Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1173: Forbidden barrier

In fact, Lu Shu is not Sagittarius, but he is very dissatisfied with the remarks of female practitioners ...

Originally, he thought that this female practitioner would inform other casual practitioners in exchange for resources, but the result was not. The other party had a bottom line than he thought.

In fact, in this world, whether a person's bottom line really has nothing to do with gender, this point Lu Shu must admit that he misread each other.

Last night, the ugliness of two of Isler ’s camera colleagues made Lu Shu very disdainful. It was really not as open as this female practitioner.

The black leader didn't talk to Lu Shu anymore, but he couldn't hold his face a bit. Just after the road was very safe, a group of bison came.

He was worried that if he said something more, something stranger would pop up.

After meeting the bison herd, the monks wanted to return the same way, because they are still a little shocked.

But what do they eat without hunting? Yesterday's antelopes were also divided. The rations brought by everyone when they first came in were also distributed to ordinary people for their superiority and order.

At this time, everyone must seek a way out, otherwise they can only wait slowly to die in that camp.

Lu Shu followed the team and looked around. The road they took became more and more rugged.

This is not a hill or a land eroded by wind.

The desolate land in this ruin is more like a strange terrain after the energy is twisted here, which looks scary and inexplicably magnificent.

The black leader in front suddenly lowered his body, and the female practitioner whispered beside Lu Shu: "Actually, I asked it out last night. They found a strange place where there are creatures who would commit suicide. I picked up three suicidal corpses, so I felt like I discovered the secret here. "

Lu Shu froze for a moment: "Why commit suicide?"

"Then I don't know," the female practitioner said.

A group of people began to creep on the ground slowly, as if afraid of being discovered by something, then Lu Shu they saw a white python suddenly emerged from the ground, swimming towards Lu Shu in front of them, huge The body plowed huge marks on the ground, as if opening a river.

The giant python in front of him was as thick as a train carriage, and the scalp tingling when he looked at Lu Shu. When the huge white scales rubbed against each other, they made a clattering sound like armor.

This is probably the biggest creature Lu Shu has seen except the lying turtle in his life. Lu Shu even felt the power of the law in the other party!

With the power of the law, even if it is not the Grand Master level, I am afraid it will not be too much!

Such a white python, Lu Shu has only heard of it in a legend called Xinbai Niangzi, but there is no Xu Xian here!

Lu Shu is very sorry that this is a foreign country, no one understands his terrier, so he is a bit lonely ...

At this time, the practitioners held their breath in horror, what would happen if such creatures were put on the earth? How many such creatures are in the ruins? !

The python walked a few miles forward, and suddenly saw a white thunder in front of him, but it was blocked by a wall like it, and he could not continue to move forward.

The thunder covered the sky, as if covering a whole piece of earth, Lv Shu wondered, is this the barrier of the forbidden place? !

Ever since Lu Kongming said, he has been thinking about how to find the forbidden barriers. Only when he finds the barriers can he find a way to go out.

However, now that I have seen the barriers, Lu Shu feels that it is not that simple to want to go out.

The python seemed to be dissatisfied and ran into it. Its white scales seemed to be roasting in the grid, but the body could not penetrate the barrier!

Now Lu Shu understands why female practitioners said that some creatures committed suicide just now. What is the difference between self-hit Thunder and suicide?

However, when Lu Shu thought that the python was about to hit the Thunder Barrier, a roaring cow hoof sounded in the distance. Lv Shu froze for a moment. He was so familiar with the hoof sound. The black bison swarming!

The white python also heard the roar, but turned back without looking back and quickly burrowed into the cave when it came, not knowing where to go.

A white scale was broken and damaged.

Suddenly Lu Shu had a kind of enlightenment, and the barriers existed for the imprisonment of powerful creatures such as white pythons, as if they were to be imprisoned in order to prevent them from going out into trouble.

But when the realm of white python has been opened, how can one be willing to stay in such a desolate place for hundreds of years? So there was this scene in front of me.

Before the bison rushed to the barrier, Lu Shu almost laughed. You are late, no thunder!

Hey, right!

Lu Shu suddenly thought, this group of players themselves are the thunder nemesis, can't they eat the Thunder barrier.

However, at this moment, Lu Shu suddenly saw the herd of bison stopped in front of the barrier, and a huge thunder came from behind, as if the world was shaking.

In a flash, the bison herds opened their mouths ~ ~ actually spit out the thunder stored in the belly and began to fill the thunder just consumed by the white python!

Originally Lu Shu thought that these bison were also trapped in the forbidden area, but now he realized that this group of cattle is actually the guardian of this forbidden area!

Others struggled to consume Thunder's barrier with flesh, and a group of your bad-browed big-eyed bad hurriedly rushed over to make up for the consumed Thunder. What kind of people can go out to be ghosts ...

Thunder is to supplement the barriers. Are you a group of walking treasures?

Lv Shu felt that she could never lead to thunder for this group of bison. She was still stuck here! The fuller these bison eat, the stronger the Thunder Barrier!

No wonder the white python turned and ran away when it heard the sound of a cow's hoof. It turned out that they were afraid of them.

Fortunately, Lu Shu did not engage in the group of bison. To be honest, he felt that it would take some effort to clean up the white python.

Whether these creatures are put on the earth or Lu Zhou can make the world a mess, but the results are thrown here one by one.

Both Lu Shu and Nie Ting had thought about it. In fact, whoever got the glance was equivalent to mastering the entire ruins. He used to be unable to enter the door in Shanheyin, but it does not mean that he cannot enter in the future.

And now, if anyone can master this relic, it seems like he has mastered a switch to destroy the world.

As long as the owner of this array is willing, only the moment he releases all the relics and spirits, whether it is Lu Zhou or the civilization of the earth, will be immediately impacted.

There are great masters of mankind, there are also here, and what he sees now is just the tip of the iceberg in the forbidden place. The ghost knows what horror is hidden here? !

Wait, who is the owner of this group of cows, can you let them obey orders? ) Book friends, pay attention!

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