Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: Trees want to be quiet and the wind stops

Hakodate is a coastal city of the island country with a total population of only 310,000. Compared to the country, it seems that although a medium-sized city can reach millions of people, it looks like it is sparsely populated, but this is not the case.

Take the third-line Luocheng as an example. The population of Luocheng is 6.8 million, but its area is more than 15,000 square kilometers.

As for Hakodate, although its population is only 310,000, its area is only more than 300 square kilometers.

This is a matter of city magnitude.

Lu Shu accompanied Yayoi Sakurai on the streets of Hakodate, and suddenly received a lot of negative emotions from Yu Mingyu. Lu Shu was a little puzzled. She had n’t seen Yu Mingyu for a long time. Negative emotion value?

Where is the problem? !

At this time, You Mingyu had just got off the train and was looking away from Hakodate Train Station. As the overseas person in charge of Tian Luo Di Wang, he was tracking down the whereabouts of the slave owners. coming.

Just after getting off the plane at Tokyo Haneda Airport, Yu Mingyu received the news that the slave owners were all dead ...

This is very uncomfortable. Why did You Mingyu chase the slave owners over? Is it because they want to kill them all? No, he was going to become a slave and break into the slave owner ...

Thinking of becoming a slave, lurking into intelligence, and finally forcibly releasing the slave's mark to complete the task, You Mingyu felt ... very cool ...

But now, the slave owners are all dead!

Although the slave owner was not killed by Lu Shu, You Mingyu felt that this was Lu Shu's pot.

You Mingyu walked outside the train station. He suddenly saw Japanese written under a pillar of the train station: Find same-sex lovers, mobile phone number ...

You Mingyu pouted: "You didn't say that you are looking for men or women!"

You Mingyu now has a grievance in his heart. He texted Lu Shu: "I have arrived in Hakodate. If you need support, just say so."

After seeing the text message on his mobile phone, Lu Shu froze for a moment. He did not expect You Mingyu to come: "I suspect that there are still controllers behind the slave owners. Please pay attention."

You Mingyu's eyes lit up after seeing the message: "Really?"

"Really!" Lu Shu said firmly.

At this moment, You Mingyu suddenly asked as if she remembered something: "You have also been to Lu Zhou, then would you be the kind of slavery stamp ..."

"What are you asking about this?" Lu Shu was a little puzzled.

"Ah, it's okay. I heard that it is very difficult to release the mark of the slave. I want to test it myself to see if I can forcibly lift the mark ..." You Mingyu explained.

"I always feel that things are not that simple ..." Lu Shu said.

"Will you?" You Mingyu asked.

"will not."

"Negative emotion value from You Mingyu, +399!"

After seeing this negative emotion value, Lu Shu took a deep breath, and he felt like he had guessed something!

At this moment, You Mingyu suddenly saw a man wearing a black trench coat walking in front of him, also just came out of Hakodate Train Station.

Hokkaido here sometimes feels cold even in summer, so ordinary tourists come here to be told to wear thicker, but You Mingyu thinks that wearing such a thick trench coat is still too much.

You Mingyu did not stare directly at each other. For intelligence workers such as You Mingyu, it has become instinctive not to look directly at the target person to prevent the other party from discovering.

However, at this moment, You Mingyu suddenly realized that the other party's shoulders were slightly swaying. It seemed that she wanted to turn around to see him, but she refrained.

You Mingyu felt a little weird, but the next moment he suddenly noticed a huge crisis and stepped back, but the other party did not attack him, it seemed that it was just a feint. When the other party took advantage of You Mingyu's exit at the next moment, they merged into the crowd and disappeared.

You Mingyu sent a text message to Lu Shu: "If you find a suspicious character, you are not sure of your strength level, so be careful."

There is no evidence to show that the other party is hostile, but Lu Shu and Yayoi Sakurai are both in Hakodate, and the other party also came to Hakodate at this time, which is a coincidence. And Yu Mingyu combined with the sense of crisis just felt, the other party is at least the strength of Yipin. You have to know that Yu Mingyu has completed his promotion of the first grade at sea before, and the person who can give the first grade master a sense of crisis can only be above the first grade. .

The other party could fly, but came to Hakodate with a hidden identity, and honestly sat on the train, which is fine, You Mingyu didn't believe it.

Lu Shu sighed after seeing the message. Sure enough, the tree wanted to be quiet and the wind stopped.

Shenji probably thought it was too ridiculous to let his owner walk every day and even had to squeeze the tram. It sent a car. Yayoi Sakurai said that he would not drive. Does Wen say he will open ...

Lu Shu felt that even if she was crazy, she wouldn't drive the car to Wen Zai!

Wen Zai feels very sorry ~ ~ He is very obsessed with these electrical appliances and machinery now, because he feels that there is great wisdom in it, but Lu Shu feels that Wen Zai only found new toys.

Lv Shu drove a car to find a bank, and at night Yayoko Sakurai booked a restaurant, but when Lu Shu remembered Zhong Yutang, he thought it was not appropriate for old people to spend money, so he planned to take some money.

Sakurai Yayoko was a little puzzled: "Lu Shujun, you don't need to withdraw money, I still have it here."

Lu Shu thought for a while and said, "I can't keep you from spending money. I have to come to this trip and I have to ask you for a meal."

Sakurai Yayoko said nothing when he heard this sentence, and he was still a little happy in his heart.

"Is it called a bank here?" Wen Zai looked at the door of the bank curiously in the car: "Is this similar to Wangcheng Bank?"

"Yes," Lu Shu explained: "But the earth's banks still have many financial functions, and Lu Zhou's bank is relatively simple ... Forget it, you don't understand if you say too much."

Lu Shu parked the car on the roadside and saw a ticket posted on a car that was also parked on the roadside. Lu Shu said to other people: "It should not be allowed to park here. I will go get the money. If the police Come in and come in and tell me, or you will be fined. "

As a result, it didn't take long to enter the bank and was sitting in front of the counter. Wen Zai suddenly rushed in and yelled to Lu Shu: "The police are here! The police are here!"

At this moment, the bank was as silent as the abyss. Everyone was shocked to see whether Lu Shuhe and Wen were there, for fear that Lu Shu suddenly pulled out a gun and said he was going to rob ...

Lv Shu looked blankly at whether Wen was there. He suddenly felt that if he was traveling with the goods, he had to teach a lot of things ...


There will be one more later

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