Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: Fiery cloud

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"Who do you think he is?"

After Lu Shu left, someone suddenly asked after a long silence in the camp. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

At this time, Lu Shu ’s identity was even more mysterious than that of the mysterious young man before. Tonight, the twists and turns made the casual repairers a little bit ignorant.

"Do you think that he is very consistent with the characteristics of a big man in Tian Luo Di Wang?" Someone whispered.

"You mean the ninth day Luo?" Some people wondered: "But the ninth day Luo just left?"

"Don't be greedy for money, dishonest, cheap, Asian, mysterious, are all the characteristics of the ninth Tian Luo?" The person who first spoke asked, "Have you ever seen anyone who is more in line with him?"

"Yes, yes, there are also some characteristics, such as angina, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms when getting along ..."

Until now, everyone's **** face has not been wiped clean!

"According to you, I really think he is the ninth day of Luo. Just that way, the power and calm expression of the black leader killed by a punch, I think that ordinary products can't do it, and only the big can do it. Grandmaster only. "

"Actually, top quality products should be fine," someone said.

"I don't care, I think he is the ninth Tian Luo ..."

"Who is that mysterious young man just now? He said he was the ninth day Luo!"

"Are you stupid," someone could not help crying and laughing: "Did you understand the mysterious young man's speech? It wasn't translated by someone else. If someone wanted to translate it, translate it. I felt something was wrong when he translated. The translation is so long. "

"I heard that Eastern civilization is special ..."

"Rolling and rolling, I'm debating with you here? That mysterious young man must not be the ninth Tian Luo. I will say the simplest thing. On the ninth day, Luo Neng can send you a bear without any reason? Is he still the ninth day of legend? "

"Who is he ...?"

Everyone was stunned, yeah, if the teenager who just left is the ninth day Luo, then who was the previous person?

How many of this world can kill this brown bear with one punch? !

When these people were discussing, Isreal was beside him, and she suddenly felt that this trip to the ruins was like the strangest experience in her life.

She is the best student in the school from childhood to old age. She lives in a wealthy area and has no shortage of money. After graduation, she is even more brilliant.

But the world of ordinary people is still too bland for her, and it is precisely because of this that she suddenly joined a popular channel like the spiritual world.

Everyone in that grotesque world seems to possess magic and can do everything.

Isreal also hopes that she will be able to awaken one day, and then really enter the spiritual world, rather than as a reporter, but unfortunately she has not awakened.

This aura recovery made many people like Isriel feel disappointed. When they found that someone around them could awaken, what they were looking forward to every day was that they suddenly became a superman one day.

As if expecting a super lotto lottery ticket, only a few people can win.

After coming into the ruins this time, although experiencing a lot of dangers, this is the real spiritual world that Isreal has never experienced in person. It is sinister and true, just like an adventure.

However, she is not the heroine in this adventure movie, she is still ordinary for her.

Isreal can't accept this gap, especially when Lu Shu leaves!

Suddenly, Isriel feels hot all over her body, as if there is some energy summoned by her spiritual will. Isler looks at the flames suddenly rising from her hands ... Is she awakening? !

Someone looked at Israel in surprise next to him. At this time, Israel's entire hair was like a burning flame, but the hair was fluttering in the flame but not burning.

They all knew Israel was an ordinary person, how could he wake up suddenly? !

But at this time, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from outside the camp. There were ranchers who opened pastures beside Yellowstone National Park. They had raised horses. The sound of horseshoes is heavy and powerful.

It can even be said that the people who raise horses are obsessed with horses, just like some people love luxury cars. The sound of horseshoes is like the sound of the engine in their ears, and the waves are exciting!

However, they have raised a lot of horses, but they were suddenly shocked by the sound of the stable and powerful horseshoes. This is a good horse, beyond imagination!

Everyone secretly looked through the earth wall, and wanted to see what happened, and they were afraid of being discovered by the remains.

"This ... what kind of horse is this?" Someone exclaimed: "There is flames on the horseshoes! Flames are like clouds!"

The horse's strength is unimaginable, but it is still acceptable, and it is not as large as the brown bear. Each creature has a different evolutionary trend, some of them are of body type, but some are derived from strange abilities.

Horseshoe flames, like species from the abyss, are amazing!

"How many horses is this?"

"Don't be discovered by them, this group of horses will be able to level our camp, and none of us will survive!"

However, at this moment, someone suddenly shocked and asked: "Look, is that the group of horses still chasing a person behind?"

"Let me see……"

Many people look in the direction he said ... Isn't it just chasing someone?

I saw that after the man chased the horse, he actually reached out and touched a horse, and a horse disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, everyone will look at the horses again, then the horses are clearly panicking ...

The horses that make them feel afraid are avoiding a person in panic ... maybe this is the gap in life.

Everyone in the camp was lying in the earth wall with only a head out, and then watched Lu Shu chasing the horses like no one else ... This is what you said to break the barrier? This is what you said is very important? What do you forget when you see the horses?

At this time, Lu Shu saw a row of heads with shocked expressions lying on the soil wall of the campsite: "It's all mine, no one is allowed to come!"

Then ~ ~ Lv Shu chased the horse behind and ran away without a trace. The ghost knew that this group of horses must be finished!

"This is not the ninth day Luo, I don't believe it!" Someone said: "Anyone but him !?"

However, what they did not know was that Lu Shu happened to encounter this group of horses on the way away, which is exactly the same as the fiery cloud horse he saw at Duanmu Huangqi!

Duanmu Huangqi has only two horses, but there are hundreds of them here! Who actually put so many creatures into this ruin? !


There will be two more changes later

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