Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: 1st night

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Isler didn't like Lu Shu's tone very much because she felt the contempt from Lu Shu. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

If it is outside the ruins, even other higher-level practitioners will not despise her so much, so Isreal has already thought about it, and once she finds a new practitioner, she immediately leaves the boy.

Even she is still thinking secretly in her heart, maybe the E-level small repair will have to be sheltered by the people she finds.

However, as Lu Shu had expected, Isler had not yet found someone who could shelter her, and she could not bear the torture of high heels first ...

The ground in the ruins is uneven, and sometimes it is necessary to jump over some obstacles or gullies. At this time, wearing 8 cm high heels is simply chronic suicide.

But she still wanted to hold on because she was affirmed by Lu Shu just now. Lu Shu felt that this was unnecessary, and she was the one who suffered.

Lu Shu is a pragmatic person. If someone else advises him, even if the other person's tone is not good, he will choose the option that is most beneficial to him.

Two corpses were really encountered on the road, there were signs of being bitten on the corpses, and there were huge beast footprints beside the corpses.

Lu Shu found that the creatures in this ruin are extremely powerful, and he didn't know what kind of creatures these two people encountered before.

"Their shoes are complete. Although they are men, the left foot is not too big. The laces should be tighter and should be able to be worn, at least stronger than high heels," Lu Shu said.

As a result, Isreal sipped her lips, her face pale, and her companion watched the body retching. In fact, most ordinary people on the earth have no chance to see such a **** scene. Many people think that nausea is disgusting, not because of strong mental stimulation that causes nausea.

Lv Shu spread his hands and did not change, and it was not him who was uncomfortable anyway. But speaking of it, Isreal is stronger than her companion, she spit out when everyone else vomits, she is quite strong ...

"Don't vomit too much," Lu Shu said in a heartless manner: "After all, there is no food here, what should you do if you are hungry after vomiting?"

Isreal, they are all awed, this is too disgusting!

"Negative sentiment value from Israel. Moore, +666!"

"From ..."

Lv Shu continued to walk forward, and Isrell ’s companion whispered: "If you want to change it first, or you will really not be able to get along soon."

As a result, Isler didn't say a word. She turned around and took two steps. She suddenly sat on the ground and cried.

She looked at Lu Shu ’s back as she cried, but the teenager did n’t mean to look back!

However, at this time, a bunch of small black scorpions crawled out of the corpse and began to eat the corpse. The frightened Isreal they could no longer care about the others and quickly caught up with Lu Shu.

Lv Shu glanced back at the two corpses. It turned out that this was a corpse that had been attacked by a scorpion, and laid her own baby eggs in it. No wonder.

He was still wondering why the creatures in the ruins did not eat after attacking human beings, and turned out to be for his descendants.

"I added money and you took your shoes off to me," Isler said behind Lu Shu. "Don't you like money? I'll give you a pair of shoes and buy you a pair of shoes!"

Lu Shu froze for a moment: "Are you panic about how much money you burned? Just now you don't want to be free, you have to buy me?"

"That's right, I'm rich!" Isriel said with her teeth.

Lu Shu looked at Isreal's companion: "Is she famous?"

Several other people didn't know why Lu Shu asked so, Isler sneered: "What do you mean by asking this, pretending not to know me? I'm not famous enough yet?"

"Oh, I'm afraid that you can't afford it," Lu Shu patiently explained: "If you want to be very famous, I don't have to be afraid."

Isreal took out the checkbook in her bag and wrote a check to Lv Shu: "As long as you can go out alive and protect the 2 million US dollars we spent and the 100,000 US dollars to buy shoes, it is yours ! "

"Deal!" Lu Shu said simply.

Isreal suddenly felt that she was losing money ...

Before Lu Shu replied, she always felt that she had the upper hand, but when Lu Shu replied, Isreal suddenly felt that this was the most wrong decision she had made in her life ...

"Negative sentiment value from Israel.Moore, +699!"

What Lu Xiaoyu said, Lu Shu's most powerful ability is that, after stepping on shit, he can make all **** regret.

Unfortunately, Isreal didn't hear Lu Xiaoyu's words ...

When Lu Shu pulled out the check from Isreal ’s squeezed fingers, he suddenly felt that the foreigner ’s habit of using checks is good. After confirming the identity of the other party, it would be good to just take the check. Is it troublesome to save? To be honest, Lu Shu doesn't quite understand how to use cheques, which is a bit novel.

But he took it and took off his shoes directly to Isreal, without hesitation.

He has many spare shoes in the mountains and rivers, all prepared by Lu Xiaoyu, but he was not prepared to put them on. First, he did n’t want others to know that he had space equipment. Second, the shoes were a bit tasteless in the ruins. A pair of shoes can be scrapped with force.

Ismail changed her shoes behind Lu Shu. Lu Shu's feet were not too big, 40 yards. For Islay, she was a little bigger, but it was indeed much stronger than high heels.

After taking off her high-heeled shoes, Isler instantly felt as if she was in heaven. She looked at Lu Shu's bare feet, and the sense of tangle was finally balanced.

But Isreal thinks this boy is really a wonderful flower, even selling his shoes directly for money, even if there is a bit of humiliation in his tone at UU reading

This is too unruly!

As the sky gradually dimmed, Lu Shu glanced at the sky and suddenly said: "The night of the ruins may be variable. Now find a place to camp. See what will change at night and make plans."

This time they didn't say anything about Isreal. They walked for a day with ordinary people's physique, and they were really too tired.

At this time, even Lu Shu did not know that the scope of the ruins this time was unexpectedly large. According to official incomplete statistics, the scope of the ruins this time brought hundreds of thousands of people into the ruins, and 99% of them Are ordinary people!

If Lu Shu was shocked when he knew the news, so many people entered the ruins, and they only encountered two bodies after a day's walk. How big is the ruins? !

Unfortunately, Lu Shu did not know.

Over night, when Isreal saw the sky finally light up, she endured hunger and suddenly taunted: "Isn't it that there will be a change in the ruins at night, why not? You are also an experience of hearsay."

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