Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Unpredictable!

From the information provided by Nie Ting, Lu Shu found that Nie Ting did not know the bottom of Jiang Shuyi, but Nie Ting still gave Lu Shu detailed information about the Jiang family.

At this time, Lu Shu suddenly discovered that Jiang Jiaguang had 7 people in, and three of them had already become bronze torrents, and even one had already sacrificed.

This made Lu Shu a little surprised. He originally thought that the Jiang family was some kind of backhand placed by Jiang Shuyi on the earth. As a result, after reading a lot of data, it seemed that the Jiang family and Lu Zhou did not have any connection, and it was a normal big one. family.

But these are nothing, and there is more important information: the Jiang family's current owner is the fifth Tian Luo, called Jiang Yuqiu.

Nie Ting is the first Tianluo, Shi Xuejin is the second, Chen Baili is the third, Li Yixiao is the fourth, Jiang Yuqiu is the fifth, Feng Yeming is the sixth, Fengyun Deer is the seventh, and the eighth Lu Shu has not seen it, and has been guarded so far In Northern Xinjiang, the ninth is Lu Shu himself, the tenth is Naran tits, and the eleventh is Lu Xiaoyu.

Now has always said that Cheng Qiuqiao and Chen Zuan have entered Tianluo's observation candidates, but Tianluo's selection and appointment is not a trivial matter.

Jiang Yuqiu is the fifth day of Luo, which can explain why Jiang Shuyi has always been able to get news one step in advance, but Lu Shu is thinking about a question. What role does Jiang Shuyi play in the Jiang family? After he came to earth, how did he convince the Jiang family to cover himself? Is there any exchange of interests?

Jiang Yuqiu is now closed in the north of Luocheng. He originally wanted to come to the Longmen stronghold, but Nie Tingnian remembered that the Jiang family had too many people to participate in the war, so he continued to practice in Luocheng.

Lu Shu had expected that the Jiang family might be nearby, otherwise how could Jiang Shuyi go to school in Luocheng or transfer students.

However, although the Jiang Yuqiu family was in Luocheng, they had been responsible for guarding the southwestern three continents and guarding the frontier, so Lu Shu had not seen him.

Nie Ting thought for a while and said, "The Jiang family has made contributions to Tian Luo Di Wang, and the Jiang family has always given up for themselves, and I hope you will pay attention.

Lu Shu nodded: "Relax, I am not going to kill people."

He knew why Nie Ting said that, wasn't he afraid of him coming in trouble, and he made a jump for the Jiang family ... He was Lu Shu?

Originally, he had no enmity with the Jiang family and had a good relationship with Jiang Shuyi. Even if Jiang Shuyi resumed his status as Brother Jianlu, there was no gap between the two.

So Lu Shu will not embarrass the Jiang family, he just wants to know the truth.

Tian Luo ’s power is now concentrated in Luocheng. It is the best time to invade major overseas organizations. However, no overseas organization can really think of it and dare to die.

If everyone used to be on the same level before, then it is already a heaven and an underground.

When major overseas organizations are difficult to get out of even an a-level, has already put together a pair of children and gods to hide the king. When they came to the territory at this time, it was purely to find death.

Before leaving, Lu Shu thought of something and said to Nie Ting: "Overseas, especially in Northern Europe and North America, must be careful, and intelligence cannot stop."

"Why?" Nie Ting asked.

"I worry that there will be humans willing to join forces with Lu Zhou!" Lu Shu said.

Lv Zhou wants the exercises to be effective, the person and the person, the resources and the resources. If someone joins forces with Lv Zhou, it is the most troublesome thing for Tianluodiwang.

Especially now that the Saints and Francisco are not dead, these two people know the Tianluo Diwang the most. If they join forces with Lu Zhou, I am afraid that Lu Zhou ’s forces will quickly understand the Tianluo Diwang.

"Walk to Europe and North America when I finish talking with the Jiang family," Lu Shu said calmly.

"Why do you go?" Nie Ting smiled.

"Don't you say that no one should be killed in this life, but even if they don't kill them, they have to go and see what happened to those two space channels," Lu Shu replied.

At the beginning, Francisco and the Saints were the initiators of the World War One. Although they were dreaming behind the scenes, both Saints and Francisco were people who had gone to Lv Shuxiaoben, and they would definitely die.

Lu Shu asked Nie Ting curiously: "Why don't you kill them?"

Nie Ting said calmly: "You may have just returned, so you don't have enough information about the outside world ... I have killed these two people long ago."

Lu Shu: "..."

Sure enough, it was still Nie Ting. How could Nie Ting, who used various kinds of fishing to kill various invading forces overseas, promoted to the realm of God, how to let go of these two culprits ...

"So what's going on with the Phoenix Society now," Lu Shu wondered.

"Killing someone doesn't necessarily disband the organization. I won't kill the entire organization. Recently, the process of Aura recovery has intensified, and there has been an a-level master promoted there, code-named warden. But the Phoenix Society is It ’s a lot more honest, and we do n’t need to take any more measures. After all, we are very kind, ”Nie Ting said.

Lu Shu looked at Nie Ting, and he really didn't feel that Nie Ting could be associated with the word of kindness.

Suddenly, Lu Shu froze, then turned around and left.

At this time, a piece of negative emotional value suddenly floated in his backstage!

"Negative emotion value from Zhang Weiyu, +699!"

"Negative emotion value from Liu Yizhao, +699!"

"From ..."

Not surprisingly, it's all negative emotions straight from the inside! Finished, Quante is finished!

At this time, Lu Shu came to the entrance of Wu Weijun ’s classroom and watched the inner palace sitting in the classroom blankly. This was not specially built for them in the Longmen Fortress, but was directly changed to the abandoned building. This kind of thing is now For Anthony, it was a wave of things.

At this time, the trainee teacher Bai Nuo stood panicked on the podium, and Lu Shu lowered his voice and asked, "What are you talking to them?"

"When I talked about the history of the Tang Dynasty, I told them that the culture of the dynasty was very prosperous, and poetry and poetry continued to emerge ... Then they said that their king was a big poet, and I asked them what they wrote ..." Weak way.

Lv Shu was heartbroken, and the paper could not cover the fire!

Looking at Zhang Weiyu and others, they are now in a state of mental breakdown, and they can't hear the sound of the outside world at all! They finally understood why Lu Shu wouldn't let them read more books and let them go online ...

Lu Shu comforted: "Have you ever thought that the old **** king may not be a plagiarism, he is just a porter of poetry ..."

Zhang Weiyu and others still didn't respond. The stimulus came too suddenly, and Lu Shu felt overwhelmed!


I haven't retired, but I can still write ... There are two more changes in the evening but I suggest watching tomorrow morning ...

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