Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1154: Find the slave owner!

Lu Shu watched the giant of the Phoenix Society fly back. He wondered why Nie Ting wanted to find out the possible slave owners in the Phoenix Society. It turns out that the Phoenix Society is a branch of the half-world network. some……

He did n’t care what happened to Nie Ting. When the tiger backed the fortress during the First World War, when You Mingyu sent overseas intelligence personnel to retaliate against the invading forces, many overseas practitioner organizations were subverted. It's all done to the Phoenix Society.

You know, even if the Phoenix Society is now a world-class practitioner organization.

But that's fine. It will be interesting that the whole practice circle will become the family affairs of Tian Luo Di Wang in the future.

Of course, the people who directly change the Tianluodi network must have been swearing back by various organizations. Supporting the higher level is the best result, with the least casualties and expanded interests.

Although it is necessary to guard against the supporters at all times, it is already very good to be able to do this step.

Lv Shu looked a little puzzled at the bottom. Why did the giant appear anomalous alone? Isn't there a slave owner within a 16-mile radius? This range includes all members of the Phoenix Society.

Lv Shu is still waiting. He knows that the little murderers Xu and Chen Zuan in the dream must have already started, to see if they can force a few lurkers to appear in their original form.

However, at the next moment, someone in the Phoenix Camp suddenly woke up and flew out of Yellowstone National Park.

Lv Shu and others are such hidden masters of the first class. A thunder sword gas shot from the sight of Biao, and shot like a thunder to the back of the practitioner.

The cultivator who was still flying turned around and pulled a soft sword from his waist to split the Thunder Sword Qi, and then split the Sword Qi with one sword!

At this time, Lu Shu already had a lot in mind, and it was determined that the slave owner was correct, because the soft sword is a standard oriental weapon, and no one in the Phoenix Society will use it!

Suddenly Lu Shu stepped into the void, and when he appeared again, he was already on the route of the other party's escape, a clean punch, and a huge roar.

The moment the air was compressed quickly produced huge heat, and the slave owner felt a burning smell on his hair and eyebrows.

This is only a momentary thing. He has no time to think about other things. He only knows that he is facing a grand master. Whatever he can step into the void and suddenly appear is the grand master!

The slave owner only had time to keep his arms in front of his chest, and then he felt a huge force burst at the point where his arms crossed, transmitting to his own limbs.

The sound of broken bones was dense and terrifying. He had a pair of steel bracers on his wrists, which was a life-saving weapon.

The steel bracers have forged and complicated patterns. When Lu Shu hit the wrists with a fist, the pattern glowed purple and moved, like a blossoming flower.

But before the delicate petals opened, they withered instantly, and even the braces began to break!

This is the magic weapon that he relied on to save his life for hundreds of years. I did not expect to be so vulnerable when facing the Grand Master. The slave owner fell down from the sky, his consciousness was blurred, and even his own cranial cavity was almost shaken away.

The practitioners are very powerful, but they are still human after all.

Someone once said that the final path of a practitioner should be the outstretching of the spiritual body, the physical body will eventually decay, but the spiritual body can survive.

But Lu Shu doesn't think so. He thinks that the physical body is the destination of the soul, and the soul without the physical body has no foundation.

Lv Shu walked towards the camp with the slave owner. He left the slave owner a breath, because he wanted to let Xiaoyu directly restrain the soul to see if he could get the fragments of memory. For these slave owners who were responsible for destroying the world, Lu Shu There is no sympathy.

What makes Lu Shu a little puzzled is that after finding the slave owner, the dream can be over. How come the dream never ends.

He saw that everyone in the camp was asleep, including Lu Xiaoyu. Chen Zuan and Cheng Qiuqiao also made a little smirk from time to time, and Lu Xiaoyu was frowning.

Xiao Xiu Xu is even more exaggerated. Xiao Xiu closed his eyes and was almost dancing ...

Lu Shu walked around the camp, and he suddenly found that everyone looked like an intoxicated expression. What the **** is this?

The dream continued for a long time, and Lu Shu waited three hours without seeing any sign of the end of the dream.

Ca n’t wait any longer. On the one hand, here is in the ruins. Any vision may cause someone to die. On the other hand, the slave owner has been holding a sigh of relief, although the practitioner ’s powerful recovery ability has kept him Dead, but Lu Shu ’s punch was just too overbearing. It ’s estimated that this brain is about to be shot out. It may die at any time. What if the soul ca n’t be kept?

Lv Shu picked up Xiao Xiao Xu and shook it hard. Xu Xiao suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lu Shu: "How do you get fat?"

Lu Shu's face was black at the time: "Can you change your accent ... Wait, will you speak?"

"Yeah ~ ~ The little murderer Xu was also shocked:" I can tell! "

"Oh, don't talk anymore, my brain hurts a little," Lv Shu blankly dropped Xiaoxiu Xu on the ground. He felt that Xiaoxiu's accent was not saved, and he didn't know where this product was born from. , How to enter the remains.

There are two mascots in the family, a little murderer and a chaos, but no accent is normal.

When the witch wakes up, it means that the dream is over. Without a dreamer, the dream will naturally fall apart.

Lv Shu observed everyone's expressions, and he wasn't sure if Xiao Xiu had maintained such a long dream, whether there was any major disaster.

As a result, the first thing that woke up for the casual repair was to ask the companion happily, "How many members do you end up with?"

"Level 7, so cool!"

"Hahaha, I'm level 8!"

Lu Shu: "???

Su Shu suddenly felt that she couldn't understand the situation a little bit. This scene was a bit out of control!

As a result, after listening for a while, Lu Shu suddenly realized that these people did not wake up after the meteorite fell, but the little murderer allowed everyone to enter the other world as a footnote, and opened a new world!

In this world, you can use your "previous life" privacy to exchange money, and then recharge it to become stronger and become a member ...

Lu Shu's entire face was black. He found that these people still had a feeling of reluctance after waking up, and he seemed to want to return to his dream!

In the post-death world, everything is so easy, as long as you become a member, everything is so comfortable.

Lu Shusi has no doubt that if they can do it, they will really be willing to pay for the small murderer Xu in reality, and then let the small murderer Xu dream for them!

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