Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: Sakurai Yayoko's weakness

The convoy drove to the Tongyuan family martial arts hall and stopped, and the followers of Yayoi Sakurai stood respectfully on both sides of the door. No one was watching the scene, because Yayoi Sakurai bought not only the martial arts hall of the Tongyuan family, but also Near this land.

This is why Lu Shu was traced all the information on the first day. There were no other people near the Tongyuan Family Martial Arts Museum.

Tongyuan Jiawuguan is a courtyard, so if there are tall buildings around, it is inevitable that someone can use the telescope to peep into the courtyard, so Yako Sakurai has demolished the surrounding two-storey building ...

If someone climbs up the nearby roof, they will be spotted immediately, so Lu Shu was blatantly watching dozens of Shenji members and observed the martial arts house in Tongyuan.

Now Lu Shu knows that this situation is a bit of a toothache. It seems that the intuition of a-level masters is also targeted by technology, and delayed observation can solve it. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Fortunately, Lu Zhou does not have such technology, otherwise Liu Yizhao's scout might be targeted.

But ... Is it possible for the Wuweijun to arm the Shenma with technology, at least night vision can be equipped.

We must know that the dynamic vision of practitioners is very powerful, but the problem of night vision is not solved from the physiological function.

When Yayoi Sakurai, Lu Shu, and Chiba Shinzo were about to approach the martial arts hall, the middle-aged woman behind her suddenly asked in a low voice, "When will you pick you up at night?"

Under normal circumstances, Yayoi Sakurai will take the initiative to tell her the time. Before this time, the convoy temporarily left and stopped at a certain place to rest. Nearby are buildings belonging to Shenji. One of them is used for drivers, The attendants rested and waited for Sakurai Yayoko.

However, Yayoi Sakurai did not say that the middle-aged woman thought that Yayoi Sakurai might have forgotten, so remind me. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

As a result, Yayoi Sakurai suddenly said, "I don't want to pick it up at night. Stay nearby."

The middle-aged woman almost took a breath, but held it back. Just now ... Yakuko Sakurai said he was n’t going to pick it up at night? !

The middle-aged woman gave Lu Shu a very surprised look. Lu Shu was looked at the hair at that time. Why don't you see me, I'm innocent!

Wait, what is your unbelieving look!

"Negative emotion value from Momogi Minchong, +788!"

Lv Shu was helpless, such a high negative emotion value came out.

However, Yayoi Sakurai has not been idle for such a long time. Today's Shenji has already completed the cleaning and reform. The first time Sakurai Yayoko entered the main set of God, the first thing he did was to let Shenji up and down maintained absolute loyalty to her. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

So this thing is to make everyone feel surprised, but there will be no more ideas. They just feel that Lu Shu is a bit ...

Momogi Minchong didn't say anything, but left with his followers respectfully, and the moment Lu Shu stepped into the Tongyuan Family Martial Arts Museum, there was a feeling of being indifferent to the world. The last time I came here was a long time ago.

Yayoi Sakurai introduced it like a little girl: "Your master bedroom has not been moved, and even the contents inside are kept as they are. Will you live here in the near future? I think that the rental house in the Matsuyama Department of Government must not live comfortable."

After talking about Yayoi Sakurai, she looked forward to Lu Shu, she hoped that Lu Shu could live.

Lu Shule said, "This is not important, you can live anywhere."

Sakurai Yayoko is happy, this is of course important, how can it be said that it is not important, at least it is very important to her. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Lu Shu glanced at the furnishings inside, and he suddenly realized that the place was really clean, like someone was cleaning it every day.

Well, if even the members of the Shinji can't enter the Kirihara Family Martial Arts Museum, the person cleaning it must be Yayoi Sakurai himself.

A leader of the **** set comes to clean the courtyard every day?

Sakurai Yayoko said: "You take a rest first, I'll come out after changing my home clothes."

Then after ten minutes, Yayoi Sakurai came to Lu Shu in her cherry kimono and smiled gently, "Are you looking good?"

"Cough, let's talk about the business first," Lu Shu diverted.

Sakurai Yayoko didn't chase after him, but sat on his knees across from Lv Shu and listened carefully. Shenji's intelligence ability is indeed much weaker than, and it was really strong before, but Shenji recovered during the rest A lot of power was added, and some of the intelligence forces that Shenji placed inside the Tianluodi net were shoveled by You Mingyu. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Therefore, Shenji's ability to collect information is far inferior to Tian Luo Di. The information brought by Lu Shu also helps her understand what is happening in the outside world.

From the beginning to the end, Yayoi Sakurai has not mentioned the matter of Matsuyama Chief Secretary and Kajiyama Hongzhi being spies. It seems that she does not mind.

After listening for a while, Sakurai Yayoko said: "So they are all from Lu Zhou, right? Will you go to Lu Zhou in the future? Do you need me to help? It should be needed. Many people are powerful!"

Lv Shu could n’t help crying: “Do n’t mention this matter first. You have to be careful about the slave owners who came from Southeast Asia. They are likely to have several A-levels. If you are forced to stamp your slaves and hide, then it will be very troublesome. One thing. "

"If I was forcibly stamped with a slave, would Lu Shujun kill me? Will it help me find the slave owner to kill him?" Sakurai Yayoko wondered ~ ~ Lv Shu was helpless, why? A good leader of an organization, so capable of running questions? !

"You have to pay attention to your safety, safety, and important things are said three times!" Lu Shu emphasized.

"There is already a solution," Yayoi Sakurai smiled.


Nakagawa Yaji and Noda Seiko are hiding in the woods beside the road at Kokushikan University. The two also just heard about the turmoil that Sakurai Yayoko has set off on campus, but they did not catch up with them.

Yagawa Nakagawa looked at Noda Seiko and said: "The master has heard that Yayoi Sakurai is more powerful. We can't move her for the time being. The other slave owners are coming, but we have to complete the plan before they arrive because The host is worried that they will rob someone! "

Noda Seiko was the first to hear the argument about robbing people. It turned out that there was also a competitive relationship between slave owners. He calmly asked, "So what should we do?"

"Now we have found the weakness of Yayoi Sakurai," Yaji Nakagawa grinned savagely: "This is still her own exposure of the weakness, that is the student named Kaji Hiroshi! Yayoi Sakurai is very strong, this Kayama Hongzhi is an ordinary person. The host asked us to control Kajiyama Hongzhi first, and then find a way to make a fuss about this person! "

Noda Seiko thought it might seem reasonable, but he always felt something was wrong ...


Continue to write the third more. I can go to bed early today. I still feel a little excited. There are only a few hours left until the end of August. The votes in everyone's hands will be void if they are not cast ... ()

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