and asked, "Sir, ask."

"You Tiger Leopard Camp came from Southwest, right, if I remember correctly, it is Southwest," the main book continued to ask.

"Yeah," Lu Shu thought for a long time. Their military guards were not active in the Southwest before. They all shot one shot and changed places. There is no problem in this regard. ~ ~ At this time, the main book suddenly asked: "Why Southwest For the four teams, only one of you has come together so far? The other black feathers are all together, except that you have a problem in the southwest direction. Have you reported an anomaly to me when you came? "

"Sir, there is no abnormality," Lu Shu said.

The main book sneered: "None of the three teams have come, and dare to say that there is no abnormality. First press him down to interrogate!"

Lu Shu felt that this was really wrong. First of all, their Wuwei Army really did not engage with the other three black feathers in the southwest. After all, he wanted to lurk in and he must minimize his doubts, so he chose never to move. The southwest side of the hand.

Therefore, Lu Shu has not seen the three black feathers who have not come now!

But why didn't the three remaining troops come together? It's all about your own farts.

This is too wrong, because something inexplicably unrelated to oneself collapses? ! Lv Shu now wants to find the three black feathers and ask why they are not coming!

Ok? You do n’t come if you say nothing about attacking the earth. Is there any organization in your eyes? Is there discipline?

At this time, Li Heitan next to Lu Shu came together and whispered, "King, you killed the commander ..."

Lu Shu: "!!!"

Lu Shu almost collapsed at that time, because he killed the herald soldiers, so the other three teams did not get the news at all? !

At this time, Lu Shu finally knew why the remaining three teams had not come, because they didn't even know that they would come to meet Wansheyuan!

Lu Shu looked at the sky melancholy: "Kill!"

Then at this moment, the sneering master book suddenly saw that the "Black Feather Soldiers" behind Lu Shu began to put on new armor at the command of Lu Xiaoyu ...

Armor of the Wuwei Army!

:. :

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