Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang

"Where has this happened except for Asan," Lu Shu asked.

Zhong Yutang sighed: "Several places are not very clear, because before you come back, in fact, even if we see this mark, we will only treat it as a tattoo. We used to capture the black feather army captive and only interrogated it. The other party ’s social system, but did not have time to ask for details. "

"We initially thought that the slave system was the same as ours in ancient times, but we did not expect that Lu Zhou was more harsh, and it was directly controlled by exercises. Slaves were unlikely to turn over," Zhong Yutang explained. Tao: "Fortunately, you are back."

This time Lu Shu ’s return made up a huge intelligence gap for Tian Luo Di Wang. The so-called information obtained from the enemy ’s mouth was unsettled after all. You do n’t know if what he said was true or not, or whether he pretended Seriously, I dug a hole for you.

If Tian Luo Di Wang has the means of torture and torture like Lu Xiaoyu, unfortunately they do not.

And Lu Shu will not tell them false lies, and Lu Shu also brought back the inner palace Zhi who is more proficient in Lu Zhou's affairs.

Zhang Weiyu has not been in class for the past two days. He directly cooperated with Tianluodi to understand the situation of Lu Zhou. After learning that the old **** king is a porter of poetry, Zhang Weiyu needs busy work to paralyze himself ...

Zhong Yutang said: "We may have this situation in the southwest side. The other party penetrated quickly. Nie Tianluo has already led the team to the south in person, hoping to find the people behind the scenes."

Lu Shu understands Zhong Yutang's concerns a little bit. It's really too easy to control a person with a slave mark. Slaves can unilaterally lift the mark of slaves, but Lu Zhou people know that to achieve this, they must bear extreme pain.

There are many people who have tried to lift the mark of slaves, but they are all abandoned halfway.

The only limitation is that everyone ’s mental capacity to bear the mark of slaves is limited, which is why Zhang Weiyu and others were surprised when Lu Shu accepted the covenant of more than 5,000 people at the same time.

The covenant's burden on the spirit is less than the mark of the slave, but it is not too small.

Now it depends on what strength the other party is coming from, but when it comes to a master, I am afraid that the slave mark control of nearly a thousand people will be completed within a week, and will reach the upper limit of about 5,000 people in the future.

But in the current situation where the other party is blooming more, I am afraid more than one person is coming.

And the more serious problem is that if there are Earth practitioners willing to surrender, they can even impart the method of controlling the imprint of slaves to these Earth practitioners, and then spread virally.

Lu Shu never gave too much hope to human nature. He believed that someone would sell his soul to the devil for the benefit.

This hand was so surprising that Duanmu Huangqi was killed and killed on the side. As a result, Chen Cang, who was repairing the plank road there, used Duanmu Huangqi to cover.

At this time, Zhong Yutang's mobile phone rang, and he took it out and looked at it and said: "You should also receive this internal push message. Everyone must be careful recently. We have a slave mark on the southwest of us!"

Lu Shu stunned, the other party was really fierce. He even reached out to, was he afraid of death? !

In this way, it seems that the other party's people from Lu Zhou came to earth ... a lot!

"Is there any way to lift the mark of the slave," Zhong Yutang asked.

"If you kill the slave owner, the slave mark will be lifted naturally," Lu Shu said: "Lv Zhou said that the slave who lost the slave owner is called the wanderer. Some of the wanderers will re-confess the master to gain benefits, and some people choose freedom. In fact, the Wu Weijun Most of the soldiers in the area used to be wanderers, but now they are the same as normal people.

"So it is still necessary to kill the slave owner," Zhong Yutang thought for a while and said: "This means of controlling slaves is too domineering, and when the strength is weak, it is easy to be forcibly stamped. Although the controlled people also treat us It ’s not a threat, but be careful. "

On the contrary, Lu Shu felt that Zhong Yutang still wanted to be more optimistic: "Can't allow them to continue to develop slaves in this way, what if the other party has any backing?"

The key to the problem now is that they do n’t know what the other party wants to do, so like playing chess, you have to fight every step of the way, and you ca n’t let the other party expand the results.

As a result, another message was sent to make Zhong Yutang's brows tightly locked: "There is a problem. The other party controls the casual repair slaves to indiscriminately kill the innocent. Although we control the casual repair slave, we cannot find the other party. Where is the slave owner! "

Lv Shu froze, what to do, the other party turned out to be such an operation, first controlled the slave repair slave, and then hid himself.

Even if they seized the casual repair, they knew that the other party was involuntarily, but one day they couldn't find the slave owner, they couldn't let the casual repair go out one day.

But the slave owner and the slave are in a one-way control relationship ~ ~ It's no use just to catch the slave!

"Did Nie Ting think of any way?" Lv Shu asked, even if it happened overseas, they still have no time to manage the lives of others, but it happened in the territory guarded by the Tian Luo Di net. Hazard.

The intelligence network of is mainly external, but internally weak, which led to the fact that they could not find each other's slave owners for a while.

What's more, these slave owners hidden in the dark are not necessarily Lu Zhou people!

Slaves can't betray their slave owners. Tian Luo Di Wang can't even get information about each other from casual slaves.

Zhong Yutang said: "We can only shrink the repairs first to prevent the other side from continuing to force them to bear the mark of slavery. Try other ways. Nie Tianluo is going to come back here tomorrow. The Longmen Fortress has established strong monitoring Mobilize ability, hope to be able to find the clues of the other party through Nie Tianluo's analytical ability. "

There is a time difference between them. You may find the former culprit tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow there will be a new perpetrator.

Zhong Yutang suddenly looked at Lu Shu: "Do you have any good solutions?"

Lv Shu thought about it and turned to look at Xiao Xiexu: "Take your rat tide! Let me give you ten more pulp washing fruits, and strive to increase the number of c-level and b-level younger brothers in your rat tide Find these sneaky people and bring them back. "

The little murderer Xu suddenly became excited, and such an important task fell on himself! This is the time to show your strength!

The little murderer Xu took out a small book and wrote: "I can't find them, my little murderer Xu mentions to meet!"

Lu Shu's face was black: "Who did you learn from?"

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