Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: No one should be killed in this life

When Lu Shu and others joined the battle, Duanmu Huangqi and others even gave up the siege of Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin, enough to see the other's fear.

However, at this time, regardless of whether this is a pangolin or a pangolin, no matter what the pangolin said in the end, he will kill Duanmu Huangqi first!

Suddenly, when Lu Shu moved, the Yulong class straight behind him also moved. The Yulong class straightly formed a tight formation around Lu Shu's body, just like a set of pressure to the Duanmuhuang.

At this time, Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin still saw Lu Shu who had just returned. A glint of surprise flashed in Nie Ting's eyes. He also told Shi Xuejin just now that if Lu Shu knew that the earth was in trouble, he would come back At this point the other party really came back.

And he was still worried just now, even if he and Shi Xuejin could block the three grandmasters, the bronze torrent would be difficult to deal with the black feather army.

This is a dilemma, because the earth is really inferior to Lu Zhou in overall overall strength.

But now when he saw Lu Shu coming from the Longmen Fortress, he subconsciously sighed with relief, and the situation there may have stabilized!

This trust has accumulated over a long period of time and is unconditional.

At this time, Shi Xuejin looked at the Yulong class guarded by Lu Shu and suddenly felt that perhaps Nie Ting was originally childish because he wanted Lu Shu Tian Luo to fight for two and a half years, but this was the most since Nie Ting had guarded the Tianluo net. Decided wisely.

In summary, there is no anger ...

Duanmu Huangqi didn't seem to think that Lu Shu was so decisive that he rushed directly up, but Lu Shu didn't expect that Duanmu Huangqi was still retreating with two other Grand Masters.

Faced with a master of the first class, Emperor Tangtang retreated!

This made Lu Shu, who was holding the winning ticket, suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, just like your punch with full strength suddenly hit the air!

"Stop for me! Don't run!" Lu Shu roared!

"Negative emotion value from Duanmu Huangqi, +999!"

Duanmu Huangqi looked iron-green, he felt an unprecedented shame, he has not been chased by Yipin for a long time since he practiced!

But this time was different, as Lu Shu conjectured, the rocking armor on Lu Shu's body was very important. He had to figure out what was going on.

This ancestral land is really weird!

At the next moment, Duanmu Huangqi turned around and sacrificed a beautiful orb of stone, and Lü Shu felt a little bad when he saw the purple orb, because he had seen this thing before, or he was bloodied in the king city. On the bluestone road!

At that time, he killed twelve guest-dresses in Huayi Python suits. As a result, 21 first-rate assassins suddenly appeared and wanted to hunt Lu Shu. Eventually they were run around by the Wu Weijun, and they finally took out a jewel of beauty and broke the void. !

At first, Lu Shu felt that this purple orb was magical, and he could open a space channel directly, but at that time he thought it might be the means of the Grand Master. After all, the Grand Master can break the void.

But now it seems that the other party's method is higher than that of the Grand Master, because if Duanmu Huangqi can directly break through the void and leave the earth, then he does not need to use this external force at all.

But this purple orb should be very precious, otherwise Duanmu Huangqi will not come out at this critical moment.

Suddenly, the fragmentation of the purple orb suddenly formed the same space channel as before. Duanmu Huangqi took two grandmasters and turned and walked in.

Lu Shu still wanted to chase, but the space channel was closed!

A Heavenly Emperor's imperial conspiracy turned out to be a halberd, and he lost his soldiers, and eventually had to flee in embarrassment.

Lu Shu, Nie Ting, and Shi Xuejin flew back to the walls of the Longmen Fortress. This time, the earth did indeed win, and it was not a coincidence.

But Lu Shu was really not happy. Lu Shu thought that they had arrived in time, because it only took half an hour from the opening of the space channel to kill a blood path. He even directly used all the invisible sword spirit and Taking time out of Jasang Yi's innate ability to open the way.

After coming to the space channel, Lu Shu ordered Wu Weijun to first enter the space channel to support, and he and Lv Xiaoyu blocked the remaining 50,000 black feather troops, and the two blocked the path of more than 50,000 people. It is a very bold thing!

Until he completely defeated the black feather army with Queyin, the two talents turned back into the space channel.

But even if they came in a timely manner, there were still bronze torrents of comrades killed, but the overall loss may be very small. After all, there is no war dead, only the pervert of the Wuwei Army can complete the crushing in this war.

However, Lu Shu, who was very happy before, is still a little bit uncomfortable facing the death of his comrades. He used the Wuwei Army and subconsciously thought that the bronze torrent can also be sustained, and the war he had experienced before was really cruel, not an opponent. Weak, but the Wuwei Army is too strong!

Some people say that men who have experienced war are truly mature. In fact, the meaning of experiencing war is to experience life and death. Not only your own life and death, but also the life and death of your closest friends.

But Lu Shu's mind is now full of thought, the head of the culprit Mu Huangqi is not dead!

Outside the space passage, the Black Feathers had been killed, and those that had collapsed fled to Longmen Mountain. This did not require bronze floods. The Wu Weijun went directly to fight and deal with the Black Feathers. ~ ~ At this time, Lu Shu already understood that Duanmu Huangqi was only the opera singer who stood up, whether it was the 21 assassins or Duanmu Huangqi, there must be another person because of the purple orb It must not be from the hands of Duanmu Huangqi, the other party does not have this ability!

The mist that had covered the world seemed to have lifted its veil, and only waited for the water to fall out, but now it was confusing again.

It's just that Lu Shu didn't want to control so much now. He calmly watched a corpse with a bronze torrent gather in the Dragon Gate Fortress, and the indestructible bronze armor of the soldiers was damaged.

Seeing these, Lu Shu could hardly contain her emotions. There was a violent impact on her chest and lungs, which was difficult to control.

There seemed to be a long-lost beast in his heart that was about to wake up.

Lv Shu looked at Zhang Weiyu: "Notify Wu Weijun to gather, I am waiting for you at the entrance of the space."

Zhang Weiyu knew what Lu Shu wanted to do at this moment, but Zhang Weiyu, who had always been steady, didn't stop him like he was in the sky. He actually had no feelings for the bronze torrent, and the bronze torrent was not his soldiers, but he didn't know when Questioning any decision by Lu Shu again.

However, at this time, there were fluctuations from the side of the space channel, and the space channel was closed at this time, and Lv Shu Leng was on the spot.

Suddenly, Nie Ting next to Lu Shu said: "Don't worry, no one in this life should kill anyone. Wait for me to arrange the, Shi Tianluo and I will go to the world with you. .After all ... I want to avenge them too. "

Lu Shu calmly turned to look at Nie Ting: "A word is final."


The outbreak really hurts the vitality, the second one is more like this, and the third one sincerely recommends everyone to watch it tomorrow morning, seriously ...

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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