Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1109: Girl's heart

Lu Shu feels that he can now be regarded as a latent veteran. Although he always collapses, this does not affect his self-cognition of his "latent talent".

So although the members of Shenji have been carefully prepared, there is a clear difference between students and members of society.

For example, the uncle, who is in his forties, is serious about wearing a school uniform! ?

Lv Shu looked at the uncle who was making soba: "Uncle, you have a lot of repeaters."

"Negative sentiment value from Kuroda Kiyoshi, +299!"

Although the school festival is like an open day, the school festival at Waseda University can even attract 150,000 passengers, but the stalls are only allowed for students to participate.

But Shenji's open-and-close operation actually added hundreds of stalls to the school festival of Guoshiguan University, and added some traditional performance projects ...

Shenji's booth obviously raised the whole school festival by several grades, because Shenji was ordered to do it and invited the most professional performers.

Lu Shu stood peacefully in the crowd, standing next to Yayoi Sakurai. He suddenly realized that the other party was quietly showing himself the best appearance of the school festival.

The students at Kokushikan University also realized that something was wrong. They also participated in the previous school festivals. After all, the students were amateur players. Even the signboards of the booths were drawn on a4 paper, which looked quite simple. .

In case there is any student who is doing a special professional and is wonderful, many people will gather in front of the booth.

This year's school festival is obviously different. It is like an experienced event organizer. Suddenly, an exquisite carnival party was held in the Kokushikan University.

They knew that this was the handwriting of Sakurai Yayoko.

When Yayoi Sakurai saw the students preparing for the school festival in the morning, the huge Shinji organization began to get busy.

They went to invite the most famous merchants, such as the Dorayaki chef in Kita-ku, Tokyo, such as the ten-cut soba noodles in Gifu ’s No. 1 Sinbo Butterfly Temple, such as ...

Too many, the members of Shenji are busy like small bees, and they are taken one by one to the Kokushikan University in the vehicles of Shenji, and a set of school uniforms is provided for them to participate in this school festival.

There are also Taiko performances and Kabuki performances in the traditional culture of the island country. The stage construction and costume preparation are like performing a special operation. The members of the Shenji let them appear on the campus of Kokushikan University in the most efficient way .

The students felt like they were in a magical world, and the things they had longed for the most and their favorite performances appeared in front of them.

In the end, the students ’own stalls were no longer needed. They had originally held this school festival, but now they themselves have become tourists.

Residents near Setagaya heard about the situation here and drove over, and even residents in other areas of Tokyo were madly gathering here, because so many famous food and the most classic performances, it is difficult to gather in one breath a place.

It is simply impossible for ordinary people to invite famous shops to participate in activities, unless the person who invited them is a **** set.

The students suddenly felt that this school festival was like a gift elaborately prepared by Yayoi Sakurai for Lv Shu.

She asked Shenji to move the special cuisine and wonderful performances of the entire island country to a campus, as if to say to Lu Shu, this is what I can do for you, everything I can give you can be given to you.

At this moment, the students of Kuoguankan University were jealous and grateful to Lu Shu's emotions.

Without Yayoi Sakurai, they may not experience such an unforgettable school festival.

Lu Shu looked at Sakurai Yayoko and smiled helplessly. Sakurai Yayoko knew that it had appeared, so he was a little embarrassed. But she did not admit it but quickly pulled Lu Shu's sleeve: "Let's go, there is a magic show in front!"

Before coming to the magic stage, a staff member wearing a cartoon costume gave a small note to all the people watching, with a number printed on the note.

Lu Shu wondered: "Why is this note used?"

The staff explained: "There will be a lottery after the magic show. At that time, the magician will draw out a note, and the owner of the note with the same number in his hand can get our carefully prepared gift!"

Lu Shu looked at the number in his hand, 52.

The magic show is very exciting, and some students have long recognized this magician wearing a school uniform, which is the island's most famous Matsukata justice ...

Then at the raffle, the magician smiled and reached into the box full of papers: "I don't know who will be the lucky audience tonight?"

The next moment he pulled his hand out of the box and showed the note in his hand to everyone: "No. 52! Where is No. 52?"

Lv Shu smiled and raised the note, indicating that he was the luckiest audience tonight ~ ~ It all seemed like a seamless coincidence, but everyone knows that this coincidence is elaborate prepare.

At this time, the staff took out a huge bouquet of flowers and handed it to Lu Shu: "This is the gift we prepared for you, you can give it to your female partner."

Lv Shu couldn't help crying and crying. Could this latter sentence be more obvious?

Everything tonight is both a gift prepared by Yayoi Sakurai for Lu Shu and an opportunity for her to satisfy her little selfishness.

Before Lu Shu responded, Yayoi Sakurai had already taken the huge bouquet from Lu Shu and smiled at the magician: "Thank you!"

Then, Yayoko Sakurai ran to another place by pulling Lu Shu's sleeve.

The students behind them and the residents of Tokyo from afar are in a very complicated mood.

In fact, everyone knows that in this carnival, everyone is just a foil.

The big ladies who were invited by Shenji suddenly found this school festival very interesting. They looked at the audience and diners who came for them. Suddenly they wanted to hold such a school festival every year in the future?

Everyone in school uniforms felt the atmosphere of the college, as if they were a few years younger.

That night, the owner of the famous shop gathered together to discuss, and will have to play like this in the future!

Someone suddenly said, "What should this special school festival be called?"

The school festival should have a unique name to highlight its theme. This is the meaning of the school festival.

The magician smiled and said, "Otherwise, call it the girl's heart school festival?"

The bosses of famous shops looked at each other: "It seems to be quite in line with the theme, let's call this!"


There will be one more later

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