Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1079: Space Barrier Mystery

At night, the wine that Tian Luo Di Wang drank is not a good wine, and not everyone can drink it. Even if everyone knows how to open the space channel, it has to wait for a while, but the problem is that the excellent tradition of Tian Luo Di Wang does not allow them to indulge indiscriminately.

What if the space channel opened that night?

At this time Lu Shu had already told Nie Ting what he thought. Someone behind Duanmu Huangqi might be in control of everything, so even if the Black Feather Army is completely destroyed, it cannot be taken lightly.

After all, Duanmu Huangqi is not dead, and there is no clue behind that Duanmu Huangqi.

At this time, Nie Ting also began to think carefully about how to face the world of Lu Zhou correctly. If it was put in the past, I am afraid that Nie Ting would feel that it would be better for the well water not to violate the river water.

Because Tianluodi has never been aggressive, it is more about guarding and precautions.

But now it's different. Tian Luo Di Wang's aggression is not strong, but Nie Ting suddenly realized that the earth is like a piece of fat in the eyes of Lu Zhou people.

Both North America and Northern Europe have opened channels, but there are only sporadic Lu Zhou people invading there. They belong to Li Ke by mistake, as if no one has found an accurate entrance.

But the Lu Zhou practitioners who came in were very surprised when they came here, not because of the food, or because of what they found, but because they discovered that there are so many unowned populations here!

In Lu Zhou, people are assets and the source of slaves!

This was contrary to the expectations of Lu Shu and Nie Ting. They originally thought that Lu Zhou would not have much interest in the earth. As a result, they found that Lu Zhou's concept of accommodating slaves was really incompatible with the earth.

Moreover, their admission of slaves was not your wishful business. They broke away from the restraint of Lu Zhou ’s **** king and regarded human beings on this earth as "pick-up" property.

In Lu Zhou, civilians have civilian citizenship, you must sign a deed of deed with the civilians and report it to the record, this is your slave. This is the system that the old gods set up to protect the civilians. Unfortunately, the system will eventually be implemented by humans. Although the idea is good, the following measures to cope with policies are endless.

When the old **** king was there, the big slave owners did not dare to do anything, but after the old **** king was gone, there was already a tendency for the ritual and music to collapse.

And now they come to the earth, they do n’t need to report to anyone, and even the most basic constraints are gone, just give the slave a mark!

Fortunately, these people are just lost, and the Luzhou people who dare to mess up when they first arrive in a strange place are also a few. Most of the Luzhou people who strayed in still chose to wait and see.

However, the attitude of some Lu Zhou people is enough to sound the alarm for the earth: the other party does not actually treat the two sides as a peer relationship, and the more they think in their heads is whether they can be looted.

This kind of thing can't be regarded as the characteristic of the Lu Zhou people. Even if the outsider has slaughtered and invaded the local indigenous people in the history of human development on the earth, is it still rare? Not much at all.

The Nordic side is okay. The entrance is next to the Nordic shrine, and when you go out, you are surrounded by Nordic gods.

But the North American side was different. The Lu Zhou people who strayed into them printed out hundreds of slave marks overnight. Fortunately, the Phoenix Society discovered in time.

For Lu Shu, his first reaction to entering Lu Zhou was how to be so backward here, because Lu Zhou's "infrastructure" and "productivity" are really too backward, and generally speaking, the level of technology is not good.

However, after the Lu Zhou people came to the earth, they also felt that the earth was backward: why the average strength is so bad! ?

This is the difference between scientific and technological civilization and spiritual civilization. The ideology of each is very different!

But at this time, Lu Shu was suddenly thinking about a question. If the space channel on Changbai Mountain was left by the old **** king, then what happened to Longmen Mountain, Northern Europe, and North America?

Does a space channel mean that there once was a great power of Lu Zhou who broke the space barrier and came to earth?

Based on the information now known, it is not so easy to break the space barriers, at least Duanmu Huangqi cannot do it!

Will it be possible to break through the barriers only if you go beyond the realm of Grand Master? That's wrong, isn't Lu Zhou only three people out of that state?

Lu Shu felt that he should put this matter in his heart first, Northern Europe ... If his guess is true, who will come from Northern Europe?

Lu Shu fell silent.

When drinking at night, Lu Shu was really happy. For Zhang Weiyu, they are now in a new environment, but for Lu Shu, this is home.

Lu Shu was originally a man with a little house and did not like to run around.

When he was in Lu Zhou, he always felt a sense of alienation. He always felt that everything there had nothing to do with himself, and he only wanted to be a guest.

While drinking, Li Yixiao secretly ran over to find Lu Shu: "Brother!"

Lu Shule looked at Li Yixiao with a smile: "Are you playing Lu Zhou again?"

"I know Lu Zhou is very dangerous. UU reads" Li Yixiao lowered his voice and said, "I'm telling you now through Jiujin, you don't know how sad I am at home, so I plan When the space channel is opened next time, go to Lu Zhou Chuang ... Is there any money to make there? "

Lü Shule was happy. Only in this last sentence did Li Yixiao's own voice be heard. As a result, Lü Shu saw Nalan Tiffan's figure shouted loudly at the next moment: "I'm optimistic about Li Tianluo.

Naranque's eyebrows were raised at the time, and Li Yixiao explained that it was a long time before it was finished.

"Brother," Li Yi said with a sad face: "You weren't like this before. Have you forgotten the days when we worked together to make money?"

Su Shu suddenly said with a straight face: "I am doing it for your own good, Lu Zhou has now become a land of right and wrong, it is better to go or not to go, to be honest there is like an abyss, how many Li Yixiao you can't fill in . "

This sentence Lu Shu is very sincere. He really does not want to see Li Yixiao die there. Although Li Yixiao is already a very high-end combat force, the problem is that now the great masters have started to walk from behind the scenes to the stage. Before, it was really too dangerous.

At this time, Hao Zhichao smiled and said, "Li Tianluo, are you so afraid of Nalan Tianluo?"

When Li smiled for a while, he was not happy: "You think my wife is in strict control, it's because you can only see me letting her out and tolerating her to treat me like that, it's because I respect her and she returns home to me You do n’t see cooking, washing clothes, serving tea and pouring water, cleaning up! "

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds: "Can you see it yourself?"

Li Yi smiled and sighed: "I can't see anything ..."

"Negative emotion value from Li Yixiao, +748!"


There are two changes later, but today is really late

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