Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: Falling out

Probably clearing some ideas, Lu Shu curiously said: "When did he go to Lu Zhou?"

"It was probably over a thousand years ago," Jiang Yuqiu said.

At that time, Lu Shu had a pain in her egg. Jiang Shuyi was more than a thousand years old. In fact, Lu Shu used to think that Jiang Shuyi had a strange personality. He was not as stable as his peers. He would not be angry or worried. There are no features.

No, stability is the characteristic of Jiang Shuyi.

Now think about how a person who has undergone tremendous changes for more than a thousand years can still experience some psychological fluctuations because of a little big fart.

At the beginning of the Beiwang ruins, the most calm person was not Lu Shu, Li Yixiao or Cao Qingci, but Jiang Shuyi was right.

At that time, everyone was curious about what was under the black hole in the center of the ruins, but Jiang Shuyi seemed to never be curious. But there is still one thing that has not been understood. After Ming Nie Ting was promoted to Shenzang Realm, he wouldn't take action, because the law would collide with the world, but how did Jiang Shuyi take action on earth? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Could it be that the puppet master had lowered his own strength? This is not impossible.

If the assumption is true, then either Jiang Shuyi has the ability to suppress the realm of strength, or he also has the fruit of washing the pith.

At this time Jiang Yuqiu said: "I don't know much about that period of history, but there are records in the family memorabilia. The ancestors should have reached the age of marriage that year, but there was a man before the matchmaker came to the door. He came to the door and said he wanted to help people take their ancestors as disciples ... "

"It's not that you wait for a while," Lu Shu clutched his head: "It's a little messy, you wait."

How old is it?

A man came to the house and said he wanted to help someone find an apprentice?

This is a bit different from what Lu Shu imagined.

First Lu Shu determined that Jiang Shuyi was not the master of Jianlu, because Master Jianglu and Jiang Shuyi appeared in Lu Zhou too many times at the same time. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

And now, it seems that Jiang Shuyi's **** is finally falling out? !

Therefore, Jianlu's brother is actually a special master sister!

Lu Shu ’s worldview collapsed a little bit. How did Zhang Weiyu collapse just now? Now Lu Shu collapses ...

As the saying goes, if you do n’t believe it, look up, who will the sky spare ...

Lu Shu looked at Jiang Yuqiu and said, "Wait a moment, then why did she fill in the gender of the school she entered?"

"I also thought about this," Jiang Yuqiu said: "I have read the records of this ancestor before, because the matter of being recruited by the fairy is very important, so there are special records in the family, and every The surrogate family will be informed about this matter. If one day a fairy returns to Jiang's house, it will be the ancestor ... "

"When it was time to get married, the ancestor said that he didn't want to get married, but the family did not allow it. At that time, the head of the family told her that if he was a boy, he could go to war and join the army. Then the ancestor said that if he had a chance to live again, he would be a man ... when the ancestor asked her to be registered as a man, I was n’t easy to say anything. Of course it was the ancestor who said what I did. "& 1t ; i> & 1t; / i>

Lu Shu suddenly realized that there was still such a historical problem. The patriarchal society of that era was indeed extremely unfair to women. Why should women have to teach each other?

The fairy man who appeared then was probably the old **** king?

Could it be that the old **** king came to the earth and found an apprentice for Master Jianlu? Master Jianlu's face is so big ...

Suddenly Lu Shu was thinking, could it be that the old **** king bet against the master of Jianlu?

What the **** did you know?

Jiang Yuqiu said, "Actually ..."

"Don't talk first, I want to be quiet," Lu Shu said.

Jiang Yuqiu was stunned for a long while, who is quiet, why use the word ...

Lu Shu just analyzed it confidently just now, and the result almost collapsed. It is no wonder that when he asked Jiang Shuyi to be a man or a woman, the other party diverged the topic. In fact, diverting the topic itself was an attitude. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

If it is a normal grandfather, if you ask him to be a man or a woman, he will probably be very sure that he is a pure man, this is the normal reaction.

How can there be normal masters hiding? !

God, I deceived Lu Shu for so many years, and I deceived Lu Zhou for so many years. The owner of Jianlu also spoiled her, but I wonder if Gu Lingfei had some feelings for this master brother?

However, at the Jianlu ceremony, Lu Shu felt that Gu Lingfei's eyes were a bit wrong when looking at the statue of the old **** ...

But why did Jiang Shuyi come to earth? What was the relationship between the accident in the palace of the gods 18 years ago and Jiang Shuyi?

It is said that Lu Shu suddenly thought of a thing. It turned out that he had a beautiful **** table in his own school these years ... The throat knot is also fake, and the flat chest is true ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Wait, the name Corset ...

Lu Shu curiously said: "What was your ancestor's name before?"

"Jiang Yao," Jiang Yuqiu said.

Sure enough, the name was changed ...

Well, no matter how to solve Lu Shu's two questions, one is Jiang Shuyi's gender, and the other is the root of Jiang Shuyi, although these two problems are actually not related to the truth that Lu Shu is pursuing. But it solved Lu Shu's doubts.

The thought is clear ...

At this moment, Lu Shu didn't continue to ask more questions ~ ~ Suddenly a loud noise came from the sky: "Boom!"

Lu Shu froze for a moment before falling into ecstasy. Jiang Yuqiu stared at the young Tian Luo and ran out of the villa suddenly, then shouted with full energy: "Boom!"

"Negative emotion value from Jiang Yuqiu, +666!" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Jiang Yuqiu felt that he needed to re-examine the teenager Tian Luo.

Lu Shu glanced at the outside of the villa with a black dragon flying from the north. The huge body was bigger than when he left.

During this time, Chaos was not hungry. Every day, if there was nothing wrong, he went to eat more than ten leaves and eat it. The trickery was almost annoying it, but thinking that Chaos had already recognized Lu Shu as the main, there was no way!

The result is that the growth of chaos is much faster than Lu Shu's imagination, because it hasn't been hungry for a while, and it still eats the top food in the world ...

In this history, I have always heard who got what the World Tree and what became very powerful. I have never heard of anyone who eats directly from the World Tree ...

What can trickery do, he is also desperate!

At this time, Chaos had flown to Lu Shu, but it didn't stop. When it passed Lu Shu, Lu Shu tacitly jumped up and grabbed the chaotic dragon's horn. !

In the distance, Tian Luo Di Wang was alarmed. At this time, everyone remembered that Luo had a pet in the ninth Tian Luo.

But how can this dragon feel so unreasonable ...


Three more write the perfect Zizi sleep, beg monthly tickets!

To be honest, no monthly pass has ever been so comfortable before. Thank you so much. Finally, I feel a bit like a rider ...

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