Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: despair

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It turned out that these three people had planned to kill Isrel's three companions here from the beginning to prevent them from leaking!

Although the original social order began to collapse after entering the ruins, everyone knows that the ruins will still disappear. If someone outside knows what they have done in the ruins, it will be a disastrous end!

If the three companions of Israel are released, and if Israel disappears after the remains disappear, the other party will definitely point the finger at himself, so how could these three white practitioners let them go?

Even, they will not allow these women and Isreal around them to have a chance to make ruins! Before, they thought about killing Lv Shu, but in fact these three people were half a bottle of water, and Lv Shu ’s expression was too calm. Isleel and their ordinary people could not find clues, but these three people were able to I found something wrong with Lu Shu. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

With the idea that one more thing is worse than one less, the three finally decided to let Lu Shu leave first, not wanting to provoke each other.

Unlike Isreal's idea, they think Lu Shu is not that simple.

Isreal suddenly felt that the most terrifying thing in the world was not the creatures in the ruins, but the hearts of those who entered the ruins and had an infinite expansion of desire!

After many people feel that their actions will not be punished, the dark side of their hearts will continue to overflow.

At this time, Isler was really more willing to stay with Lu Shu. Although she had always despised Lu Shu's strength, she knew that even a fifth-grade practitioner could easily subdue these four people.

However, from the beginning to the end, Lu Shu did not have any indiscriminate thoughts about her. This is a person with integrity and integrity!

No, this is a person with integrity but very popular!

While the three white men were not close to themselves, Isler suddenly ran away in the direction of Lu Shu's departure, and yelled, "Help!"

At this critical moment of life and death, Isler finally put hope on Lu Shu.

However, the speed of the three white practitioners was much faster than that of her. She was caught by the three white people before Islayel ran out of two steps, and her companions stood beside them and did n’t dare to speak. Say, even want to leave Isreal running away.

In fact, Isreal had long known that her three colleagues could not count on her. When she walked on high heels, Lu Shu reminded her at least, and her colleagues never said they would help her.

But Isreal knew that this was a relic, and she couldn't blame anyone, but now she was really desperate in the face of the situation that she might be bullied immediately.

Isreal hoped that the teenager would suddenly turn back and then help her defeat all three white practitioners like a superhero.

It is a pity that Lu Shu has no intention of becoming a superhero, and she is not a princess or a heroine in a movie.

The three white practitioners smiled and dragged Isreal on the ground and walked back: "How could it be possible for you to run away? I had hoped that this day would appear when I watched your show before.

Isreal is not stupid. She did not threaten this group of people to go out to expose them, because she knew that, I am afraid she would really not find a chance to go out.

But at this moment, Isreal suddenly saw a gray thread on the ground shuttle and looked at her. She was stunned. What is this? Are they strange creatures in the ruins?

No wonder Isriel would think this way, because the gray silk thread walked as if it were alive, really like a venomous snake, but much thinner than a venomous snake!

In an instant, the gray thread raised its head like a viper and flew towards the three white men, and the necks of the three white men burst into blood almost at the same time!

The gray line didn't stay, but went directly into the ground and disappeared.

Everyone on the scene didn't respond. What the **** happened, the three white men covered their neck and neck arteries and knelt down on the ground. They couldn't even speak. They could only lie down and breathe heavily .

Only they themselves know that what they did n’t know at the moment just penetrated not only their own arteries but also their cervical spine!

If only the artery is injured, the recovery ability of the practitioner may not be dead. Under the condition of forcible hemostasis, the self-repair ability of the blood vessel is very powerful!

But now they can do nothing but wait for death!

Isreal looked at the three men in amazement, but she didn't hesitate but turned and ran in the direction of Lu Shu's disappearance!

Today this scene almost completely crushed all restraints of Isreal, she now only wants to seek protection!

At this time she didn't even care about her companion, just wanted to hurry to Lu Shu. She was even wondering, wouldn't it be Lu Shu's gray line?

At first she thought it was a relic creature, but now think about it, if the relic creature is so aggressive, why did it kill only those three people?

Isreal judged that maybe Lv Shu was waiting for the opportunity to shoot nearby, and the other party might not be a Fifth Grade Practitioner!

When Isriel runs in this way, other people also run with her. As a result, Isler runs more and more desperately.

A group of people slowed down in frustration, and then walked for more than an hour before suddenly there was an abnormal appearance. Isreal frowned and asked, "Did you smell something?"

Everyone looked at each other, this is the smell of barbecue!

A group of people speeded up their feet, after all they could not bear to be hungry, and then they walked across a dirt **** and suddenly found a small water hole in front of them, and there was a spring in the ground like a gurgling water. Lu Shu was sitting next to a tree branch, eating a barbecue and humming songs ... And beside Lu Shu, an antelope fell to the ground, and the leg meat had been cut off ...

Isreal looked like hope when she saw Lu Shu. She wanted to ask the other party if he had just saved himself.

As a result, Lu Shu saw Isrell's alert look: "This is the barbecue I made!"

Isreal almost smiled, it seems that he was thinking too much ~ ~ Why does this teenager look like a superhero?

"How much is the barbecue? I'll buy it!" Said Isreal, who knew the boy was greedy for money ...

Lu Shumei smiled: "Look at this whole thing, am I such a dying person who wants money? One hundred thousand dollars for a piece of meat, drink clean water casually, I invite!"

Isriel walked over to her seat angrily, but I don't know why Isler would feel very peaceful when sitting next to Lu Shu, because in a subtle sense she felt safer next to each other.


Go for a meal and wait for a little while

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