Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: This is too much

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Lv Shu frowned, but there are still the inheritance of the teachers? Could it be that there are many humans in this ruin?

At this time, Lu Shu thought of a more incredible possibility: will there not be so many humans in this ruin, even in towns? !

"Have you heard of Sifang Heavenly Emperor?" The question Lu Shu is asking now is also unscrupulous. Anyway, Isler can't understand Chinese and simply asks his own guess!

As a result, Lu Kongming suddenly wondered: "What God?"

Lu Shu sneered: "Don't know? Then you can die."

"Know!" Lu Kongming hurriedly said.

"What is the name of the Western Heavenly Emperor? If you can't answer it, you'll have to die," Lu Shu said coldly.

As a result, Lu Shu found that Lu Kong was crying brightly: "The Western Heavenly Emperor is ... called Wang Ermazi ?! I really don't know what it is! What is the Western Heavenly Emperor?"

Lv Shu smiled. He thought that this product might not really know Sifangtiandi, so when did this ruin be buried here? Where did the humans here come from?

This Lu Kongming is a soft bone, and Lu Shu received a lot of information from the other party.

Lu Shu felt that he finally came across a soft bone. Since he had beaten him in the Wangcheng, it seemed that the bones of the people who came out against him were extremely hard, and he refused to say anything that was determined to be dead.

Previously, Lu Shu used the dream of Xiao Xiu Xu to find a latent slave owner in Huangshi National Park. At that time, he left Lu Xiaoyu to watch the memory fragments.

However, Lu Xiaoyu said that the memory fragments were covered with a layer of purple light. After a little touch, they were completely broken into dust, and the memory could not be read at all.

Lv Shu realized at that time that this opponent might really know himself very well, and might even guess that the dark map has the ability to obtain others' memories.

It's really prepared.

But the more the opponent is like this, the heavier the killing intention in Lu Shu's heart is, because he knows that the other party will not be willing to give up, and can only endlessly die!

Lu Shu looked at Lu Kongming: "What about the will of this body?"

"Sleep," Lu Kongming said carefully. "Because my mental strength is much stronger than his, he can't resist."

"That is to say, in this world, besides your teachers, not so many people will seize this method?" Lu Shu asked.

"Yes," Lu Kongming asked: "Do you want to learn, as long as you give me half an hour, I will destroy the body's will and tell you the exercises."

Lü Shu yelled: "Then I will ask you another question: Where is this?"

"This is a forbidden place. I accidentally fell in and was trapped in the wildness of life ..." Lu Kongming explained ...

However, Lu Shu was stunned. He suddenly realized that the position they were in was only a part of the ruins. It was a place called a forbidden place by the relics, and there was actually a human settlement with a low risk factor outside. Ground!

Moreover, there are barriers between the two places. After Lu Kongming came in, he could not get out, and was eventually killed here by the creatures.

Lu Kongming was a second-grade practitioner before his death, and the exercises on his body were rather evil.

Lu Shu has got the information he wants. How is he going to drive Lu Kongming out of the other body?

"I have dozens of numbers, you go back to the bones by yourself," said Lu Shu, who wanted to drive Lu Kongming back to the bones and rivers in the bones. After all, he wanted to get information from Lu Kongming, but he was afraid of the other The ability to move freely pits me.

"I won't go back!" Lu Kongming screamed: "I can't hold my soul!"

"Can you please," Lu Shu said angrily.

"You either kill this person together, or I won't stay inside!" Lu Kongming said.

"That's all right," Lu Shu said quietly, turning around and saying to Isler, "You go out of the cave first."

After Iselael went out, Lu Shu directly took out a box of stinky tofu and placed it under Lu Kongming's nose. Lu Kongming was shocked at that time: "Is this too much?"

However, after a few seconds, Lu Kongming suddenly shouted: "I go back, I go back!"

"Negative emotion value from Lu Kongming, +999!"

"It's really a soft bone," Lu Shu muttered.

It would be so easy for me to be such a person in this world.

However, Lu Shu was very clear that some information given by Lu Kongming to himself must be false. For example, the other party said that he accidentally fell in. This is a calf.

Everyone knows the forbidden land, you accidentally fall in when you are idle? Who is it?

But Lu Shu also had his worries, because Lu Kongming said that he was trapped here may be the truth, and Lu Shu doesn't even know where the boundary of the barrier is now.

Lv Shu came out of the cave. At this time, the smell of stinky tofu permeated outside. They looked at Lv Shu in surprise. It was hard to imagine what happened in the cave just now.

The helicopter pilot George had woke up wandering, and he was still a little weak. He asked about the smell of stinky tofu before fainting.

Isreal carefully asked: "How is he doing?"

"It's all right ~ ~ Lv Shule laughed and said:" Let's go on. "

At this time, he didn't want to let Isreal go back to the cave, because he didn't want these people to see that the white bone had disappeared.

While walking on the road, Isreal kept her head down and meditated. Even if she was stupid, she could find Lv Shu's abnormality. She suddenly asked Lv Shudao, "What strength did the skeletal master just live?"

"Five grades," Lu Shu replied without thinking, anyway, he can't exceed his current level.

However, Isleel's lips flicked to show his unbelief, and Lu Shu refused to believe her. At this time, Isleel suddenly said, "In fact, you are a hidden master, right? You are not a fifth grade, but a third grade!"

Lu Shu's face changed greatly: "Don't tell others!"

Isrel is complacent, and sure enough, she guessed it right! With this thought, Isreal is a lot happier!

They didn't sleep long this night, but the magical effects of the antelope meat haven't receded, and everyone is energetic.

After walking for about three hours, Lv Shu looked at the front and froze for a moment. He even saw a modern camping tent in the wild, and there were more than one tent. That piece almost became a small human settlement. Man sleeping on the ground.

Someone built a low earth wall on the leeward side of a hillside, as if it had been camping there for a long time, and some people hid behind the earth wall and stood guard.

The ordinary people around Lu Shu were also pleasantly surprised to see this scene. They ran towards the campsite. Lu Shu did not stop, but followed silently.


There will be two more changes later, saying that I thought that the activity of adding more is the double monthly ticket on the 27th ...) Book friends will pay attention!

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