Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: Speak up and follow the trick!

Cheng Qiuqiao stood still on top of the city wall, and his fingers covering the bronze armor scratched the wall stack.

The battle in the sky was so thrilling, but he was helpless.

"What kind of car to repair," Cheng Qiuqiao whispered: "At this time, this kind of rotten stalk, if you can survive, I will not let you repair the car, the car can be given to you."

To be honest, when he knew that Chen Zuan was grievously promoted by him because of him, Cheng Qiuqiao said it would be false to say that he was not moved.

Sometimes they feel that the disturbances in this world have long since lost their true feelings. This society is so indifferent, and it has long been a term related to politeness.

When we were promoted in Chen Zuan, everyone said, I envy you, Qiu Qiao, that there are such friends who can be promoted in grief and anger for you, so lucky.

At that time Cheng Qiuqiao said with a black face, wasn't it lucky that Chen Zu'an had his own friend who could help him get promoted?

In fact, although saying so, Cheng Qiuqiao really feels lucky.

He didn't like the little fat man at first, because the little fat man was really bad, like a ghost, he likes to be lazy every day, and he had to take Cheng Qiuqiao out of class.

When you eat, you sip your mouth. After eating, you do n’t wash the dishes. The smelly feet can smoke mosquitoes.

But such a shortcoming of Chen Zuan is indeed worthy of his trust ...

Cheng Qiuqiao feels that he is most proud of choosing the species research major, knowing Lu Shu, Lu Xiaoyu, Cao Qingci, Chen Zuan and such a group of friends!

Yes, friend!

Above the sky dome Chen Zuan roared, and his long sword had been broken.

Li Yixiao and the Naranches couple vomiting blood back to back to resist the attack of the black feather army's first class guest secretary. Li Yixiao always said that he wanted to divorce the Nalan tits, but now he still carries out most of the attacks for the Naran tits. .

The guests of the Black Feather Army were ugly, as if they had already won.

But at this moment, a strange noise suddenly came from the sky, and even the cloud quickly dissipated.

Cheng Qiuqiao, who stood calmly on the city wall, suddenly exploded in endless energy fluctuations. No one thought that Cheng Qiuqiao was even promoted at this time!

Previously, Chen Zuan was promoted to Cheng Qiuqiao, and now Cheng Qiuqiao is promoted to Chen Zuan. This time, it seems that their friendship is as glorious as the sun and the moon!

In the turbulent battlefield, it seemed that time was still. Cheng Qiuqiao took off his bronze helmet and said quietly: "Thousands of birds fly."

At the next moment, the black feather army of the day, the first class guest clerk, suddenly lost all the resonance of the world and fell down on the ground. In horror, they found out how this seemed to come from the power of the law!

The teenagers on that wall did not get promoted to Grand Master at all, but used almost law-like power!

What is this move? !

Moreover, how could the people here know the poems of the old **** king! ?

Qianshan bird flying means that there are no birds here, and the traces of birds have disappeared. In fact, it is a description.

However, putting it into Cheng Qiuqiao's mouth now is like an active act, which actually prohibits all flights within these thousand mountains!

Both the bronze torrent and the black feather army were in shock. Everyone didn't expect Cheng Qiuqiao to be promoted at this time, nor did he think that Cheng Qiuqiao didn't need to sing the small spiral, but had a more powerful move.

Chen Zuan laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha ha Cheng Qiu you are awesome, but I still like you to sing Xiaoluo!"

"Oh," Cheng Qiuqiao said blankly.

At this time, Chen Zuan flew down, and he wanted to intercept those who are running out of control.

Cheng Qiuqiao read the next sentence of Qianshan Birds without expression: "Wan ..."

But before he could read it, he felt that the second half of the sentence had just read a word, and he had all his spiritual power!

Thousands of birds are extinct, and thousands of people disappear!

This second sentence is probably more terrifying than the first sentence, so now Cheng Qiuqiao can't read it at all.

Just like when he mastered the small snail, in fact, such a song had an effect, and now when he is promoted to a first grade, he is blessed that the soul chose this poem as a means above his new level. As a result, his current ability is only enough Read the first sentence.

But Cheng Qiuqiao understood that in the second half of the sentence, he could read it sooner or later!

Chen Zuan and Li Yixiao desperately chased down the falling Yipin Keqing. They knew this was an opportunity that Cheng Qiuqiao finally won, and must be cherished!

It's just that this time is too short, even if you try your best to spare the rest, you can only kill two Yipin Keqing, and they have reached the time when they are almost exhausted.

Before they used the power of four to block the remaining nine first-class guests, they all forcibly improved their realm of power. Now it is time for them to bear the consequences, and the foundation of this life is damaged, and there is no possibility of promotion to God.

From the recovery of Aura to the present, I do n’t know how many people in Tianluodi chose to give up their own way to protect their beliefs, even Shenglu A smile, so is Chen Baili!

They have no power to fight anymore, as if the hero is in the end.

But the end of the hero, that is also a hero!

Chen Zuan and others stood among the Black Feathers. The Black Feathers beside them did not dare to approach them for a while. The bronze torrent on the city wall suddenly shouted: "Who dares to follow me to save people ?!"

"I'll go with you!"

"I am coming too!"

However, at this moment, the Black Feather Army no longer gushes out from the space channel, but a bright red torrent appears.

Someone in the Black Feather Army looked behind him and suddenly panicked: "Wu Wei Jun! Why did the Wu Wei Jun also come in !?"

I saw a piece of black armor in the Wuwei Army soaring to the sky, wherever the black feather army was destroyed, it was actually more than fifty products!

Both the Black Feather Army and the Bronze Torrent took a breath in the air. They were afraid that they would see so many first-class products flying in the sky for the first time in their lives. It was spectacular!

Zhang Weiyu they cleared all obstacles in the sky, when the Yulong class directly reproduced the world, this world should be unobstructed.

There are many black feathers, but no more black feathers can stop more than 50 first-class players from joining forces to clear the field. That is a force that can stretch the world, but now it is gathered by Lu Shu.

The Black Feather Army began to collapse! This is a real defeat!

At this moment, a black and strong young man in the Wuwei Army looked at the bronze torrents on the city wall and shouted: "Are you the Tian Luo Di Wang? My king said he is your ninth Tian Luo, let us help you fight first! He and King Xiaoyu will then arrive, and there are tens of thousands of black feathers outside who have not been killed! "


There is one more change, but it may be late ... I am blowing myself up and I have to finish my kneeling ...

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