Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Skeleton (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

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When Lu Shu saw the flock, she was already agitated. She did n’t dare to move. She still had some worries about this cute antelope, who had been caught in the mountains and rivers. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Lu Shu had tested the environment of Shanheyin during the first battle of the Tiger's Back Fortress. At that time, he stuffed materials and people into the Shanheyin, and everyone suffocated to death. The oxygen cylinder is still alive and well.

At that time, Lu Shu realized that if a lot of earth air was poured into the mountain river, animals could live in the mountain river.

Shanheyin is bigger than any space equipment that Lu Shu has seen. For example, Lu Xiaoyu's space is just like a small building, but Luhe's Shanheyin has never been filled.

At this time, Lu Shu suddenly thought, if he is willing to load the conditions for the survival of those living creatures into the mountain river seal, is it possible to form a new world?

However, he soon wanted to understand that it was possible to raise the creatures in it, but it would be difficult to make a complete ecological chain inside.

Because there are too many "life elements" that cannot be realized in Shanheyin.

Wait, Lv Shu froze for a moment. He once entered the star map. At that time, he thought that the star map was so vast and immense. So, can the star map itself build a new world?

It is not impossible to think of Lu Shu's spirit here!

In fact, Lu Shu never regarded the star chart as a space, because he subconsciously thought it was a system of exercises, but now he thinks about it again, Master Jianlu ’s sword can be put in, then there is nothing impossible. ?

Lu Shu looked around and did not show his excitement, but Isreal suddenly felt the wind rise. The wind was weak but inexplicable.

But Lu Shu was surprised in his heart. This star chart is really a space. He has been opening up a new space all the time? !

But now is not the time to think about it. Lu Shu took this group of people away from the water source, and no one said anything, because Lu Shu said that other creatures would come to drink water, which really scared them.

Such a group of ordinary people really have no ability to face the creatures in the ruins.

But what they did n’t find was that when they left this water source, some creatures who did n’t know where they were hiding secretly ran out until they confirmed that Lu Shu had indeed left, and finally came to the edge of the water source, Drinking water with your head bowed in peace.

When drinking water, the creatures do not interfere with each other, and the carnivorous creatures do not mean to attack other creatures at all.

This scene is very interesting, as if everyone has lived here for a long time, forming a tacit understanding.

In fact, they are already thirsty, but Lu Shu is sitting here and everyone dare not come.

When Lu Shu chased the chamois herds before, they all saw ... the flocks were gone in a blink of an eye, which is terrible ...

After drinking the water, the creatures looked at each other and turned around to leave. None of them walked in the direction of Lu Shu, they seemed to be avoiding Lu Shu. The eyes exchanged with each other seem to be saying: a new devil is coming, everyone be careful ...

This is a strange ruin. Lu Shu did not know where these creatures came from, nor did he unravel the truth in this ruin.

In Isreel's eyes, both the scorpion and the bison are monsters and very dangerous.

However, in the eyes of these creatures, Lu Shu is the real monster ...

Of course, Lu Shu did not relax completely, because he knew that there must be a horrible existence like the lying turtle in the ruins, and Bacheng would not be as gentle as the lying turtle.

At night, they hid in a cave that was not too deep, saying that it was a cave, which might be more like a cave.

Lu Shu raised a bonfire, he glanced out of the hole, and the boundless wilderness was sinking into darkness.

This was Lu Shu's second night they had experienced. He asked others curiously: "Is there any danger in the ruins at night?"

Because they slept on the back of the lying turtle on the first night, they might not dare to approach them, but it was different this evening.

When one of the girls heard Lu Shu say this, a terrified look appeared on her face: "We did not encounter danger on the first night, but there was a rustling sound on the ground in the distance, like a dense carapace colliding. , I think some kind of insect is marching! "

Lv Shu was stunned for a while. If some kind of insects would come out at night, it would be troublesome. The impression of this large group of insects in the desert is probably the marching ants. This time there are so many ordinary people in the ruins. If What the girl heard was marching ants. It was not known how many ordinary people would die.

Lu Shu thought about wanting to put out the bonfire. The night of the ruins still had to be cautious.

Faint light came in from the outside of the cave, and Lu Shu sat at the entrance of the cave and didn't know what she was thinking about. At this time, the female practitioner suddenly came over and said, "I have a waterproof pad in my backpack. I paved you to sleep. "

Lu Shu froze for a moment, he smiled and said: "No need to do this, you can sleep on your own."

The female practitioner was a little disappointed. Well, she went back into the hole and smiled softly: "She looks good, you are not at all interested? This is her initiative ... like Are there many female practitioners who are posted on the ruins? "

Lu Shu thought about it: "There are quite a few, not only female practitioners, but also ordinary women ..."

Isriel's face suddenly changed, and as far as she knew, a large number of ordinary people appeared in the ruins. Isn't that what he said about himself?

"Negative emotion value from Israel.moore, +748!"

"What is a fifth-grade cultivator arrogant," said Israel also got into the cave and went to sleep, but she looked at the back of Lu Shu who was staying at the entrance through the light, and she was a little insomnia.

It was at this time that someone screamed in the cave, and the sharp voice of the woman was particularly clear in the dark night. Lu Shu turned back and frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I ... there seems to be bones here!" Said a girl.

Lu Shu drilled in and saw that, as expected, a piece of white bone protruded from the cave, motionless, as if buried in it for some time.

However, to Lu Shu's surprise, seeing white bones in the remains is nothing new, but this is the first time he has seen human bones!

This is clearly a human hand!

Lv Shu peeled off the soil layer on the bone ~ ~ When he saw the skull, he had confirmed that this was indeed a human who died in the remains.

In the past, the creature he had seen closest to humans was the Hai tribe, but it was even more shocking that no human skeleton appeared directly in front of him ... The types of creatures in this ruin are complex and diverse, just like a complete ancient world, then No human will settle here! ?

What kind of people will live in the ruins? !


Cough, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, today I want a family reunion, only one more

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